Nurgle Daemons vs Ulthwe 2000pts | Warhammer 40,000 Battle Report

Avatar Spider December 25, 202048  203 48 Likes

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Merry Christmas from the Tabletop Tactics Crew, as we gift to you an ALL NEW Format, as a taste of what’s to come in the New Year!

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The Army Lists are: 

Nurgle Daemons

++ Battalion Detachment ++

+ HQ +

Daemon Prince of Chaos: Horn of Nurgle’s Rot, Malefic talon, Plaguefly Hive, Warlord, Wings


Spoilpox Scrivener

+ Troops +

Plaguebearers: Daemonic Icon, Instrument of Chaos, Plagueridden
29x Plaguebearer: 29x Plaguesword

Plaguebearers: Daemonic Icon, Instrument of Chaos, Plagueridden
29x Plaguebearer: 29x Plaguesword

Plaguebearers: Daemonic Icon, Instrument of Chaos, Plagueridden
29x Plaguebearer: 29x Plaguesword

+ Fast Attack +

Plague Drones: Daemonic Icon, Instrument of Chaos, Plaguebringer
2x Plague Drone: 2x Death’s heads, 2x Plaguesword
2x Rot Fly: 2x Prehensile Proboscis

Plague Drones: Plaguebringer
2x Plague Drone: 2x Death’s heads, 2x Plaguesword
2x Rot Fly: 2x Prehensile Proboscis

++ Patrol Detachment ++

+ Configuration +

Chaos Allegiance: Chaos Undivided

Detachment CP

+ HQ +

Daemon Prince of Chaos: Malefic talon, Wings


+ Troops +

3x Nurgling Swarms: 3x Diseased claws and teeth

3x Nurgling Swarms: 3x Diseased claws and teeth

3x Nurgling Swarms: 3x Diseased claws and teeth

++ Total: 1,992pts ++


++ Battalion Detachment ++

+ HQ +

Eldrad Ulthran: Guide, Doom, Executioner, Warlord

Farseer: Fortune, Mind War, Shuriken Pistol, Witchblade

Spiritseer: Protect/Jinx, Shuriken Pistol

+ Troops +

Guardian Defenders
10x Guardian Defender: 10x Plasma Grenades, 10x Shuriken Catapult

Guardian Defenders
10x Guardian Defender: 10x Plasma Grenades, 10x Shuriken Catapult

Guardian Defenders
10x Guardian Defender: 10x Plasma Grenades, 10x Shuriken Catapult

+ Elites +

Wraithguard: D-scythe, 5x Wraithguard

+ Fast Attack +

9x Windrider – Shuriken Cannon: 9x Shuriken Cannon

+ Heavy Support +

War Walkers
War Walker: Aeldari Missile Launcher, Aeldari Missile Launcher
War Walker: Aeldari Missile Launcher, Aeldari Missile Launcher
War Walker: Aeldari Missile Launcher, Aeldari Missile Launcher

Wraithlord: 2x Bright Lance, Shuriken Catapult, Shuriken Catapult

+ Dedicated Transport +

Wave Serpent: Shuriken Cannon, Twin Shuriken Cannon

Wave Serpent: Shuriken Cannon, Twin Shuriken Cannon

Wave Serpent: Shuriken Cannon, Twin Shuriken Cannon

++ Total: 2,000pts ++

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Lodge Member
4 years ago

Love this new format ^_^

4 years ago

1:13:42 – Lawrence accidently says Heroicly Interbeard. I was wondering what “Heroicly Interbearding” would be untill 1:36:48, when Beard rolled four 6s on four dice to deny all the wounds. 😀

Blake Huffman
Lodge Warrior Member
4 years ago

Love seeing the movement phase in this format!

Martijn Versteeg
Lodge Member
4 years ago

Ben: “So what you’ve done, you’ve completely taken over the board.” That look that followed, pure gold

Lodge Member
4 years ago

I love the new format. I like see the movement fase. I like the movement fase in the previus format too, only with the map and the arrows. Simpli is a diferente way of doing it, I like both.

4 years ago

Very Clean and polished show. Slick even. Very well done taking in all of the opinions and trying to get the most out of the show👏🏻 my personal feelings are a preference to ‘run & gun’ style. It’s more like watching a game in person. I watch on my phone so it’s really hard to make out what’s happening. I hate dice trays please don’t bring them back. Perhaps this new style with a splash of Run & Gun.

4 years ago

Bones is really thinning down. He looks good.

Phil Rynda
Phil Rynda
4 years ago

Loved the new format!

Lodge Member
4 years ago

I don’t hate the new format, but the top tier bullshitery is why we’re here haha

4 years ago

Love the new format. Love the camera angles. Love the hilarious banter. Love it. Love love love it! I crack up everytime watching you guys play. Even the music in the videos makes it comical. Hahaha. Love you guys and merry Christmas.

