**NEW CODEX!** Orks vs Craftworlds 1500pts | Warhammer 40,000 Battle Report

The new Orks rampage onto Freeview, but can the Aspects of Biel-Tan halt their Waaagh!?
00:00 Intro
01:52 Craftworlds List
03:57 Orks List
07:21 Mission
08:17 Game Intro
09:43 Game
1:28:26 Boing!
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The Army Lists are:
++ Battalion Detachment ++
Clan Kultur: Goffs
+ HQ +
Warboss in Mega Armour: Warlord- Brutal But Kunnin’, Relic- Da Krushin’ Armour
Weirdboy: Extra Gubbinz- Scorched Gitbonez
+ Troops +
20x Boyz
Boss Nob: Big Choppa, Slugga
19x Ork Boyz: Choppa, Slugga
20x Boyz
Boss Nob: Big Choppa, Slugga
19x Ork Boyz: Choppa, Slugga
20x Boyz
Boss Nob: Big Choppa, Slugga
19x Ork Boyz: Choppa, Slugga
10x Gretchin
10x Gretchin
10x Gretchin
+ Elites +
5x Meganobz
Boss Meganob: 2x Killsaws
4x Meganob: 2x Killsaws
+ Fast Attack +
Megatrakk Scrapjet
Megatrakk Scrapjet
+ Heavy Support +
Battlewagon: ‘ard Case
++ Total: 1500pts ++
++ Battalion Detachment ++
Craftworld Attribute: Biel-Tan
+ HQ +
Farseer Skyrunner: Warlord- Natural Leader, Singing Spear, Powers- Doom, Executioner
Jain Zar
Warlock Skyrunner: Relic- The Spirit Stone of Anath’lan, Witchblade, Powers- Smite, Protect/Jinx
+ Troops +
5x Dire Avengers
Dire Avenger Exarch: 2x Avenger Shuriken Catapults, Exarch Power- Bladestorm
4x Dire Avengers
5x Dire Avengers
Dire Avenger Exarch: 2x Avenger Shuriken Catapults, Exarch Power- Bladestorm
4x Dire Avengers
5x Dire Avengers
Dire Avenger Exarch: 2x Avenger Shuriken Catapults, Exarch Power- Bladestorm
4x Dire Avengers
+ Elites +
10x Howling Banshees
Howling Banshee Exarch: Executioner, Shuriken Pistol, Exarch Power- Decapitating Strike
9x Howling Banshees
10x Howling Banshees
Howling Banshee Exarch: Executioner, Shuriken Pistol, Exarch Power- Decapitating Strike
9x Howling Banshees
10x Howling Banshees
Howling Banshee Exarch: Executioner, Shuriken Pistol, Exarch Power- Decapitating Strike
9x Howling Banshees
+ Dedicated Transport +
Wave Serpent: Shuriken Cannon, Twin Bright Lance
Wave Serpent: Shuriken Cannon, Twin Bright Lance
Wave Serpent: Shuriken Cannon, Twin Bright Lance
++ Total: 1,500pts ++
Well done Beard – gave them Guardians and that Yan Zeer a roight good krumpin, dincha? Noice!
In Ork Round 3 – Couldn’t Beard raise the banner with the boyz in case da jump doesn’t go off and it would count as have been set because the unit haven’t done anything.
Great battlerep. I had a similar match up vs Orks on Tuesday.
And managed to table the Orks.
Do you guys have any scorpions? Deep striking, warlock on JetBike to speed over and support. Lovely combo!
Beard is literally the best
Katie throwing memes out gives me strength
I love Beard’s banner talk, “Yeah, I pulled them down from the pole and blew me nose!” Katie, real ladylike-Eldar like, “that’s so disrespectful.”
Yeah, Katie, it’s the ORKS!
Jinx! Jinx! Jinx!, yep definitely Jinx
You can tell Katie is getting more at home with being behind a camera and playing 40k. She is going to be a great asset to your team as you continue to develop reports and a rhythm with her as part of the team. I laughed a lot during this game, so good job, and thanks for the entertainment as always! beard, I don’t know who, or what you sacrificed to the dice gods, but it’s nice to see you not rolling all ones and twos all of the time. it’s quite scary how good you really are when you… Read more »
Great batrep!
