Army Showcase: Flesh Tearers | Tabletop Tactics Backstage

Spider sits down with Bone to talk about the brand new Flesh Tearers finally in his hands!
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The Flesh Tearers are painted by the talented @fletchers_painting – find him on Instagram!
For Flesh Tearer inspiration, check out @doltharsodjath on Instagram!
Bone, I’m really going to miss you :[ I dont know why, but when i was re-watching this yesterday in my post-operation haze, it really sunk in and made me sad.
Lawrence, when you do the butchers, I did some conversions for vanguard vets with the assault intercessors and vanguard vet weapons and jump packs. They work really well. I also did them as storm shield and lightning claw and they looked awesome. Just a tip lol.
So, as I am hearing about scraping insignia of finecast model to transfer it to a new one, have you thought about getting printer/someone with one to get around stuff like that? I expect you have to keep models GW only, but this could almost be compared to base decoration, and I still haven’t heard about GW cork.
Lawrence, the best duelist among the primarchs was recognised as Lion El’Jonson. He even bested Leman Russ in the fluff. They fought for a day and a night before Jonson KO’d Leman with a single punch because Leman laughed at him. Don’t mess with grumpy space monks!
The army looks absolutely incredible. Can’t wait to see it in action on some batreps.
Great to see! Our journey into 40k came through the same box set and same army, absolutely stoked I can watch your Flesh Tearers whilst I sit here painting my as yet to be fielded Blood Angels. 100% going to soak up some ideas in how to run them!
More Army Showcases boys! Love these Flesh Tearers
Really enjoyed this, love the passion! 💪
Excellent chaps. More of these please
Love the nice relaxed chat, definitely some more of this wouldn’t go amiss.
Great looking army, it’s lucky the studio doesn’t already have a red & black space marine army eh?😉
Awesome army!! Awesome video:) this was nice
I have mentioned this before throughout the years but worth reiterateing: I do reallly enjoy the vlog/vox style content, and I think Bone is the best host for it. I’d love for it to be a permanent weekly feature.
As someone who enjoys the hobbying at the same time as watching the shows, this is some of my favorite content on the channel.
Finally I really enjoy this particular type of showcase video. Great work guys, keep it up!
I love all your content, but I think this is my favorite video you guys have ever put out. So much fun to hear you guys talk about the hobby side, and some of the story behind it all.
Next up: 2 or 3 armies built from left over bits from this army 😆 this army is every hobbyists dream. Love that you put the time and money in to make it happen
Commission Oculus Imperia to do a Flesh Tearers lore video and then guest host it here? Also, free cake for subscribers pls.
Not more to say really…
To would we like more videos: bring moaaar, they are amazing
You made my day with the Crusade, can’t wait. Would love some other armies fleshed out like that for Crusade
It’s an absolutely stunning army! Great vision and execution of that vision! Can’t wait to see them in action!
Also, I really appreciate these kinds of videos. Its great fun to hear talk about the hobby, and other stuff as well! 🙂
Very excited to see the Flesh Tearers on the channel, also love these kind of videos – it’s nice to just listen to you guys chat about an army project, the “concept art” behind it, narrative and how it all transmutes into the game and miniatures! I kind of want to get working on a (third) new army myself now…! Keep it up with the great content, and blood for the…. Terra?
This was awesome! Army looks great, and hearing you two talk blood angels/ flesh tearers lore was fantastic!
The quality of your armies and hobby love that’s put into it is excellent. I would definitely like to see more of these videos for your other armies. Even better, a section on the website with a showcase of all your current armies with high quality photo’s would be awesome. I’d love for example to get a proper look at the green Orks army because the converted troops look amazing.
B-Bone is a Megaladon! Awesome video guys! Thanks for sharing your creative process Lawrence. I’m looking forward to seeing more of the individual backstory and in-game action!
This was a great show, I’d definitely appreciate some more of these. Obviously not all your armies will be this bespoke, but it was a really interesting look into it, and a great showcase for some beautiful models!
Hello spider evil overload lol,I see in your army you have a squad of Suppressor’s they look good with your theme of fast moving units. Was going to get some but cant get my head around them,they have a long range heavy weapon that’s ok against infinity and stopping overwatch is handy but why have they got jump pack’s?. If they move there -1 shooting and should have line of site and in range anyway if there deployed appropriately. Squad size is a maximum of three so there not much help holding objectives or any real threat in close combat,what’s… Read more »
That army is incredible, from concept, to conversions, to painting. Can’t wait to see it on the table.