Lodge Member
4 years ago

Hey guys, little late to the game but if I may throw my 2 cents at Sanga: movement phase, slows the game right down., creates a lot of dead air time. Introduction: the lack of banter at the start was such a loss. You guys riffing off each other in unscripted chaos is part of the heart of these shows. Cameras: i get the need for fixed cameras but it lost that personal touch. A lot of the time I couldn’t see which units were attacking which. Having spider do the run and gun style will hopefully be more emersion… Read more »

4 years ago

I feel like I’m in the minority but I really, really dislike this camera format for actual watching. I watch your channel and a couple others (SS82, Winters) because they feel like I’m actually there playing the game with friends. I can’t overstate how much I loathe the camera views in this.

This camera format feels impersonal and artificial, and it’s why I can’t stand channels like Tabletop Titans and others that seem to mimic a sports announcer booth shot that happens to have a 40k table in the foreground.

Lodge Member
4 years ago

Ye agree with other people that have said same sort of thing, no dice trays please

Scout Maggs
Scout Maggs
4 years ago

Love the new camera angles for sure. The score banner is fine, not an issue I hade before but it doesn’t take away anything.

But! The pre-game banter is a must. I’m fine with the solo list talk for tacticas but for these relaxed games it’s a must for me. To be completely honest, you guys are what keeps me watching, more air-time for everyone! As for it letting you release more videos… I’d rather have less videos with banter than more without.

4 years ago

Please please only use the bird’s eye view camera at the end of the turn like in the previous format. It’s so hard to follow whilst the game is on going and honestly it makes me feel a bit queasy with the camera angle changing so often. I have stopped watching other channels as they started using this camera angle more and more

James Pickering
James Pickering
4 years ago

Hi guys, thanks for the content over the xmas period – much appreciated and hope you are all well. Usual caveats apply with new format etc, but my feedback would be on the lack of connection. As a viewer it very much feels as if you are watching people play 40k, rather than being part of the game with the previous format. The numerous camera angles make it disjointed (and out of focus some of the time with a lack of wider perspective) and harder to follow, and the movement phase is too long. I thought the maps you guys… Read more »

Lodge Member
4 years ago

Having Spider in the room limits the B&B madness a bit. (It also made me go and check up on the rules for re-rolls.)

Also, not entirely sold on seeing the Movement phase.

Still, a very interesting and fun Battle Report! Great work, guys!

Jello Sky
Jello Sky
4 years ago

New format is dope. I like it!
Happy New Year!

Adrián Perez Martínez
Lodge Member
Adrián Perez Martínez
4 years ago

The format is okay, but in this game beard and bone dont look like beard and bone… Maybe because of the change?

Follower of the Purple Toga
Follower of the Purple Toga
4 years ago

I love the new format. We really appreciate the sidebar. It give a nice summary of what’s going on since we tend to put this on while we’re painting up our armies and don’t always hear what’s going on. I’m always interested to see what new things you all implement during your videos. Keep up the good work my friends. 🙂

Andy Lysiak
Andy Lysiak
4 years ago

Love the new format – keep it coming!!

Joel Henry
Joel Henry
4 years ago

Feigned withdrawal used on the wraithguard: not needed – wraithguard are implacable and can fall back and shoot without the need of a stratagem

4 years ago

Hey TTT, your output this year during Covid has been extraordinary and you should be congratulated on all you have achieved. I liked this format: love the variety of angles and that the players were free to play and pick up dice rather than trying to juggle a camera rig, dice, catch rules and pick up the inevitable dice on the floor. Having said that, a previous commenter said they stay away from Tabletop Titans and I’m the same – the fixed position cameras from above take away my experience of actually playing the game, which you give us when… Read more »

Ransom Wingo
Ransom Wingo
4 years ago

Before format feedback, I have to point out the Wave serpent moving into vertical engagement range with Poxwalkers that are in combat with War Walkers (53:30). Have watched you guys since pre-COVID and there’s a noticeable difference in a few things. The current format (not this trial format) is really well done but benefits from a third person holding the camera, as it was pre-COVID. Overhead graphics are one of my favorite parts of the edit, along with the comedic relief music cuts, close up of expressions, etc. Only critique is please for the love of god get a dice… Read more »

Michael 'The Scorpion'

Merry Christmas TTT crew! 1. I love that despite being the highest production quality and benchmark for WH40K battle reports online you’re still striving to tweak your approach to continually improve. You guys are legends and the content you produce is incredible. Keep being bosses! 👍🏼 2. I really enjoy the banter and commentary around the list analysis when both opponents are on screen as you talk through your lists. My favourite style was when you displayed the list being discussed on a tiered platform. Please keep that in! 🙏🏼 3. The on screen scoreboard doesn’t have a place in… Read more »

4 years ago

Hey team!

