The Best & Worst Ork Units | Warhammer 40,000 Faction Focus

Avatar The Chef August 19, 202180  51 80 Likes

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Beard and Chef sit down to talk the Top (and Bottom) units in the new Ork Codex!

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Ryan Bowald
Ryan Bowald
2 years ago

I also think deffkoptas are a fantastic unit. Deep strike them in when u waagggh! Spend 2 cp to get a 3d6 charge since their vehicles, and they get 27 attacks at strength 6 ap 1 with exploding 6’s if u make them Goffs.

Sheikh Hans
2 years ago

Jurassic park with orks would be good but what about Sharknado with orks? Just saying:)

James Wildman
Lodge Member
James Wildman
2 years ago

You guys need to have a weekly video that’s literally just Beard and Chef talking about fantasy film mash-ups. Shoehorn in some 40k if you need but it’s not really important.

10/10 would subscribe for that alone.

John Barber
Lifetime Member
2 years ago

Personally, I think anything that makes Leadership more of an issue to think about is a good thing. I think GW in general has been guilty of making Ld a bit of a joke stat. There are definitely some armies that shouldn’t be susceptible to leadership, but imo to many armies get out of dealing with it. I think this edition so far seems to be making the right moves. I think the main issue with the bust heads strat though is that it doesn’t seem like a good option. It seems to me that it’s more dangerous than just… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by John Barber
James Wildman
Lodge Member
James Wildman
2 years ago

Great video guys. Really great to hear your thoughts on the new book.

Since you were wondering about snotlings: you used to be able to take bases of them with a runtherd back in RT or maybe even 2nd Ed days.

You can’t do that anymore but they still fulfil a crucial battlefield role and you can see them performing that role on a model: they are the ammo for the Shokk Attack gun, and you can see one disappearing up the runt-sucker.

2 years ago

Regarding Boyz, your explanation basically seems to boil down to “they are fine in squads of 10, they are bad in squads of 30.” I’d only say they are a bottom 5 unit if you’re trying to make them work in multiple big squads of 30 like they used to. Squad sizes of 10 are useful as you say, and I personally think a single squad of 30 accompanied by a Nob/z (be it a unit or a character), is still decent as long as you have the CP to spend. Also I assume you just misspoke, but Beast Snagga… Read more »

Lodge Member
2 years ago

Brilliant banter as ever lads! Good analysis too! Looking forward to Gaz being yeeted up the board in a monster trukk at some stage!
Painboy for ablative wounds/emergency gaz sized airbags?

Philippe Boulanger
Lodge Member
2 years ago

I like these series of videos, be it « Bad and Worst » or « Good, Bad and Ugly », but I think they would work better with a sandwich strategy : positive / negative / positive. Ending on a low note is kind of bumming me out on the codex. Even just a quick « Favorite model of the range » or something would cheer me up at the end.

I’ll still watch everything you do anyways 😝❤️

Luís Sousa
2 years ago

Greetings team. My understanding regarding Mek Gunz Morale is that, as stated on “Artillery and Crew” ability, and I quote “Each Mek Gun and its crew are treated as a single model for all rules purpose“, so losing a model does not trigger a Morale Test. Can you recheck this? If my understanding is correct they are more survival but still a poor choice 🙂

Robert Harrison
2 years ago

boys are bad….gretchin are worse than bad….

Robert Harrison
2 years ago

nobs on warbikes will probably be the same as the warbikers boss nob and have 4 wounds.

Robert Harrison
2 years ago

hold on chef beast gob warlord trait gives +1 damage to squig jaws not +1 attack

Peter Kijek
Lodge Member
Peter Kijek
2 years ago

It would be JURASSORK PARK!!!!

