*NEW CODEX* Death Guard vs Ultramarines 2000pts | Warhammer 40,000 Battle Report

With new book in hand, Bone and Beard have a clash of Astartes in this battle of the brothers!
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The Army Lists are:
Death Guard
++ Supreme Command Detachment ++
Mortarion: Warlord- Revoltingly Resilient, Living Plague, Arch-Contaminator and The Droning
++ Battalion Detachment ++
Plague Company: The Ferrymen
+ HQ +
Lord of Contagion: Manreaper
Malignant Plaguecaster: Powers – Miasma of Pestilence, Putrescent Vitality
+ Troops +
5x Plague Marines
Plague Champion: Plague Knife, Boltgun
Plague Marine: Plague Knife, Boltgun
Plague Marine: Flail of Corruption, Plague Knife
5x Plague Marines
Plague Champion: Plague Knife, Boltgun
Plague Marine: Plague Knife, Boltgun
Plague Marine: Flail of Corruption, Plague Knife
5x Plague Marines
Plague Champion: Plague Knife, Boltgun
Plague Marine: Plague Knife, Boltgun
Plague Marine: Flail of Corruption, Plague Knife
+ Elites +
5x Blightlord Terminators
Blightlord Champion: Bubotic Axe, Combi-bolter
Blightlord Terminator: Flail of Corruption, Combi-bolter
Blightlord Terminator: Bubotic Axe, Blight Launcher
2x Blightlord Terminator: Bubotic Axe, Combi-bolter
5x Blightlord Terminators
Blightlord Champion: Bubotic Axe, Combi-bolter
Blightlord Terminator: Flail of Corruption, Combi-bolter
Blightlord Terminator: Bubotic Axe, Blight Launcher
2x Blightlord Terminator: Bubotic Axe, Combi-bolter
3x Deathshroud Terminators
Deathshroud Champion: Manreaper, Plaguespurt Gauntlets
2x Deathshroud Terminator: Manreaper, Plaguespurt Gauntlets
Noxious Blightbringer
Plague Surgeon: Relic- The Fugaris Helm
+ Dedicated Transport +
Chaos Rhino: Combi-bolter
Chaos Rhino: Combi-bolter
Chaos Rhino: Combi-bolter
++ Total: 2,000pts
++ Supreme Command Detachment ++
Roboute Guilliman: Warlord
++ Battalion Detachment ++
+ HQ +
Captain in Gravis Armour: Hero of the Chapter- Champion of Humanity, Relic- The Burning Blade, Boltstorm Gauntlet
Primaris Lieutenant: Relics of the Chapter- The Vox Espiritum, Master Crafted Power Sword, Bolt Pistol
+ Troops +
5x Intercessor Squad: Bolt Rifle
5x Intercessor Squad: Bolt Rifle
5x Intercessor Squad: Bolt Rifle
5x Intercessor Squad: Bolt Rifle
+ Elites +
Redemptor Dreadnought: Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon, Onslaught Gatling Cannon, 2x Storm Bolter
Redemptor Dreadnought: Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon, Onslaught Gatling Cannon, 2x Storm Bolter
2x Victrix Honour Guard
+ Heavy Support +
8x Hellblaster Squad: Plasma Incinerator
Hellblaster Sergeant: Plasma Pistol
7x Hellblaste
Repulsor: Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon, Onslaught Gatling Cannon, , Twin Heavy Bolter, 2x Storm Bolters
++ Total: 1,999pts ++
Regarding the Shotgun reload sound for the CP spent – It’s baked into the next edited report, but will be deleted in the ones there after. On my experience, any sort of sound effect will trigger different people, so best to leave it silent.
We wanted to try it here, as we all loved it, (brought up nostalgic Doom vibes) but there you go 😅🕷
Hey beard I have a question who is your favorite chaos god
mine is nurgle
@BBONE I know I’m a little critical of your usage of the space wolves, it’s all in good fun man, I do have a question about the load outs for the plague marines, so apparently they can’t all have axes and a flail, but they also can’t all have boltguns? I’m super confused about how to do the load outs.
