Orks vs Black Templars 2000pts | Warhammer 40,000 Battle Report

It’s a classic match up as Chef brings out a Green Tide, and our new Guest Dave crusades into the Studio to claim glory and honour for the Floorhammer Podcast!
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00:00 Intro
01:59 Orks Army List
04:48 Black Templars Army List
09:17 Mission – Sweep and Clear
10:11 Game Start
12:02 Game
2:01:53 Dave is an idiot
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The Army Lists are:
++ Battalion Detachment ++
Clan Kultur: Goffs
+ HQ +
Warboss: Warlord- Brutal but Kunnin’, Relic- Da Iron Gob, Power Klaw, Attack Squig, Kombi-skorcha
Big Mek: Extra Gubbinz- Super Cybork Body, Choppa, Slugga, Kustom Force Field
+ Troops +
30x Boyz
Boss Nob: Power Klaw, Slugga
29x Ork Boyz: Choppas, Sluggas
30x Boyz
Boss Nob: Power Klaw, Slugga
29x Ork Boyz: Choppas, Sluggas
12x Boyz
Boss Nob: Slugga, Slugga
11x Ork Boyz: Shootas
+ Elites +
10x Nobz
Boss Nob: Power Klaw, Slugga
9x Nobz: Big Choppa, Slugga
11x Tankbustas: Specialist MobBoom Boyz
Boss Nob: Rokkit Launcha
10x Tankbustas: Rokkit Launchas
+ Fast Attack +
Megatrakk Scrapjet
Megatrakk Scrapjet
8x Warbikers
Boss Nob: Power Klaw
7x Warbikers: Choppas
+ Heavy Support +
Bonebreaka: Kustom Job- Fortress on Wheels, Killkannon
+ Dedicated Transport +
++ Total: 2,000pts ++
Black Templars
++ Battalion Detachment ++
+ HQ +
High Marshal Helbrecht: Warlord- Frontline Commander
Primaris Chaplain: Litanies- Litany of Hate, Canticle of Hate
The Emperor’s Champion
+ Troops +
10x Assault Intercessor Squad:
Assault Intercessor Sgt: Relic Bearer- Sigismund’s Seal, Astartes Chainsword, Heavy Bolt Pistol
9x Assault Intercessor: Astartes Chainsword, Heavy Bolt Pistol
5x Heavy Intercessor Squad: 4x Heavy Bolt Rifles, Heavy Bolter
11x Primaris Crusader Squad
Primaris Sword Brother: Power Sword, Heavy Bolt Pistol
4x Primaris Initiates: Auto Bolt Rifle
Primaris Initiate: Pyreblaster
4x Primaris Neophytes: Astartes Chainsword, Bolt Pistol
+ Elites +
5x Bladeguard Veteran Squad
Bladeguard Veteran Sergeant: Champion of the Feast, Relic Bearer- Icon of Heinmann
4x Bladeguard Veterans
Leviathan Dreadnought: 2x Storm Cannon Array, 2x Heavy Flamers
Primaris Apothecary
+ Fast Attack +
3x Suppressor Squad
+ Heavy Support +
3x Eradicator Squad: Melta Rifles
Gladiator Lancer: 2x Storm Bolters
+ Dedicated Transport +
Impulsor: 2x Storm Bolters, Ironhail Skytalon Array
++ Total: 1,997pts ++
dave is great. please get him back
Late ask here, but the dice bags you all use at your waists are brilliant. Are those the ones from the app shop, or do you use different ones?
There should be more Numberwang at Tabletop Tactics.
You’re my favourite, Chef.
One of the nobz broke ‘is choppa!
What a great game! I loved the Emperors light! All i can think about now though is “The Empras light is coming” by Venga Boys
That Gladiator Hwiff tho….. hahhah. Great game guys!
Great game! Very well played by Chef, not only for playing the Orks for the first time in many moons and doing it kunnin but brutal, but also for throughout the game reminding Dave of his army’s rules and suggesting good tactical moves. Top Class Hosting!
Is it just me, or is this episode downloading really slowly??
That’s Numberwang
The green horde takes this one, but suffer not the unclean to live. Those two tank shots is what killed you. If that were more consistent, you would have taken a lot more out early on.
I might be wrong but I think the “gun” quote is from 1989 Batman when the joker shoots his own guy. The whole quote “Bob. Gun.” I hope this helps.
Absolutely epic game!!! Chef is making me want to start an Ork army now haha
Great game! Just a heads-up, the link to floorhammer on youtube doesn’t link anywhere. I’m not sure if you can change it or not but thought I’d let you know.
Is the film you are looking for Romeo and Juliet? Hand me my broadsword.
Are you thinking of the part in starship troopers when Rasczak asks for the rifle to shot the trooper in the air??
The original chaos gods numbered but 3, they were first named in the first warhammer role play book and see Khorne, Nurgle and Ma’lal. The other one chef mentioned was actually one of the 3 gods of law (not the nice guys you would think) I am old and as such vaguely remember such things.
More Dave, intro was great
Always enjoy guest episodes. Would be cool to see Pleasant Kenobi as a guest.
Brilliant game, fantastic guest, super atmosphere. This is what Tabletoptactics is all about!
Is the give my my gun quote you are talking about “Give me that ******** Shooter” from Snatch?
Great game Dave!
Would be awesome to see Chef take what he learnt here and have a run at competitive Orks in the League!!!
Very cool game, thats how this allways should be. Quite close and not one side dominating the other.
Orks suit you aswell Mr. Chef!
Nice game and nice guest! I would love to see how a competitive Black Templars list would do, they seem quite interesting and I think that Uphold is a really strong vow.
And yes, the Gladiator is as sad and worthless as almost all the other tanks for Marines and Sisters. I am relieved I hold out on buying it, it would have ended gatering dust on my shelf with the RepEx and the Impulsors.
The ‘hand me my gun’ thing is starship troopers when the sergeant guy shoots his own man.