Dark Angels: On The Hunt | Warhammer 40,000 List Analysis

Beard looks to be embraced into the Inner Circle with not one but two lists revolving around the famed veteran companies of the 1st Legion!
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The Army Lists Are:
Knights of the Inner Circle
++ 2nd Company Outrider Detachment ++
+ HQ +
Captain on Bike: Warlord- Rites of War, Power Fist
Ravenwing Talonmaster: Relic- Arbiter’s Gaze
+ Elites +
5x Ravenwing Black Knights
Ravenwing Huntmaster: Corvus Hammer, Plasma Talon
4x Ravenwing Black Knight: Corvus Hammer, Plasma Talon
+ Fast Attack +
4x Bike Squad
Biker Sergeant: Power Sword
3x Space Marine Biker: Astartes Chainsword
3x Bike Squad
Biker Sergeant: Power Sword
2x Space Marine Biker: Astartes Chainsword
Ravenwing Darkshroud: Heavy Bolter
Ravenwing Land Speeder Vengeance: Heavy Bolter
Ravenwing Land Speeder Vengeance: Heavy Bolter
++ 1st Company Vanguard Detachment ++
+ HQ +
Deathwing Strikemaster: Master-crafted Power Sword, Storm Shield
+ Elites +
Deathwing Ancient: Power Fist and Storm Bolter
Deathwing Apothecary
10x Deathwing Knights: Watcher in the Dark
Speed of the Raven
++ 2nd Company Outrider Detachment ++
+ No Force Org Slot +
Ravenwing Ancient: Plasma Talon
+ HQ +
Captain on Bike: Chapter Master, Warlord- Fury of the Lion, Thunder Hammer, Bolt Pistol
Ravenwing Talonmaster: Relic- Arbiter’s Gaze
+ Elites +
Ravenwing Apothecary: Plasma Talon
10x Ravenwing Black Knights
Ravenwing Huntmaster: Corvus Hammer, Plasma Talon
8x Ravenwing Black Knight: Corvus Hammer, Plasma Talon
Ravenwing Black Knight: Corvus Hammer, Grenade Launcher
+ Fast Attack +
8x Bike Squad
Biker Sergeant: Power Fist
5x Space Marine Biker: Astartes Chainsword
2x Space Marine Biker: Meltagun
8x Bike Squad
Biker Sergeant: Power Fist
5x Space Marine Biker: Astartes Chainsword
2x Space Marine Biker: Meltagun
Ravenwing Darkshroud: Heavy Bolter
Ravenwing Land Speeder Vengeance: Heavy Bolter
Ravenwing Land Speeder Vengeance: Heavy Bolter
Ravenwing Land Speeder Vengeance: Heavy Bolter
No room in the ravenwing list for a chaplain on a bike? I’m 100% running one in my DA list.
Thanks for another good video!
Great video guys. Though watching Chef eviscerate Beards lists is both amusing and painful 😂. I suspect Chef likes to go clubbing baby seals on the weekend for funsies.
Love the content. As I know you dont have the models to run Emperors Children, can you please do a list analysis of what you would run competitively for them just for fun if you did have the models! Im dying to know what you would run!
Great video guys! I’ve had good success with the following at 2K points against Sisters, Ultramarines and Harlequins: Outrider Detachment Relics of the Chapter (1 CP) Ravenwing Apothecary (Chief Apothecary, Hero of the Chapter (1 CP), Selfless Healer) 115pts Ravenwing Talonmaster (Hero of the Chapter (1CP), Brilliant Strategist, Arbiters Gaze) 160 pts Ravenwing Talonmaster 160pts Primaris Chaplain on Bike (Warlord, Master of Sanctity, Paragon of the Chapter (1CP), Wise Orator, Rites of War, Reliquary of the Repentant) 140 pts Ravenwing Black Knights 225 pts Hunt Master w/ Corvus Hammer 4 Black Knights w/ Corvus Hammers Attack Bike Squad 165pts 3x… Read more »
bikes and robes is all you need. Ride upon the storm, beard!
I ran a pure Deathwing list just the other day.
Strikemaster/mace & shield
2 x 5man termy units
All stock and 1 heavy using Cyclone missile launcher
2x 5man Deathwing Knights
2 x Land Raiders/storm bolter & Hunter Killer missile
1 x Leviathan Dreadnought/Grav Flux, flamers & Siege Claw
Was a fast win for deathwing
Dakka termies were in raiders so only 3 models on table. I went second.
Blew smoke strat etc..
I like you guys doing these list talks, keep them coming! BUUUUT what is this talk of spiciness and zero psykers… interromancy is incredible. Thanks chef for mentioning it and keeping my sanity in check.
I am not sure how well these armies work in 9th. I think there’s just not enough models for the board control needed. I think green wing are underrated in current dark angels meta.
If you add a librarian to the mixed wing list, you should seriously consider Ezekial. He is completely worth the points
Dark Angels Psychic Power are so good, I wouldn’t leave with a Liberian.
Agree with some things, but not all. With obsec bikes and terminators, I wouldn’t lean into Rites of War. For the first list I would drop the bike captain for Sammael, drop the knights (even though I love them), and take your bikers with 2 melta and attached MM Attack Bike. I like the Attack Bikes attached as its harder to delete the unit and therefore your apothecary can bring guys back. Oh, drop the DW apothecary for the RW one….for sure. Vengeance is awesome, but I honestly don’t think you need the shroud in 9th. You won’t be moving… Read more »
Hi, im not a fan of the land speeder vengance as much as i wanna be, i just find them consistnly underwhelming, 3 land speeder typhoons with melta, and 3 tornadoes with melta and assault cannons make up the AT portion of my pure ravenwing, i also bring x2 5man black knights a primais chaplain on bike, and sammy is a must. I spend the 2 cp to bring a talonmaster in an aux support det.
Love the content keep it up!
Chef basically covered most of what I was gonna say. When running a pure Ravenwing or Ravenwing heavy list, bringing the Brilliant Strategist warlord trait is a must. When you consider that Ravenwing run off the Dev doctrine you absolutely don’t leave home without it. Outside of that I think Deathwing are the stronger of the three wings now. A lot of people don’t realize just how badly the Ravenwing got nerfed from 8th edition. It was a bunch of tiny nerfs here and there that added up to quite a bit when all is said and done. Personally I… Read more »
This video is hilarious and informative. Good stuff.
Come on now beard stop fooling with the diet space marines and do a deathwatch list analysis !
Welcome to Tabletop Cooking everybody! Todays recipe – spicy meatballs 😀 (Thnx for the vid guys)
It’s nice to see your dark angels also get picked up by beard instead of how they used to get passed around between you all. It means he can really learn all there tricks and dare I say secrets.
I find a deathwing
battalionvanguard with librarian terminator, azrael, mixture of deathwing terminators, a unit of DW knights, ravenwing Apothecary, DW Ancient and a greenwing patrol with chaplain on bike with intercessors and 6 plasmaceptors to be my favorite for Dark Angels. I’m not a fan of ravenwing, even though they are really cool and fast, I just find the DW durability to be better. It doesn’t matter if they’re slow, so are Death Guard. It’s nice to see different lists that can work, it shows that the Dark Angels book is a really good book.Nice! I would consider a librarian in terminator armour instead of belial and the strikemaster, casting righteous repugnance to reroll hits and wounds. WC 7 but keep a couple of CP back and boom, tasty and you’ve saved yourself some points for something else.
Aaaaand chefs just said the same 🤣
Insert “Dark Angels are Chaos in disguise” joke here. 😁
This video is very powerful!