Chapter 1: The Blood Temple | Dungeons & Dragons Cast of Players

A brand new adventure begins as our party find themselves shackled as prisoners, to be sold off at auction as slaves.
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Chef how did you use the roving ability and hunters mark when are above 1st level.
The campaign looks great
a late comer here – just watched the origin stories and absolutely loved it so here i am starting at the beginning. looks like i have a lot to get through and going through the comments, it looks like it will be an awesome ride.
I’m a bit of late comer, and I’ve never played DnD, but just thought I would say that this is bloody awesome guys!
Very, very cool!
So excited to dive into the second season!!!!
Also, go Sanga for rocking the new look.. it’s very… D&D keep it up! haha
OMG Bones. This is gonna be a tough ride for the team.
Or..Fornicating! Lol Spider’ s face
The Spider looks exhausted!!!! Your work will pay off my friend! You ALL touch the lives of the people who log in!!!!!!
Amazing gaming session, now I’m staying up to watch the rest
Well… I didn’t for a second think this was going to be my cup of tea (which explains it taking me so long to watch).
But damn – this is simply brilliant!
Well done!
Loving all the characters so far! Amazing job crafting a really compelling world too Bone – can’t wait to find out more!
nice to see the GCSE in drama wasn’t wasted.
That was amazingly good! Deffinetly do more of these??
Bone, grabbing Pollux’s arm and saying “you pull your self together!” was one of my favourite moments!
Guys, this is just beyond amazing! The previous series were brilliant, but characters in this new season seem to be next level altogether. Particularly big applause to Beard – the way he role-played healing is a stroke of genius 🙂 Overall, I don’t think I ever had characters represented by other people appear before my mind’s eye so vividly.
Looking forward to continuation! 🙂
This was my first taste of D&D outside of playing Baldur’s Gate as a kid, and wow! This seems like so much fun. Really great presentation, a joy to listen to while painting. Can’t wait for the next one! I knew Quinn was trouble!
Bone… that opening… brutal with no holds barred. Nothing like a slave auction to get the hatred of your enemies flowing, a story well told, hats off to you!
Just fantastic! I don’t usually listen to D&D campaigns of others but I really love what I’ve heard/seen thus far.
How often can we expect episodes?
I wasn’t trusting that Quinn guy but what choice did they really have? I feel like it made sense for their characters to, if not trust him, at least go along so I’m glad they followed. I personally prefer a more character driven campaign than a gamey strategic one, that’s what I play wargames for! 😀
Really looking forward to the next episode!
Also I feel Pollux needs a pet monkey!
Thank you guys. I feared I wouldn’t enjoy it as much as the first series, but thankfully you’ve kept the high standards up. B-Bone, I really like the world you’ve created, there’s some good background with the gods and the various races to create some interstellar no conflicts, you’re delivering some great descriptions of the areas/locations the characters are in. Good job. Lawrence, Hakotay is a nice change from Anrakai, he’s holding back at the moment, which makes sense with his background. Intrigued to see what happens once he’s got more comfortable with these strangers. Joe, you seem more comfortable… Read more »
So excited about the new season of D&D. Like others have said, it’s the one set of content I will make sure I watch, even though it is probably 25 years since I played. One thing I would request is a little more leeway for the characters to plough their own furrow. Felt a little like a choose-your-own-adventure game where the options were quite limited, rather than giving the Cast a chance to invent their own story. Guess that’s because they needed to wind up in the darkened building at the end of the episode, but hope they have a… Read more »
Perfect! Thank you!
– Intro – Niceeeeeeee!!!!!!!!
– Mr. Chef – I feel your pain… that rolls ((((( ( at least you kill that guard 😉 )
– Mr. Lawrence’s accent – Fantastic!!!!
– Mr. Sanga’s little beard – Cool!!!!!!
– Mr. Beard’s bearded paladin character – Awesome!!!!!
– Mr. Bone evil DM laugh – PRICELESS!!!!!!
Very good lads!!! Very good.
Nice moustache there Sanga. Now we know why you were offscreen all this time. Needed to grow some cool ;).
Well done guys. Came for 40k subscribed for CoP. I also was a tad sad that Chef didnt continue the story of Season 1. But this episode is more than making up for it. Looking forward to the continuation of both in the future!
Omg, poor Chef.
I feel like the more you talk up the action they’re about to take, the more likely they are to fail it.
Maybe roll the dice, then describe what happens? ?
LMAO @ Lawrence (1:11:24) “Longclaw looks at him almost like he’s offended that he actually hasn’t tried to strike him” ?
Great content guys. Hilarious and absolutely epic. Very happy to support TT
Thank you so much guys. I really enjoyed this. Loving the new characters and everyone’s approach to the story.
It has been to long! 🙂
Looking forward to a regular helping of this! Anyone who hasn’t bothered to watch this because “it’s not 40k” is missing out on some epic content! 😀
P.S. I love chefs “is there any loot on these guys we killed…?” 😀
thats a real vet right there!