Have you considered doing an overlay of deployment zones during the setup part of the video?
I think that you might have forgotten that Biel-Tan has reroll 1’s for shuriken weapons for aspect warriors
Excellent bat rep, team. Fab to see Katie taking on a new army, and great to see a little of what the Orks can do in 9th too – can’t wait for the faction focus. Cheers everyone!
I had commented a few videos ago about some of the banter directed at Beard maybe going a little too far. I just wanted to write that all the games since then have been really good. The camaraderie amongst everyone seems amazing, with just enough banter to keep it interesting. Katie is doing a fantastic job and has fit in seamlessly. This is just another example as to why you guys are the best warhammer content on the internet.
Could you please use some Lynxes in a CWE League game, I know you have 3 Warp Hunters and those have nearly identical dimensions so it won’t be a stretch to proxy Lynxes with them.
Great show as ever – one thing that’s confusing me a little is the breaking heads strat – its costs 2 CP (so the same as insane bravery) but it also causes you to lose models – why then would you ever pick it rather than insane bravery?
Great episode, loved the banter, felt really fun – just can’t understand why anyone thought this wouldn’t be a complete walk over for the orks?! Anyway, great to see Katie noticeably more at home and everyone having a good time
Really enjoyed watching this game. Beard as entertaining as ever and Katie seems to be settling in well and has taken the feedback from her first game on board.
Eldar really need some love, hopefully not too much longer.
CWE are in such a sorry state, it’s sad to see the Aspect warriors reduced to absolute garbage. Let’s take a howling banshee 15 points per model: 1.4+ save, no invuln, T3 (with an exarch power to get 5+FNP only in melee) 2. Garbage ranged output, 2A at S4 AP-3 and D1 in melee. 3. Incredibly reliant on inherently unreliable psychic support to get anything done. 4. +3 to charge after advancing 5. only one loadout (no special weapons) Now let’s compare them to, let’s say, AdMech Vanguard only *8p*: 1. Obsec, troops, Alpha can take Melee weapons including power… Read more »
Post-punk new waagh-ve perhaps?
Are 1500pt batreps, outside of league games, the new thing for TT? Personally I like 1500 point games as there are less assets on the field so playing the mission suddenly becomes a lot harder and list selection needs to adjust. 2000 points games on 9th edition board sizes feel so crowded.
Lovely Game! Excellent Orking friend @Beard – great to see you on board. @Katie, smashing it – and lovely to see you broaden the army base, the mighty @spider, mighty as ever, bringing order to the madness.
Katie, demand to play the World Eaters. just take them off Lawrence, flick his nose if you must, but take them. I just want to see a Katie based Kharn phase…
This was actually the first time I heard Beards real name 😀
So stoked that you ran the Goffs. I new the green tide would come back with a vengeance. Up the ORKS!
interestingly the meganobs have 5 attacks each with dual killsaws.
each kill saw has the wording “….it makes 1 additional attack with this weapon”
meaning they get 1 additional attack per killsaw
This might be a mistake (sadly 1 of many in this codex) as previously they only got 1 extra attack for having 2 killsaws equipped.
but rules as written they have an extra attack with 5 each now
Katie already seems way more confident as a presenter, the banter is awesome. Keep up the good work!
May I put forth the following, since there’s already an Operatic Waagh.
The Speedmetal Waagh (may or may not include a 15min guitar solo) as Speedwaagh
The Final Waagh (to the tune of Final Countdown) as Ghaz’s Waagh.
when it STARTS with an operatic WAAAAAGH, you know it’s gonna be a good one.
It’s almost like watching an episode of the 3 stooges with the sound effects added.
And I hope she uses protect today… 😁
Really fun, you had an awesome mood in there! The operatic Waaagh was great, too. I want to rehiterate that the setup with three of you is perfect and enhance everything, Katie is growing as a player really fast and Beard is doing a great job in editing too.
the operatic waaaghh!
Lawrence, could you please tell me if I as a Craftworlds player, can have some hope for decent future codex?