The are epic! Also I like how Lawrence is like
“yea we got a good range of units so we’re not always playing the sang guard or ultra competitive builds. I’ll tone it down quite a lot.”
[Puts sang guard away, picks up 15 plasmaceptors].
“Ahhh there we go, toning it down.”
I really like how you’ve split the army into 3 themes. Im trying to work out how to do a “combined arms” kind of list based on armour types. Gravis captain leading gravis armoured squads, tacticus armoured lieutenant leading tacticus armoured units and phobos librarian leading phobos units. But between them and some added armoured support im having trouble fitting it all in!
These are the types of videos I’m here for :).
Please recreate Honours end space wolves vs Flesh tearers !!!
As a fellow Flesh Tearer, it’s good to finally see your Tearers on the tabletop (albeit technically haha). Seth doesn’t trust the original Primaris line that Cawl and Roboute ‘shoved down his throat’ because they weren’t proper Cretacian-born, but he doesn’t see much difference between the Cretacian ‘home grown’ ones and the remnant firstborn marines. Not that he’d have much of a choice realistically. By the start of the Cryptus campaign (the campaign that the Blood Angels and Flesh Tearers fought to try and delay the Tyranids from arriving on Baal in the first place) I think it was said… Read more »
Mate, these look absolutely super. I’m getting my Outriders painted by a commission artist at the moment.
I’m not ashamed to to say we borrowed (stole?) a lot of influence from the style you went for on your bikers 😆
I can’t wait to see your Vanguard Vets. From the sounds of things, the conversions are going to pukka.
I love these videos where someone can talk about the faction they love the most. I’m glad you’ve decided to do more of those!
Awesome army! I can’t wait to see them in action!
Makes me want to repaint allmy Blood Angels to Flesh Tearers ! One of the most amazing armies I have ever seen, if not the most amazing !
Love your lifestyle, Lawrence! Hope it doesn’t ruin you 🤣.
Loved it!
This was a passion video!
We need more passion-videos! This is a great addition to your other videos, please sprinkle in more of them. 🙂
Got to admit, the fluff of the Blood Angels is so inspiring and full of great sacrifice when you look at what happened, totally bad ass and a true space marine chapter.
Lawrence: The sith have the best lines
Obi-wan: Hello there!
Yeah some armies will shut this down hard (as Lawrence has mentioned in previous comments the Death Guard and Slaanesh as examples). The big issue with most of the units though that allow you to fight first, they can’t keep up with the jump pack assault elements. I like the Judiciar, but unless you hold back potentially for 2 turns (or deep striking him and praying for the 9) to get him there he isn’t going to help with that 3″ range. Its the biggest downside of Primaris, the characters just can’t keep up with the first borne assault elements… Read more »
what a beautiful army, loved the conversion and the random chitter chatter. Keep them coming and lets see this army on the table
They look amazing mate, looking forwards to seeing their debut.
Looks great, but a shield on a Flesh Tearer captain seems purely for the rules.
Wow!!! That’s amazing!!!
Russ himself said that the only two Primarchs he knew he could never beat were Kurze, because he was so insane that he didn’t care what happened to himself in a fight, and Sanguinius, describing him as a beast in man’s flesh. Love the Flesh Tearers, they take the grimdark, fallen heroes trope to the extreme and Seth had the balls to even go up against Astorath
I have always viewed the Flesh Tearers as being one of the more tragic chapters as they are essentially doomed to fall to the black rage sometimes not even in a combat situation where their death will have any meaning. Gabriel Seth seems to have one mission which is merely to find the best possible conflicts in which he can sacrifice his doomed brothers to provide their deaths with purpose and meaning.
Butchers Bales….nails…whatever. bone is right.
Ah man, when you mentioned that you were doing a reveal and Bone was gonna see the army after the video, I really wanted to see that!
Also yes please more backstage content!
Russ could’ve killed Horus even with all the power he gained and Russ knew the emperor wasn’t coming, Sanguinius got pwned by horus, suck it vampires.
Look at that face in the thumbnail picture. Pure joy.
Looking amazing – can’t wait to see them make a mess of some poor opponent!
Great army. Great scheme, intelligently put together and thoughtfully presented. Moar plz
Super cool army. I love these showcase/backstage videos. I would like to see those for some of your favorite existing armies. Maybe you could do one for the coming League batrep, where each player talks about the army he chose ?
Also, once the lockdown is over, I would love to hear from the painters themselves if possible. Fletcher is great fun, as is Sanga.
Keep it up !