Some feedback from me, after reading your update I won’t go over ground that is covered. Main thing for me was the recording of the movement phase. Honestly it felt really slow and felt that it broke a little of the feel. I imagine that if there is some good banter this would be ok but overall don’t think it adds value..

Still loving the show and love that you continue to try new ideas and improve!


Lodge Warrior Member
4 years ago

Merry Christmas guys! Hope you’ve had a good one! Thanks for the content this year, also really like this new format!

Ludwig Tress
4 years ago

Showing the movement phase and the sidebar as well as having Lawrence in there are great I think but I prefer the old in action camera work. It’s the main reason I stay off channels like Tabletop Titans or Play On Tabletop, your (old) style of filming is generally just way more immersive. But this could still have a place in certain reports, I’m not saying I hate it, I just prefer the old style. Still gonna support you anyway of course, you’re the best <3

Sam Reed
Lodge Member
Sam Reed
4 years ago

Hey my beauties, enjoyed it a lot – very conversational. Regards your comment on list analysis being dealt with elsewhere, I would be perfectly happy with that. As I have said previously I can’t paint and watch the battle – you miss too much, but list debate is ideal, so that split would be fine by me. Ultimately it was at least as enjoyable as the normal format, so which ever one helps you create the entertainment with the greatest ease gets my vote. Leaves more energy for creativity. PS. I do enjoy a bit of list debate so if… Read more »

Dallas Sigurdur
Dallas Sigurdur
4 years ago

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
As for my 2cents I’d just like to say the that whatever you do just keep the channel as personable and uniquely you as possible. You guys shine because you allow the personalities to bloom and also let us see that amazing terrain/ board setups.
I do also like the help from everyone involved in a shoot to help each player play there best game.
You guys are an stellar example of who the viewers want to play with in our games. Funny, clever, honest and ready for extravaganza .

Lodge Member
4 years ago

Love it! Absolutely Love it. Removing the hand held cam work has allowed the gameplay to be so much more natural. The camera angles bring you into the game more as you can see both players. Well done chaps, merry christmas! As people are suggesting stuff my only suggestion is secondaries in side bar.

Huw Tindall
Huw Tindall
4 years ago

Interesting new format guys. Some hopefully constructive feedback below. Biggest thing for me that the new format is the lacking is the up close almost POV style camera angles. Are you guys maybe still restricted by COVID that the cameraman (Spider in this case) can’t stand closer to the table and zoom in on all the action as required before panning out to get the banter with the players? I know the player held camera isn’t ideal for other reason but feel a better balance could be struck here. Additionally the movement phase probably went on a while. The guys… Read more »

Lodge Warrior Member
4 years ago

As far as the new format goes, I’m pretty open to changes and like variation and innovation – and appreciate that certain methods make it easier for you all to film… but on a completely personal note, the list banter at the start is hands down the part i look the most forward to. It has supplied the most comedy, some of my favourite moments – without it we wouldn’t have Baddalion, we wouldn’t have some of the classic Lawrence and Bone exchange, we would miss out on so much Chef exasperation. It is the part of the report where… Read more »

4 years ago

Watching the New Format and the “old” one or should I say current one ? I think the current one is for me much nicer because it gets me as the viewer closer to the minis on the table…I assume its also much harder to play , record and “entertain” at the same time so I can understand why the new format is more liked by you guys and I’m OK with that. I do love the “Referee” sort of 3rd Person doing rule questions , clearing things up and doing the camera work …maybe some more “old” style angles… Read more »

Daniel Hawthorne
Daniel Hawthorne
4 years ago

When I made a Joke on Insta about Eldrad not rolling higher than a five for psychic powers I meant about my own rolls. I did not intend to curse Bone.

I don’t know if I’ll ever get the chip off my shoulder about running Eldrad, a support Farseer, and a 10 warlock coven, and then being out dueled psychically by a single Librarian.

I just find psychics too unreliable for any force not made up of Grey Knights or 1 k sons, who can rely on consistent casting bonuses and too cheap powers.

Julian Begley
Julian Begley
4 years ago

I think I’d prefer if the score bar only appeared when something changed – say for example when the phase changes or when a player spends a CP or earns a VP.