I’m not sure if I misheard something or if I’m missing an FAQ update or something but beard just said at the end there something along the lines of “the new rules of going second” can someone explain what he meant please?
Guys. You’re playtesters right. What were you smoking when you play tested mortation hahaha.
As ever, you two are massively entertaining! Excellent battle report. 🙂
love the game. love the dedication all of you guys have put into the reports plus yes shotgun reloading I LOVE IT !
Feel bad for Beard – watching this, it felt like his rolling was utter dung. Loving Bone’s musical interludes whenever they crop up in a report, btw.
Epic battle report guys!
Spread the sickness!
Please make DG vs necrons! Mortarion vs the Silent King!!
Great stuff as always guys! The editing is brutal and you guys make the game feel like what it is, a game!!
I absolutely love the EDM/John Wick musical interludes!!!
It’s always refreshing to see B-Bone get a little luck with the dice!!
Stay safe and keep making sweet, sweet love to this brilliant content!
Hey liking the new app, just wondering how I can download/listen while phone is locked. I’ve upgraded my membership but can’t find the option. Thanks
Loved this game! Love seeing the DG and MORTY 🥰🥰
Very nice debut game for the DG. As a Death Guard player since the start of 8th I’m a tad nervous about the changes – mainly because it’s going to make a lot of my army obsolete. I also have no plans to get Morty – although he does seem incredible.
Looking forward to the next DG match!
I cant take it. too much power
Fantastic report guys. I don’t comment often but what you do is hugely appreciated. Didn’t mind the sound effect, I am quite surprised some people are so against it!
Great report guys! Epic game! =D
Review video- The Deathshroud Terminators are really durable and tough to shift. They are going to be awesome for the Death Guard.
Battle Report with Bone rolling saves- Welp, looks like I’ve lost most of the unit in the first shooting phase. 🙂 Keeping it interesting guys!
Would the Lantern have wounded the Gravis Captain because of -1 Toughness given that Morty is always treated as Turn 4 for Contagion? Or was he outside Contagion Range?
Beard, the super doctrine for UM is that in the tactile doctrine as long as they haven’t advanced or fallen back they count as having remained stationary so they can rapid fire at full range. So I think that all of your Hell Blasters (not that they really needed to on the rhino) and your back group of intercessors could have rapid fired in turn 2.
Unless Super Doctrines have changed in 9th.
why not use a CP to reroll 3+ invulnerable save on Gulliman ?Had 3 CP left at that time.
You know I love your reports, I love your music and the sound effects don’t bother me. I love rock bone, so he should now do the Emperors Children as a chaos army 😁.
Death guard look good, but I will have to reserve my true opinions till I can really sit down and read the book and compare to what else is coming *cough* Drukhari *cough*.
Oh papa papa! Oh papa papa! I can see inside you the sickness is rising Prepare to throw up on their fields! (They will give in today) We’ll make what’s left of their human side Start putrecing with decay (They will give in today) It’s lurking within my digestion When suddenly it sprays out! Violently it sprays out! They are decaying to sludge now I’ve woken up a demon to play! Come on get up! We’re gonna spread all the sickness! Come on get up! We’re gonna spread all the sickness! Come on get up! We’re gonna spread all the… Read more »
Another track for Bone’s debut album I hear!
Hey Bone, I believe that you get an extra attack with the flail due to plague marine’s “vectors” ability, giving you an extra attack if you have 2 melee weapons (they keep their plague knife so have 2 melee weaps)
Hey BONE loved your army, but there is a rule called memories of barbarus which said if you have mortarion you cannot have another psyker unit so you weren’ allowed the plaguecaster. I don’t know what page it is on.
Bone needs to get himself a FW Spartan Assault Tank (with Laser destroyers) for his Deathguard, to carry round all his Blightlord and/or Deathshroud Terminators and supporting characters…! That would certainly look very cool and give them another layer of disgustingly resilient armour to get through before opponents can shoot the Terminators…!Do Deathguard still get Putrid Detonation stratagem in the new Codex? If so, drive up the Spartan into enemy lines once units are out – or just when it gets destroyed – and play the stratagem so that each unit within 2D6″ suffers D6 mortal wounds!!! Papa Nurgle will… Read more »
the wording on “spread the sickness” seems to indicate that only one unit can do it per turn, am I getting that one wrong?
you caught it , good job!
