Imperial Fists vs Iron Warriors 1500pts | Warhammer 40,000 9th Ed Battle Report

Avatar Spider December 5, 202061  113 61 Likes

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In this latest Highlight Report, it’s a classic match up between the siege masters of the First Founding Legions!

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The Army Lists are: 

Imperial Fists Successors

++ Battalion Detachment ++

+ HQ +

Primaris Captain: Warlord- Rites of Battle, Relic- The Vox Espirtum, Master-crafted Power Sword, Master-crafted Auto Bolt Rifle

Primaris Lieutenant: Master-crafted Auto Bolt Rifle, Bolt Pistol

+ Troops +

7x Intercessor Squad
Intercessor Sergeant: Bolt Rifle, Bolt Pistol
6x Intercessor: Bolt Rifle, Bolt Pistol

7x Intercessor Squad
Intercessor Sergeant: Bolt Rifle, Bolt Pistol
6x Intercessor: Bolt Rifle, Bolt Pistol

7x Intercessor Squad
Intercessor Sergeant: Bolt Rifle, Bolt Pistol
6x Intercessor: Bolt Rifle, Bolt Pistol

+ Elites +

Redemptor Dreadnought: Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon, Onslaught Gatling Cannon, 2x Storm Bolters, Icarus Rocket Pod

Redemptor Dreadnought: Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon, Onslaught Gatling Cannon, 2x Storm Bolters, Icarus Rocket Pod

+ Fast Attack +

6x Inceptor Squad
Inceptor Sergeant: 2x Plasma Exterminators
5x Inceptor: 2x Plasma Exterminators

+ Heavy Support +

3x Eradicator Squad
Eradicator Sergeant: Melta Rifle
2x Eradicator: Melta Rifle

3x Eradicator Squad
Eradicator Sergeant: Melta Rifle
2x Eradicator: Melta Rifle

++ Total: 1,500pts ++

Iron Warriors

++ Battalion Detachment ++

+ HQ +

Chaos Lord in Terminator Armour: Warlord- Daemonsmith, Relic- Axe of the Forgemaster, Combi-plasma

Sorcerer: Force Sword, Bolt Pistol, Powers- Prescience, Warptime

+ Troops +

5x Chaos Space Marines
Aspiring Champion: Boltgun, Bolt Pistol
4x Chaos Marines: Boltgun, Bolt Pistol

5x Chaos Space Marines
Aspiring Champion: Boltgun, Bolt Pistol
4x Chaos Marines: Boltgun, Bolt Pistol

5x Chaos Space Marines
Aspiring Champion: Boltgun, Bolt Pistol
4x Chaos Marines: Boltgun, Bolt Pistol

+ Heavy Support +

Chaos Sicaran Battle Tank: Herakles-pattern Autocannon, Heavy Bolter, 2x Lascannons

Havocs: Mark of Slaanesh
Aspiring Champion: Power Axe, Combi-plasma
4x Havoc: Lascannon, Bolt Pistol

3x Obliterators: Mark of Slaanesh

+ Dedicated Transport +

Chaos Rhino: Combi-bolter

Chaos Rhino: Combi-bolter

Chaos Rhino: Combi-bolter

++ Auxiliary Support Detachment  ++

+ Heavy Support +

Chaos Sicaran Battle Tank: Herakles-pattern Autocannon, Heavy Bolter, 2x Lascannons

++ Total: 1,500pts ++

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George Fava
Lodge Warrior Member
4 years ago

Glad to see Bone picking up some more cooperative dice 😉
Great game, love this format too! Keep it up!

Patrick Martin
Patrick Martin
4 years ago

Amazing, but needs more Yellow 🙂

4 years ago

Guys! We gotta get some of this deployment and movement phase banter in regular games!

Dario Cavaliere
Dario Cavaliere
4 years ago

Amazing guys! Just amazing!

Sam Reed
Lodge Member
Sam Reed
4 years ago

Absolutely superb. Super high quality. I would say my preference is for the longer format, but you cannot knock the professional quality of that. 10/10. I do appreciate it takes 3 fellas however, and I bet 5 times longer to edit but it was a work of art. Well done.

Lodge Member
4 years ago

Love the highlight reports 👍

Enhanced Ignorance
Lodge Member
Enhanced Ignorance
4 years ago

Give yourselves a round of applause because this is rad!

Classic format is still my favorite but I’m really digging this format.

Y’all keep killing it!

4 years ago

Really enjoyed this format and agree with other posters, a third person filming really helps. Gotta say you guys are the only warhammer content creators I know who are genuinely funny, keep up the good work.

