We Are Hiring! | Tabletop Tactics Backstage

Avatar The Chef April 28, 202139  92 39 Likes

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We are hiring in the Studio! Spider gives a quick overview of the Job Role, and how to apply to come work with us here at Tabletop Tactics!

Visit www.tabletoptactics.tv/careers for more details!

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Crew Member
3 years ago

On Demand BOSSES! I’ve deleted a comment thread from this video because it became completely inappropriate for this forum.

Bottom line is, that we obviously celebrate diversity and inclusivity here.

We expect all of the bosses here to be on the same page.

We will hire the best person for the job at the end of the day, so let’s get back to discussing the hobby and getting excited about who may join us in the future!


Tyler Carrillo
Tyler Carrillo
3 years ago

Can you guys do an Apocalypse Battle before Mr. Bone leaves?

3 years ago

How strict is the 3 minute video…. Asking for a friend who rambled on for 4 minutes 40 👀👀👀

Lachlan James
Lachlan James
3 years ago

I’ll consider applying if Spider does more Drukhari videos! The only 2 batreps since it dropped didnt really show them off!

Rebekka Steurs
Rebekka Steurs
3 years ago

I’d love to apply for this role, but I’m not good enough at 40k or Age of Sigmar to do it I think. Other than that I’m just the right level of odd to fit I’m perfectly haha

Hanna G
Hanna G
3 years ago

For no particular reason, totally just asking out of curiosity, how easy is it to become eligible to work in the UK if I move there from Ireland?

3 years ago

Man, I’d be perfect for this job if I had more charisma, lived in the UK, and didn’t suck at this game. Good luck!

Lodge Member
3 years ago

best of luck new person, HUGE shoes to fill. but i hope we can give you the support you need

Lodge Warrior Member
3 years ago

Please, the Grim Dark is already inclusive. The emperor Cares not what U identify as only that you die im his name, and Khorne Cares not from where the Blood flows. Tau Will embrace everyone into the Greater Good, Tyranids treat everyone equally as snacks. The Aeldari thinks everyone is there lesser.

So 40k is quite inclusive the way i see it 😂

Lodge Member
3 years ago

I’ll be giving this a shot!

Daniel Hawthorne
Daniel Hawthorne
3 years ago

I hope you get some female applicants, as the team could use some diverse representation.

Seamus Bradford
Seamus Bradford
3 years ago

Genuinely gonna give this a shot. Much like the chaps at TT, I trained and worked as an actor for a few years in London but have recently moved into teaching. Love the job but it’s not ‘me’ if that makes sense.

Combining performing with my favourite hobby really would be a dream job. 🤞

Argive Lonestar
Lodge Member
3 years ago

When does the application process end?

Jonathan Davies
Jonathan Davies
3 years ago

Argh, I’m so unhappy in my current job, this would be perfect for me. I’m a confident people person. I’m comfortable with public speaking I know how to play 40k I can paint to a good tabletop standard I was a Dungeon Master for a 3 year Campaign I can edit videos at a basic level I’m technologically versed enough to work equipment Problem is, it takes 18 months to leave the military and I’m pretty sure the slot will need filling by then… I’d move to Bristol for this role. I’d rather be paid a bit less for a… Read more »

David McGeever
Lodge Member
David McGeever
3 years ago

Best of luck to those who apply, look forward to seeing the new member of the team!

3 years ago

Bring Bones back give him rise and bonus!

3 years ago

IMO that is the wrong focus. None of that matters. it’s a question of getting the right person. It doesn’t matter if it’s a straight white male, a bisexual asian female or an asexual pink tiger. You have to be able to look past age, etnicity, gender, sexuality and such when you meet people – and start to see the real person behind it – only then will the choice become real! Also, some pure statistics: Most people in the hobby are white men. I’m an Admin for a 40k Facebook group with 11600 members. 94% of the members are… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Bjornen
arne gorter
arne gorter
3 years ago

A shame this gets downvoted. Adding diversity would be a great asset. Making sure this is taken into account during the selection procedure is and has been a practice for many successful businesses and organizations and has a demonstrable positive effect, both on team cohesion and reaching a wider audience.
‘Equal opportunity’ as an argument to counter enforcing diversity is a bit off in this context, considering the long history of unequal opportunity in the UK. The same mechanisms are still in place and we all have a responsibility to dismantle them.

Chris Byrne
Chris Byrne
3 years ago

I get your point about the community generally coming from the same demographic but given that this is a small team, I’d imagine that they’d be focusing more on a someone who’s compatible with the personalities that are currently present rather than selecting someone who ticks a certain box on the census form.

Ben Hopkins
3 years ago

This would be the dream job. Playing 40k/dnd everyday and interacting with a massive Freindly community.

I have a new job so won’t be applying, but best of luck to all; I eagerly anticipate the new personality for the show

Brett Pettitt
Lodge Member
3 years ago

The prospect of ‘replacing’ B Bone with someone must be as scary and sad for you as it is for all of us. 😭

Lodge Member
3 years ago

I don’t want to downvote your comment because diversity is an important topic. At the same time I think their application process is already quite inclusive. BTW finding someone who is able to play on a high level, interact with chat (when playing live) and being funny at the same time is quite rare. And These are the most important traits.