Interested to see how fully kitted out Melee Plague Marines go in the future, those flails did some work, even with Bone short changing them on the attacks!
I actually like the sound, haha. Great game, the Death Guard look really interesting. It’s such a shame that the codex release schedule is so slow and even slower because of Covid. Can’t wait for some of the other armies in need to get their much needed updates.
Chef, your edits are fantastic. I laughed so much during this report. Never change guys ;).
This episode was brilliant. Great editing, plenty of funny moments, fun lists and just a really good showcase for the new book. Fantastic work guys, I think you’ve pretty much nailed the format.
Also! Appreciation comment for those gorgeous army shots at the beginning, holy crap! “Pro quality” doesn’t quite cover it!
Great show as always.
Watched it yesterday with my gf who has been away from the game a while now. She said she loved the layout and it’s much easier to follow the game now. We loved the show.
We know main focus now is the release of Death guard codex and the mechanics for them but we are wondering if you plan on making a bigger “apocalypse” style game or 2 vs 2. Perhaps covid restrictions interfere wit 4 players in that room.
Love your work!!
Wow, death guard… they seem to be what they should be! Bloody durable xD I’m so looking forward to a tatica of necrons v death guard. To me, mortarion seems to be so strong he’s potentially a must take, he’s tough to remove or if you ignore, he will just rinse through armies. I’m wondering if mass 1 damage weapons are they way to go against death guard, weight of fire, rather than damage 3 weapons that’ll be expensive. Thank you for the great battle report!
what i have to say: this clicky reload sound on approach of the banner is really annoying.
In addition why a reload sound for non-shooting phases? Doesnt fit.
Uuuuuugh, that Triple Six tho….
Love the bat rep. Can we leave the scoreboard sound effect behind though?
Awesome batrep, always enjoy seeing my beloved Death Guard on the table! Also really loving the new format, and the post credit bits are hilarious 😂👌
Loved the batrep but it seems codex creep is still a thing lol.
My Craftworld army feels so dated 😂
Haven’t gotten past the lists but whenever Bone says a unit is insane I immediately think “OP”. Is that just me?
I agree that the side graphic / sound effect could use some tweaking, but I think you’re on the right track with it!
Is there anyway freeview videos can be played directly in the app? It’s mildly annoying playing it in the app and then realising I need to go watch it on YT to cast, and then having YT ads despite being an on demand sub.
Also as someone else has mentioned, the gun cocking noise each phase is a no from me.
Another piece of feedback, I think some of the phase logos could be better, particularly the Shooting phase and Fight phase ones.
Loving the bat rep so far though 👍
Love how Beard plays the Ultramarines when he actually hates them 😂
Looking forward to some Ultramarines reinforcements (Bladeguard veterans) and maybe even a cheeky list with Artemis being run by 🕷️!
Is “hoon” a Monster Hunter International reference? If so, awesome!
So as much as i love you all, and think you are incredible, im still mostly just a lurker in your community.
Last week i left my first message, and it was about the sound levels.
Can you imagine my surprise when i launched this video and the audio levels, for me, were fucking perfect.
Idk know if i had anything to do with it, or it was just internal review, but I appreciate the change nonetheless!
Stay safe, keep being awesome, have a great day!
Triple six from Bone was sooo EPIC!!! Very nice report but I think from 2nd round Mr. Beard missed a couple of shots, because UMs from 2nd round are very good in shooting.Whole army is UM so almost all rapid fire bolter weapons(sry dreads)can shoot in 2nd and 3rd round max shots at max range. UM have Scions of Guilliman ability which means all units with Angel of Death, so army can move and still counts as stacionary so no penalties for heavy weapons, rapid fire bolters, etc…o)))
Death Guard. Beard. Bone. This is what dreams are made from.
Beard at 14:33
“Needs 4’s to wound” *rolls a 2 and 6* “uhh 2 wounds” lol whoops, probably saw the 2 and slipped the brain.