Lodge Member
4 years ago

Hey guys, really enjoyed this – the highlight reports are certainly my favourites. I did find the sudden switch from “Beard may have a chance” to “I concede” jarring though; it felt like we were right in the action and then the brakes suddenly slammed on, and the video ended 30s later. Totally appreciate that you don’t want to play out an unwinnable scenario, but it felt weird.

James Wildman
Lodge Member
James Wildman
4 years ago

That battle report was absolutely amazing. I think it really makes a difference having a third person back filming – it frees the guys up to focus on their strategy, dice wrangling, and repartee. I do hope this is a sign of things to come and you’ve found a way to make this work for the bigger batreps too. The editing was absolutely top notch as well – really appreciated the cutting between the top-down shots (for clarity), the low angle shots (for atmosphere) and the Bone/Beard shots (for… eye candy?). Hats off to Lawrence too for the sheer number… Read more »

André Orthmann
4 years ago

Great battle + nice to see that its again possible for you to have a 3rd guy around for doing the camera work! In the first moments i really was confused by the different viewing. What a crazy year.
I always enjoy to see the iron warriors on the battlefield – even if they’re unlucky. It was so close! But seeing Bone win is also good (specially after Beards 1st turn which was horrific).

4 years ago

LOVED THIS! Beards commentary was priceless esp in turn 1….that’s an 8 Beard 🤣😂

Anthony Samuel
Lodge Member
Anthony Samuel
4 years ago

Great game guys love the format. How about the camera man narrates the scores at start of each players turn?

4 years ago


4 years ago

Wow! Do we do really want to live in a world where we have to search every local dialect across the world before a sentence comes out of our mouth so as to not offend anyone?

Nappy is something I put on my daughter too many times a day…

4 years ago

Love three of you in the same room at the same time, but not the highlight report so much. Love the banter and because its so rapid fire we miss it.

When you can (COVID allowing) please do a two on two with all of you, with interludes between turns where you talk strategy. Beard and Bone vs Chef and Spider.

Lodge Member
4 years ago

I don’t know what it is about these highlight reports but they make me miss playing even more than usual, maybe it’s seeing both players talking to each other. Damn this pandemic! 🙂

4 years ago

Beard just forgot his Psychic Phase un the Last turn? Or he just failed to cast any power and you skipped that?

By The Way, Dour Duty just do the oppose of what Beard said. IT reduces the AP by 1 to an IW unit for All the phase.

Anyway good and fast batrep. Keep it like that

Bob Jacobs
Bob Jacobs
4 years ago

I like it when there’s a third person ‘narrating’. Cool report!
Btw: two absolutely gorgeous armies. (the most beautiful one in my opinion are the Albion Raptors!)

4 years ago

Finally, Beard won a game!

Lodge Member
4 years ago

each Highlight report is better than the previous one. For me this is the best Highlight report for now.

Lodge Warrior Member
4 years ago

Alright, that’s the format. The chosen one. The one to rule them all. 3-man format is hands down the best. I swear I could hear Spyder’s voice sometime. But I’m not sure if it was him, or one of the Chaos daemon that Beard has mentioned. Henry was it ? Jokes apart, I’d be curious to get your opinion on 1500 points game. With the way 40K units are currently pointed, cost wise, it sounds like a sweet spot. Reason being : Army size. Less models overall, thus less time taken with deployment. More room in your deployment zone to… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Mathieu
Adam Zaschke
Adam Zaschke
4 years ago

Great format. We have been in and out of lockdown so long now, I forgot how good the banter is when there are more people in the room. One day, dare I say, we may see a 2 v 2 game again.

Lodge Member
4 years ago

Totally agree. I think that smaller games of either 500, 1,000 & 1,500 points would be ideal for the Highlight Report format. Not only would it keep things under the hour mark but it would also be a nice change from the usual 2,000 points of Battle and Tactica Reports – not just for us viewers but the TT lads too. Not to mention, it’ll help with their scheduling. Seeing games played on the smaller size battlefields and the subtle differences in unit selection, movement and tactics would be great, IMHO. 🔥

4 years ago

Beard and Bone is my bread and butter. It never gets old! Missing the days you could dance together<3

John Barber
Lifetime Member
4 years ago

I like this report format, although I do have a bit of a question, even if it is more a bit more behind the scenes. It seems like it would be a good way to role in some coaching too, because Lawrence and the players can more concentrate upon the actual game being played rather than camera angles, remembering to take overhead shots, etc. Is that something that occurs even if the camera doesn’t necessarily record it?

4 years ago

Bone’s tash is back? Maybe I’ve watched too many reports back to back. Could be a problem!

Love the shows, the highlight of White Dwarf for me used to be the battle reports and you guys have got it nailed. Thank you 🤟

Richard Smith
Richard Smith
4 years ago

Loved the battle report. Beard you played the dour duty Strat completely wrong. It’s like a rotate ion shields for armour saves in your opponents shooting or charge phase!