Lodge Member
2 years ago

Ullanor was the homeworld during War of the Beast as well… Loved the video, great work as always guys. Looking forward to this codex. Only Xenos race I will play…

Christopher Krueger
Lodge Member
Christopher Krueger
2 years ago

So all the old mainstays are crap, and all the models from 8th are better and the models from 9th are incredible. I am Jack’s total lack of surprise. After every Codex just getting better and better with Ad Mech possibly being too good, Orc players get this. Wonderful. A return to Marines at the beginning of 8th, when Primaris got better stats, better weapons, 2Ws and tanks with more guns than a Gargant. Yeah, Ghazgull’s a beast, and all my Fast Attack Orks & Squigs will rock the Goff ability… What part of “No muckin’ about” was hard to… Read more »

2 years ago

Isnt Armageddon the ork homeworld? That’s why it’s a constant struggle against orks there. They lost it in the great crusade

Jason James
2 years ago

Ullanor/Armageddon was the Ork homeworld pre great crusade

Vi Archer
Vi Archer
2 years ago

4 out of the 5 best models are from the newest releases?


2 years ago

Orks are so cool… Never played them, but it’s been some time I was thinking to try and run them, but a fully mechanized force. Would now be the time?

Mikhail Davis
Lodge Member
Mikhail Davis
2 years ago

Watching a movie with Macaulay Culkin playing Kevin and he gets lost in Jurassic Park would be a more enjoyable movie than the recent movies, get a pen and paper.

Stuart Dickson
Lodge Member
Stuart Dickson
2 years ago

For what it’s worth I personally am not bothered about you guys doing the full codex review. Sure it’s would be nice but Goonhammer put out an incredibly detailed one on day of release. Art of War also do a pretty good deep dive. I’d rather you guys spend your time making awesome battle reports etc, which is what your best at.

Thomas Kirchner
Thomas Kirchner
2 years ago

Once there was a bearded man who had not seen any movies. So he became the target for much ridicule. Struggling on he witnessed the sight of a great many films. But in his mind those movies were all just one!

The Man: The Beard

The Movie: Home Alone 2: Lost World in New York

Adam Dewhurst
Adam Dewhurst
2 years ago

Great video as always, some good insights.
Are you doing a Thousand Sons one soon?? (pretty please) 😀

Joonas Salonen
Joonas Salonen
2 years ago

That’s my gripe with the Flasgitz aswell and HOW are the gunrigs on lootas dakka weapons when theirs are not!? That makes no sense, one is a shoulder mounted cannon contraption, no minus from movement, and the other is a big BIG shoota , kinda, minus if you move… *confused mek sounds

Paul Flory
Paul Flory
2 years ago

Is this format replacing the good bad and the ugly faction focus, for new codex releases? Thanks

Paul Flory
Paul Flory
2 years ago

Are you guys still doing the good bad and ugly focus? Or are these replacing them? Thanks

The Casual
Lodge Member
2 years ago

More of Chef/Beard movie banter.
No, really. More of it 😀

2 years ago

Personal favourite from the new Ork book are the Burna Boyz. Their improved flamers are nice, but their combat potential is disgustingly good. Combining Goff Burna Boyz with the Zzapcrumpaz Kustom job (melee wounds of 6 cause a mortal wound in addition), Warpath (+1 attack), Waaagh (advance and charge and +1 attack), cuttin’ flames (-2 ap in combat) and the Goff stratagem (unbridled carnage 5s and 6s cause 2 hits) means that a squad of 9 (117 points) can seriously maul a block of 10 Blight Lord Terminators! The key being the mortal wounds and the str 5 ap -2… Read more »

Lodge Warrior Member
2 years ago

Yesterday I pulled my back working on the fields at 38°C while listening to children and tourists play in the sea no more than 200m away, so I witnessed 9 different kinds of Hell (why it’s never a vision of Celestine smiling encouragingly at you?). There’s an incredible healing quality in listening to you chat about the game while I rest in my air conditioned room drinking tea, so send more of these videos my way!

Joerg Kuehling
2 years ago

Jurassic Waaagh!

2 years ago

Brew and Biscuits-Check
Beard and Chef mulling 0ver Ork dex- Check
Orks to paint while listening- Check
3 Checks making this an awesome Thursday morning, love u guys

Adam Batista
Adam Batista
2 years ago

The original Ork homeworld is Ullanor, which was destroyed, until you later discover that it was relocated by the admech and named Armageddon

O Brother J
2 years ago

Beard and chef discussing the Orks? Don’t mind if I do!