Space Wolves vs Iron Warriors 2000pts | Warhammer 40,000 Battle Report

Avatar Spider November 4, 202045  79 45 Likes

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The Rout return to the Studio, but can Bone and the new Supplement stand up to a now Full-Time Warsmith Beard and his new Forge World toys?!

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The Space Wolves are painted by the talented @fletchers_painting – find him on Instagram!

The Army Lists are:

Space Wolves

++ Battalion Detachment ++

+ HQ +

Ragnar Blackmane: Warlord- Warrior Born

Bjorn the Fell-Handed: Twin Lascannon

Librarian: Relic- Runic Axe, Bolt Pistol, Jump Pack, Powers- Living Lightning, Instincts Awoken

+ Troops +

5x Grey Hunters
Pack Leader: Power Fist, Bolt Pistol
4x Grey Hunters: Astartes Chainsword, Boltgun, Bolt Pistol

5x Grey Hunters
Pack Leader: Power Fist, Bolt Pistol
4x Grey Hunters: Astartes Chainsword, Boltgun, Bolt Pistol

5x Grey Hunters
Pack Leader: Power Fist, Bolt Pistol
4x Grey Hunters: Astartes Chainsword, Boltgun, Bolt Pistol

+ Elites +


+ Fast Attack +

6x Thunderwolf Cavalry
Pack Leader: Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield
5x Thunderwolf Cavalry: Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield

5x Fenrisian Wolves

+ Heavy Support +

5x Long Fangs: Armorium Cherub
Pack Leader: Boltgun, Bolt Pistol
4x Long Fangs: Lascannon, Bolt Pistol

+ Dedicated Transport +

Razorback: Twin Assault Cannon

+ Flyer +

Fire Raptor: Twin Avenger Bolt Cannon, 2x Quad Heavy Bolters, 2x Twin Hellstrike Launchers

++ Total: 2,000pts ++

Iron Warriors

++ Battalion Detachment ++

Legion: Iron Warriors

+ HQ +

Chaos Lord: Warlord- Daemonsmith, Relic- Siegebreaker Mace, Combi-plasma

Chaos Lord: Power Maul, Bolt Pistol

Warpsmith: Power Axe, Flamer, Meltagun, Bolt Pistol

+ Troops +

5x Chaos Space Marines
Aspiring Champion: Boltgun, Bolt Pistol
4x Chaos Marine: Boltgun, Bolt Pistol

5x Chaos Space Marines
Aspiring Champion: Boltgun, Bolt Pistol
4x Chaos Marine: Boltgun, Bolt Pistol

5x Chaos Space Marines
Aspiring Champion: Boltgun, Bolt Pistol
4x Chaos Marine: Boltgun, Bolt Pistol

+ Elites +

Chaos Contemptor Dreadnought: Hellforged Dreadnought Combat Weapon, Twin Hellforged Autocannon, Graviton Blaster

Chaos Contemptor Dreadnought: Hellforged Dreadnought Combat Weapon, Twin Hellforged Autocannon, Graviton Blaster

Chaos Leviathan Dreadnought: 2x Storm Cannon, 2x Twin Volkite Caliver, 3x Hellforged Hunter-Killer Missiles

+ Fast Attack +

Dreadclaw Drop Pod

+ Heavy Support +

Chaos Sicaran Battle Tank: Herakles-pattern Autocannon, Heavy Bolter, 2x Lascannons

Chaos Rapier Carrier: Laser Destroyer

3x Obliterators: Mark of Slaanesh

+ Dedicated Transport +

Chaos Rhino: Combi-bolter

Chaos Rhino: Combi-bolter

Chaos Rhino: Combi-bolter

++ Total: 1,999pts ++


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Steve Lynham
Steve Lynham
3 years ago

I’m sure it’s been pointed out already, but I was surprised when the graphic said ‘Blood Angels Summary’ at 1:40:42!
Great report though and a lot of fun! Congrats to Beard on joining full time!

The Providia Campaign
Lodge Member
3 years ago

Great stuff!

Lodge Member
3 years ago

Thanks for a great battle report! Keep up the great work😊🐺

3 years ago

Wouldn’t you just keep the raptor in reserve? I know it’s a lot for reserve but, wouldn’t it guarantee it’s impact?

James Marsden
3 years ago

I’d love to see you guys run one of the chaos forces as Night Lords some time!