4 years ago

Good day sir!

4 years ago

Really entertaining match and well played, thank you guys!

Lodge Member
4 years ago

I see IF Vs. IW and my brain runs to:
IF:”You smell of dirt and entitlement”
IW:”I am very bitter and you are the reason”
IF:”I don’t care”

Peter Hofmann
Lodge Warrior Member
Peter Hofmann
4 years ago

Great work. Highlight Reports got realy bumpt up alot with your new kind of work. I also would enjoy some of these things in normal reports too, like an active movement phase. Granted, we see everything in the top down view and get a short description, but we somehow miss out some realy nice banter. Nice work guys, a realy enjoy your team growing, your skills growing and overall your quality growing!
Keep on going!

Ludwig Tress
4 years ago

Why didn’t Beard just take a Spearhead Detachment? All he brings perfectly fits into one: 2 HQs, 3 Troops, 4 Heavy Support and 3 Transports. Am I missing something? Awesome battle report but that confused me a bit.

Ryan Muza
Lodge Member
Ryan Muza
4 years ago

Beard, what model did you use for your sorcerer? He looks badass.

Rory Gallagher
Rory Gallagher
4 years ago

I really like having lawrence on the mic! Excellent game.

byron howell
byron howell
4 years ago

Hey guys, another great game. Loving the format – love all the formats, tactica, crusade ect. ect.
My only request is to see a list of 6 rhinos and 60 berserkers one day.

Just wanted to say thanks to everyone at the channel. I love everything you guys are doing and I can’t say how much it means to me to see you guys enjoying yourselves. Even if its just for a couple hours a week I can forget that there’s anything wrong with the world when I’m watching the reports.

Huw Tindall
Huw Tindall
4 years ago

Was a fan of plasma inceptors in 8th and they got better in 9th – I’m nowhere near a competitive player or up on the meta but are they getting a run these days?
Also, love a highlight report. You see just how much of a pest a Bone is as he doesn’t have to hold a camera. Love it!

Last edited 4 years ago by Huw Tindall
Dallas Sigurdur
Dallas Sigurdur
4 years ago

“I might do a charge….”
“Treat yourself!”


Chris Hamilton
4 years ago

Brilliant match, as beautiful as you guys are, I much prefer the old style though where you had more focus on the models and the terrain rather than the players.

Lodge Warrior Member
4 years ago

Perfect. Epic PV gang. Keep smashing it. 👍👍

Marc Griggs
Marc Griggs
4 years ago

Having Lawrence’s voice just emanating from the camera as it switches view made him seem like a less ominous Shodan! Has he transcended to AI form, such is his 40k power?

Niklas Thiman
Niklas Thiman
4 years ago

Awesome with a 3man format. Would love to see that in a tactica.
4 years ago

I feel like we have a little “Blade of Power” situation going on.The word nappy comes with some negative racial connotations. Being frequently followed by the word dread makes it really easy to misunderstand what is being said, especially here in the US. I have had to explain it to more than a couple people aren’t regular watchers of the program.

Lodge Member
4 years ago

Highlight reports are the best reports. Camera work and editing make it. It will be my eternal duty to ensure I watch and comment on every single one until this filming approach is explored for other formats.

Lodge Member
4 years ago

You know what, the 3 person format is still the best. Hands down. The players can concentrate on that, and the witty(?) banter… really enjoy the more relaxed feel of the highlight reports.

Lodge Member
4 years ago

Bone, I thank you for your service to all space marine players with your use of Eradicators.Thanks to you their reputation as “OP” or “to cheap” is long gone.

Amazing show guys, kept the tension to the end!
As a fists player i cannot recommend plasma on Redemptors enough, they are really good, I would also go as far as saying that heavy plasma hellblasters looks pretty great too.

Last edited 4 years ago by Marvinmega
4 years ago

BBone! You should make a video destroying those volcano dice. I’d enjoy watching that 😘

Lodge Warrior Member
4 years ago

Just wanted to comment that I liked this new format, seeing a bit more of the “behind the scenes” was enjoyable and having a one of you act as a cameraman (and maybe help catch some errors) is a boon for the guys that are playing.

Lodge Member
4 years ago

Good game guys. The format is perfect now, love it with the third person on the camera!
Ond questions though. When is B-bone getting his Lamenters army? With his luck he should be chapter master of the Lamenters. With Beard being his second in command 😉

Yuri Broda
Lodge Member
Yuri Broda
4 years ago

Great game, much better editing than the last highlight…you guys are doing great lately! But i honestly miss the point of view camera when the players were holding the camera themselves (no offence Lawrence, we still love you!)… i like seeing the opponent across the table, makes it feel like we’re playing them ourselves! Plus its nice to see the models more up close.

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