3 years ago

Fantastic opportunity for those down near Bath!

Sadly too much of a commute for me, but good luck to all applicants!

100% would love to pop down for a game one day in the future however!

Huw Tindall
Huw Tindall
3 years ago

If this was 10 years ago I’d have had a crack I reckon! Good luck to all who apply and looking forward to what/who comes next 😀

Lodge Warrior Member
3 years ago

I am SOOO going for this! Then I can sing you all my songs live! ^_^

Jared Bonter
3 years ago

I love Bath, stayed there for a couple weeks after I set up a log home in the Saltash area. Got my employer to book my return flight a couple weeks after the job was complete. Took a train to Bath with plans on continuing on in a day or two but ended up staying the rest of my time there. There was a cool market festival going on, met a bunch of great people, lost my passport, met a nice police lady who gave me my passport back and saw some Roman baths. Would love to go back one… Read more »

Crew Member
3 years ago

We’re all about diversity here. But of course, we can only interview folks that apply! Let’s see what happens ❤️

Lodge Member
3 years ago

Does it say on the application Tau playes need not apply? 👋🏼🤣🤣🤣👍🏼

Lodge Member
3 years ago

Well, thanks to Brexit, I don’t think I’ll be able to apply 😔!!
Even though, I would have luv to bring some real Girl Power with the spiciness of a mexican to the scene, wouldn’t that be catching 😅!?
Anyways…I guess I would have to wait till the invitation of guest is available 😁.
Good luck guys!!

Lodge Member
3 years ago

Well, thanks to brexit I won’t be able to apply 😩, but just thinking of adding some real girl power to the team with the spiciness of a mexican, wouldn’t that be something?? If there’s a way to get some extra point: I do an awesome guacamole and to-die-for margaritas 🍹😋… just saying 😆

Lodge Member
3 years ago

Whilst BBone’s departure is really sad, he’ll be hugely missed, this opportunity and the arrival of a new personality to the channel is very exciting!

Good luck to all the candidates who apply!

Lodge Member
3 years ago

What‘s up with Stig … will he be a full-time member in the future?

Creative Name
3 years ago

I nominate Winters SEO. Sure he has his own channel/website and probably doesn’t live anywhere near you guys, but should that really matter

3 years ago

Following in the footsteps of a giant, and working alongside giants. I kinda wish I had any performance skills.. or charisma xD.
Best of luck and looking forward to meeting a new friend! (the lot of you are friends to this random stranger in the internet).

Lodge Warrior Member
3 years ago

No funny buisness at the end *Feelsbadman*

Matt Hall
Matt Hall
3 years ago

Good luck finding the perfect candidate, in the longer term my guess is your probably want to hire more.Along with spider being a new dad congrats by the way think things are gonna get very busy for you all at TT over the few months.Glad I started watching nearly two years ago it was good then now its even better.Best wishes Ben go far in your new plans but not to far from the table or the shrubs😉

Lodge Member
3 years ago

Good luck everyone.

Lodge Member
3 years ago

Get the Hampshire Hammerers guy to do it

Lodge Warrior Member
3 years ago

Best of luck to you and to all the guys and girls that will rise to this challenge!

Last edited 3 years ago by Stefano
Nick baril
Lodge Member
Nick baril
3 years ago

Man wish I lived in the ol UK haha

Lodge Member
3 years ago

Man… If I was Bath Based I’d be on this like a fly on Grotty. Good luck to all the talented applicants! I hope I will get to enjoy your bitter defeats soon! 🍻

Lodge Member
3 years ago

America was part the UK at one point in time, does that count?

Good luck to all my people in the UK applying! Can’t wait to see which one of you snags this. Quite the shoes to fill but I believe one of you will be the plant they desire!

Andrew Davis
Lodge Member
Andrew Davis
3 years ago

Can’t apply myself but best of luck to everyone who does apply! Looking forward to seeing the future of the channel 🙂

Lodge Member
3 years ago

HUGE shoes to fill but what an exciting opportunity! What’s the closing date for applications please gents?

Lodge Member
3 years ago

Question: Is speaking Plant a requirement?

Robert Kriszun
Lifetime Member
3 years ago

Damn you brexit!1!

3 years ago

The requirements are missing that you must be comfortable living in a garden …

Good luck to everyone though!

Johan Røikjer
Lodge Member
3 years ago

Shit, seems i should consider moving to the UK… :O

Daniel Sandsjö
Lifetime Member
Daniel Sandsjö
3 years ago

I hope you find someone that is as epic and entertaining as the B Bone!🥳🥳 Good luck!

Martijn Versteeg
Lodge Member
3 years ago

Look forward to meeting me? How about all the other times we’ve met?

Neil Newman
3 years ago

Talk about a dream job