3 years ago

Welcome back Beard! Do you guys think you will do a Good/Bad/Ugly for all the forgeworld updates? Be interesting to hear your thoughts, although i guess that would be a long episode with so many units.

George Fava
Lodge Warrior Member
3 years ago

Congrats on being full time Beard!!! Looking forward to more Beard and Bone Bat Reps™

Lodge Warrior Member
3 years ago

Looking forward to that Space Wolves Tactica! GG boys.

Follower of the Purple Toga
Follower of the Purple Toga
3 years ago

I thought that not all of the Iron Warriors units get to do the ignore cover thing. Was this changed? Do Monsters and Vehicles get them now?

Lifetime Member
3 years ago

Great batrep! Thanks team and thank you Fletcher the wolf father! Also… full time Beard WHOOP WHOOP!

Alan Shroue
Lodge Member
Alan Shroue
3 years ago

I think Beard is reading a lot of Julia Donaldson!

Lodge Member
3 years ago

Congrats Beard on joining full time.

(Is Beardo ever coming back?)

3 years ago

The sheer chemistry is unbeardable haha

3 years ago

Great fun to watch. Always enjoy a little Beard and Bone action!

3 years ago

Does murderfang not reduce damage by 1

Lodge Member
3 years ago

Thank you FLETCHER

Lodge Member
3 years ago

Very much looking forward to a tactica with the Space Wolves, I winced when that Fire Raptor died instantly. To think what those 400 points could have been spent on! Good to see the FW stuff, I think I may have to bring my Sicaran out of storage!

bart wasteels
bart wasteels
3 years ago

Enjoyable game, thanks guys!

Beard, how do you feel about all the FW dreads losing the Helbrute keyword (and thus our legion trait)?

3 years ago

BABAB!!! Beard and Bone are Bosses!!!
Great battle boys, and the space wolves look fantastic!
But like you said it wasn’t a very optimized list for te wolves, but Bjorn and murderfang, OOOOOh boy are dreadnoughts are back in a big way!
Sad that the gunship didn’t get to shoot once, would have been impressive 😀

Matthew Prekup
3 years ago

Thanks Beard and Bone for another fun and attention grabbing batrep! Bone, have you ever considered (though I get it’d take awhile to get the models) a Space Wolves all Dreadnought list? I am working on one myself. So far I have Bjorn, a Chaplain Ven. Dread, a Redemptor, two Wulfen Dreads, three Ven. Dreads and Murderfang. All I need to finish my list is one more Wulfen Dread., another two Redemptors and a normal Dreadnought. It’ll be 1,993 points when done. Anyways, with dreads as good as they are in ninth please bring more. Thanks again guys!

3 years ago

Thanks Fletcher for binging Bone’s army back. It was a shame though that a 400 point model was in a list that is meant to show off the new supplement. More units could have been used to show off the supplement if the fire raptor wasn’t in the list.
But overall great job in getting the video out even though you got the supplement late and congrats to Beard for coming on full time.

3 years ago

As much as I love seeing your antics how did you guys decide this would be a good way to showcase Space Wolves? Took a 400pt flyer and then deploying your Thunderwolves out in the open against Beard’s list which was a complete counter to Space Wolves… The game was over in deployment.

John Davies
John Davies
3 years ago

I just recently resubbed after being away for a few months, and I have to say you guys really stepped up your cinematography. Those opening shots were beautiful!

David Garneau
3 years ago

Great game guys loved how you brought in FW stuff to show off new rules.

Brett Pettitt
Lodge Member
3 years ago

I love Fletchers army hugely (so pretty.) It is a shame that fire-raptor didn’t get to do anything, 1) because it has lots of guns and 2) it is such a pain in the backside to build – so naughty Beard, Very naughty 😉

Troy Lawrence
Lodge Member
Troy Lawrence
3 years ago

Fun video guys! That was a pretty brutal first round of shooting from the Iron Warriors. I would definitely like to see a Tactica for the new Space Wolves supplement, but overall I thought this match showed some key points that SW can be great at. Thanks guys!

Matt Hall
Matt Hall
3 years ago

Looked in a bit of pain there B Bone hope you’re head feels better soon

Everett Arndt
Everett Arndt
3 years ago

I do have a question, is Saga of the Beast now obsolete? I haven’t heard anyone address that yet, and it is a relatively new book at that.

