The Blood Temple: Chapter 27 | Dungeons & Dragons Cast of Players

With a tenuous alliance struck with the Ashai of Luminos, the party venture deep into the wilds of Ryn’s homeland…
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Best episode yet, loved Ryn just tearing through that at the end. Also loved Laurence blaming Beard for hurting Sanga… we all know who’s fault that was 🕷
Omg Ryn’s arc has been legendary
Hieronymus using non-evocation Spells= A+
Ryn and his mother’s discussion was epic.
Im at a loss for words.. I cant articulate how awesome and epic this campaign is turning out. I just feel the need to express, once again, how much I appreciate Wednesday and Cast of Players. Im literally on the tip of my chair when Bone leaves us on yet another cliffhanger!! Someone in the community need to make a short film/ cartoon of these adventures. How about you run a competition and the winner gets some mercs, some freebies or something?
normally I would address my comment directly to Bone but being as he is no longer in the building could one of you guys text him and tell him what a massive arsehole he is for leaving it there? thank you.
On a serious note that was magnificent. Though I am looking forward to what Katie will bring to the table in the next series.
Another epic masterpiece. I loved the fight! The only way you can get through the Jericho defence is at nap time. Love it.
Thank you for the video!
Rin being pragmatically badass! I love it!
My hat off to you guys that was a thoroughly gripping episode. What absolute bosses!
Throw your weapons to the sides! Been screaming it the whole fight. What a wild episode. Well done gents.
Yes!!! Looking forward to watching this! 👊🏼
Ooooof! What a session! I have no words…
Oh my. . . that ending. I really had no doubt about the choice Ryn would make, though. His sense of self certainty and pragmatism has been pretty thoroughly established lol. I only wonder. . . was it the correct choice?
Oh my goodness. So many highlights, but what an amazing job by Chef. Ryn is such a complex character. What a boss! Well done one and all. Can’t wait for the next episode.
Your d&d videos are amazing, it has inspired me to try the game out and become a Dungeon master. I watched your tutorials but is there any other resources that the tabletop tactics team recommend?
That was an absolutely amazing session! Bravo all, can’t wait for next week.
Sooo good! Aboslutely loving this series! That madness mechanic was so much fun
The rate at which you guys can produce videos is insane