Lodge Member
4 years ago

Really liked new format
The score bar was good, but it only needs to be there at start and end of turns

Lodge Member
4 years ago

Ah, the game was brutal but not in a good way, I say it just shows disparrity in Codex creep and just the general state of CWE. There was little Bone could have done, just like every time, one bad psychic phase spells doom for an entire game, even if Beard didn’t make that charge it only would have prolonged the agony. No wonder that Goonhammer guys rate CWE as Trash Tier. Codex sucks, weak options, T3 5+ troops costing twice as much as guardsmen while having 12″ range and require extensive psychic support that is better used elsewhere, and… Read more »

Marc Griggs
Marc Griggs
4 years ago

Further comments after watching it in full and thinking a bit more and seeing Lawrence’s reply (dude, taking Boxing Day off! Talk to us after, you’re not being evil!) – the reason I want to see the list preamble remain is that it leads into THAT game. The mundane but absurd reasons Beard and Bone come up with for the ensuing battle are hilarious and become part of the many running jokes we love about this channel. Separate list analysis videos just aren’t the same. Agree with some of the other comments on the filming style. Love three people, not… Read more »

4 years ago

You gents continue to be pioneers in your grim dark field and the content you produce is getting even better with this new format! 1. Pre-game lists is always one of the best parts of the Battle Reports, but I like how you are keeping it more focused and to the point of stating what your army is fielding, the intent, some strategy, and then straight to the game. The list analysis show returning sounds really really exciting because we all as die-hard fans have enjoyed your insights and the in-depth analysis of armies/factions. 2. Please never do a score… Read more »

Awol Albert
Lodge Member
4 years ago

I enjoyed The Spiders input, not sure if we need to see the movement phase. I did miss the close ups of the models and some dice rolling, although I wouldn’t be keen on a dice tray. Maybe post COVID we could have live specials using this format with some close up battlefield shots. I’m also not too sure on the side bar at all. I still liked it though!

4 years ago

Love this new format! Merry Christmas to the whole cast.

Patrick Stark
Lodge Member
Patrick Stark
4 years ago

Really like the new format. Thanks for the new changes guys. Merry Christmas!

Conon Pinch
Conon Pinch
4 years ago

I really enjoy the three members of the team involved in the filming here. Great show chaps, Merry Christmas all

Lodge Member
4 years ago

Great game guys! A little feedback. I sorely missed the preamble banter and discussion. I also don’t think that seeing the movement phase was strictly necessary. I like seeing the sidebar as it allows those who paint while watching to keep track of how the game is going, but could perhaps benefit from being stripped back, maybe only showing the current VP/CP and turn. I like the filming style as it allowed the players to crack on with the game without having to worry about the camera work and rolling dice one-handed. The third person was great too as they… Read more »

James Wildman
Lodge Member
James Wildman
4 years ago

Really enjoyed the battle report, and I think the multi-camera set-up is brilliant. * Appreciated the score side-bar. It did take a little while to work out which was Score and which was CPs, but the phase graphics top and bottom are really helpful. * It was great seeing some of the movement phase – most people cut it, and it’s actually nice to see it happening. There were times when it dragged a bit – and I guess that’s why most people cut it entirely, but I think it was a positive overall. * I do miss the pre-game… Read more »

James Wildman
Lodge Member
James Wildman
4 years ago

Not gonna lie, disappointed that “New Look” doesn’t refer to Bone bringing the moustache back. Tactical thoughts: this was a very shooty Aeldari list and I think it was unlucky to get pressured so quickly by the fast moving hordes. In particular, I think the Wraithguard didn’t really earn their salt. I wonder what would have happened if Bone had replaced them with Wraithblades and either taken them off the table or put them into a Serpent for a long advance. The threat of a deep strike might make Beard more wary, and a tough choppy unit in his back… Read more »

4 years ago

Good stuff, fellas. Sure after you get used to the new style it’ll be great.
My only comment is: If you’re going to include the whole movement phase it should have a reasoning / tactica element to it. If there are no interesting decisions or rules in the movement phase, I think the previous movement phase style would be fine. So maybe a mix of new and old depending on the action?
Anyway, good stuff as always! Cheers

Daniel Ashton
Daniel Ashton
4 years ago

Merry Christmas guys! To add to the feedback: Unfortunately I’m not a fan of the new format. Mainly because of the camera work. When I watch your battle reports I give it my full attention. I don’t just have it on in the background. So when you’re holding the camera and focusing on the event at hand that makes me feel like I’m there as the player. It makes it very easy to follow along. The fixed cameras made me feel very much like an observer (a distant observer at that). It was very easy to check out and not… Read more »

Dusty Macdonald
4 years ago

Hope everyone had an amazing Christmas day in the team! Some feedback for the new format. For the camera angles point of view having the option of more static cams isn’t a bad but didn’t see a major benefit to it. Having a 3rd person on camera didn’t add anything either. I liked the switching to top down cam. The side bar might be better as a lower third instead. I feel like there was less banter and character that drew me to TTT although the occasional close up of moments was good. Enjoyed the battle defo thought the nurgle… Read more »