Paul Butcher
Paul Butcher
3 years ago

I don’t think you have any painted up but would be good to see what a couple of squads of assault intercessors and maybe some bladeguard in impulsors could do as space wolves

3 years ago

second fun fact for the day: a group of iron warrior dreadnaughts is called a beard or dreadnaughts.

3 years ago

fun fact for the day a group of ducks can be either a raft, a team, or a paddling of ducks. so we are in fact a paddling of lucky ducks.

Bjorns Berserkers
Bjorns Berserkers
3 years ago

Bone would of had that game if it weren’t for that silly flyer.
Have 2 x 5 squads of TWC instead. Throw some Eradicators in there as well.
Great game, love the Beard and Bone combo as always.

Lodge Member
3 years ago

Important baddalion question. Instead of it being dual baddalions like in 8th, would you call this a baddalion duel?

3 years ago

Murderfang should have survived on one wound I think? As he’s a dreadnought I’m pretty sure he gets duty eternal as well
Great game either way!

Last edited 3 years ago by Yokey
Lodge Member
3 years ago

Excellent Hot Chocolate reference you slipped in there Bone. I notice these little pop culture Easter eggs you leave for us, and really appreciate them.

Jon Vaughan
Jon Vaughan
3 years ago

great game love you lads doing the business always. Plus congrats on beard getting FT

Lodge Member
3 years ago

Welcome full time Beard!
Sorry to hear about new codex delays. If only there was some kind of digital version we could all pay to download, and circumvent physical supply-chain issues…
I don’t mean to be so salty, but I’ve literally had an email back from GW saying they can’t comment on when (or if) digital versions of the core book and codexes will be made available. I got through the whole of 8th Ed without buying a physical book…

Bjorns Berserkers
Bjorns Berserkers
3 years ago

Please bring back more Tacticas going through list ideas. Interested to see some competitive Space Wolves lists.

Alexander Snider
Alexander Snider
3 years ago

If it’s any other combination of hosts, I usually only watch if I like the armies being played. But I watch any episode by Beard and Bone just for the entertainment value.

3 years ago

Props to Bone for fulfilling the saga of the Fire Raptor. Many laments of its lack of deeds will surely be sung.

Mike Oade
Mike Oade
3 years ago

Bone threw the game to welcome Beard to the team full time. GOOD SPORT BONE! Way to be the bigger man, Beard is so blood thirsty and ruthless… Somebody has to be the adult.

Huw Tindall
Huw Tindall
3 years ago

Wow that space wolves flyer thing is beautiful but pretty useless 80% of the time, like most expensive flyers. Given you can’t hide them I’m thinking maybe Aircraft should get a free tactical reserve rule to make them survivable if you don’t go first. Wouldn’t apply to flyers/hover vehicles though. Makes sense too as a strike fighter doesn’t start over a battlefield target. It’d coming roaring in from its airfield or from a patrol pattern it’s flying.

3 years ago

Congrats to Chaos Lord Beard!
And great game. I was very afraid after Beard’s first turn, but there were some epic moments after that.
On a sidenote, I want a Space Ducks Codex.
With a 450 points Fire Duck model.

Mark Orosz
3 years ago

Just at the start of the video but wanted to say congrats on joining full time beard. It’s awesome to see you join the team and see table top tactics do well with the pandemic going on. Looking forward to seeing more of you.

Also happy to see the space wolves back. Maybe just keep “forgetting” to return them again

Lifetime Member
3 years ago

Wow, what a battle. And what a great start for your full-time-Iron-Warriors-Warlord-Career 🙂

Lodge Warrior Member
3 years ago

Love me some B&B Batrep Factory!

Everett Arndt
Everett Arndt
3 years ago

Ugh in typical bone fashion

Last edited 3 years ago by Everett Arndt
3 years ago

Question for El Beardo: Why take the Chaos Lord with the Obliterators instead of a Master of Possession with Cursed Earth and Infernal Power with them? You still can take Daemonsmith and you can reroll hit AND wound rolls of 1.
Always a pleasure to watch those bat reps!

Wil Sterling
Lodge Member
Wil Sterling
3 years ago


Well earned cheers Beard, you’re a personality that just exudes joy and fun and it’s a great thing to have you on the roster full time. Looking forward to your future shenanigans.

Noah Bergman
Lodge Member
Noah Bergman
3 years ago

Yes Full-time Beard!!! Needed to happen.