So I didn’t think I would enjoy this and was miffed it might be taking you guys away from playing 40k but it was awesome. Really fun to watch!
I hope Bone has written stories for people willing to split off. I personally would done some things differently but I have never played D&D. This certainly peaks my interest though. Might have to find a game near me!
The new graphics were very impressive. I can see why the spider has been busy.
Really like the cartoon pictures of the heroes too!
Finally – Very interesting to see the different styles of DM. Previous season being for me the first time being exposed to D&D this opens new horizons and both styles are very enjoyable.
Want more
Am i the only one who was afraid of Lawrence when Bone read the introduction? 😀
Great watch, can’t wait for the next one. Love Bone as the DM!
Enter the Bonecast. For betwixt the Bone-Keep and the Osseous Border the eerie Grunts and wheezes of The Bonemaker are angrily barked upwards to the two moons of Benjamin.
Absolutely brilliant! Great tone-setting opening episode! I am hooked again so this will be in the background at work/home and will be my second wife lol Keep up the amazing work BBone, Spider, Beard, Sanger, Chef!
Really enjoyable, you all did a wonderful job and the setting is awesome. Looking forward to the next episode!
Wonderful gents. Just wonderful.
Damn you episodic content! you are preventing my predeliction to binge watching. At the risk of sounding overly thirsty how often are episodes likely to drop? I appreciate you fine gents do lots of videos so is this possibly a weekly release?
Anyway great video can’t wait for the next episode
Enjoyable episode but I only bring this up because its literally the center point of your camera and is constantly distracting. The paint brush burned into the dm’s screen is crooked. It doesnt line up top and bottom so the entire episode Im just looking at the screen going… that paint brush is broken under the skull.
See you next episode!
That was amazing, can’t wait for episode 2.
I have a crititcism, well more of a request. All of your descriptions are amazing but sometimes you gesture and make effects (which is awesome) but I often find myself only listening whilst at work without visual aid so I miss a key part of the experience (that’s on me I know) but I would love if you guys could describe what you are doing aswell when you gesture and add sound effects.
Massively entertaining! When Jericho rolled that 2 all I could imagine was wedding singer when the old guy punch the other guy in the face “I used to be much stronger” haha
Tbh ,i wasn’t going to watch this when im not playd that mutch DnD myself but i started with the video on the world and then the characters and got excited. Love the story, the action, the talks amounts players and the laughter in between. Something that really got the feeling up was the studio (the tavern) was set up and the sounds from your wooden chairs. The sound its there but not annoying in any way. perfection! Just 2 things tho. Maybe have the stats up a bit longer on the screen and when you roll “for the people… Read more »
Now that is a hell of a story. Cant wait for the next, well done Bone.
Digging the Germanic/Norse references, prologue had a very Tolkien feel to it.
Terrific start to the new campaign, I have already watched it twice, looking forward to the next episode. I got the impression Bone was planning something harder with more player deaths though, he seems to be a generous DM, free gear? A new home for everyone to sleep for the first rest? New welcoming friends? Great role playing, I laughed when the Spider ? questioned Quinn about morality, didn’t you press someone’s eyes into their brain causing death and presumably instant bowel evacuation (a result of a sudden loss of consciousness) you could have rendered the man unconscious and simply… Read more »
Very Nice, so far I am excited to see the adventures in the grittier world that the gods have abandoned. Mortals doing good solely for it is the right thing too do, as their is no Damnation or Salvation to be had after death. which means some of the mortals will be getting up to very bad things indeed. Is it just me or does anyone else find it distracting to the immersion of the story, when the players describe their actions in combat and then proceed to roll a 2 and miss. Have you guys considered rolling your attack… Read more »
Haven’t listened yet but super pumped for this! My only demand is that at some point Bone introduces an NPC that talks like the Sslyth!
1:19:19 Spider describes gouging a mans eyes out in gory detail. I don’t know who made the Three Stooges sound effect in the background but you are a treasure.
Lovin it! Bit worried about Beard channeling his inner Sean Bean, we all know what happens to anything Sean Bean is in 😛
Cant wait for the next episode xD
Finally the wait is over! The new studio really sets the tone as we embark on a new adventure, and the writing is top notch once again. Well done Bone!
If I could wish for one thing it would be if you could show the character-sheets for a few more seconds longer when the turn rotates. Right now, Im missing the relevant stats without pausing the video
Keep up the great work guys!
Hats of gents! Absolutely top notch. An interesting new world and characters plus a cliff hanger ending on episode 1. It’s early days but this party seems like they are going to be a fantasy version of The Dirty Dozen.
Would love to see you guys play a game of caranage!
Loving this! Top quality as always guys. Looking forward to seeing the story unfold.
ummm your upload may have caused me to scream a little bit in the middle of a busy supermarket. I may have shouted “we are going to the till, we are done here!” in my excitement