Chaos Daemons vs Thousand Sons 2000pts | Warhammer 40,000 League Report

Avatar The Chef January 22, 202250  25 50 Likes

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The Warhipster returns to the Studio with his stunning Chaos Daemons, but can they withstand the psychic prowess of Chef and the XVth Legion?

Check out Josh’s amazing work on Instagram – @warhipster

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The Army Lists are :

Thousand Sons

++ Battalion Detachment ++

Cults of the Legion: Cult of Duplicity

+ HQ +

Exalted Sorcerer: Warlord- Master Misinformation, Relic- Athenaean Scrolls, Legion Command- Rehati, Disc of Tzeentch, Warpflame Pistol, Powers- Tzeentch’s Firestorm, Baleful Devolution

Infernal Master: High Acolytes- Seeker After Shadows, Sorcerous Arcana- Umbralefic Crystal, Infernal Pacts- Glimpse of Eternity, Malefic Maelstrom, Power- Perplex

Ahriman: Disc of Tzeentch, Powers- Glamour of Tzeentch, Twist of Fate, Presage

+ Troops +

5x Rubric Marines: Icon of Flame, Power- Doombolt
Aspiring Sorcerer: Inferno Bolt Pistol
3x Rubric Marine: Inferno Boltgun
Rubric Marine: Soulreaper Cannon

5x Rubric Marines: Icon of Flame, Power- Gaze of Hate
Aspiring Sorcerer: Inferno Bolt Pistol
3x Rubric Marine: Inferno Boltgun
Rubric Marine: Soulreaper Cannon

5x Rubric Marines: Icon of Flame, Power- Desecration of Worlds
Aspiring Sorcerer: Inferno Bolt Pistol
3x Rubric Marine: Inferno Boltgun
Rubric Marine: Soulreaper Cannon

9x Rubric Marines: Power- Pyric Flux
Aspiring Sorcerer: Warpflame Pistol
8x Rubric Marine: Warpflamer

+ Elites +

5x Scarab Occult Terminators: Hellfyre Missile Rack, Power- Temporal Surge
Scarab Occult Sorcerer: Inferno Combi-bolter
3x Terminator: Prosperine Khopesh, Inferno Combi-bolter
Terminator: Prosperine Khopesh, Soulreaper Cannon

Scarab Occult Terminators: Hellfyre Missile Rack, Power- Cacodaemonic Curse
Scarab Occult Sorcerer: Inferno Combi-bolter
3x Terminator: Prosperine Khopesh, Inferno Combi-bolter
Terminator: Prosperine Khopesh, Soulreaper Cannon

Scarab Occult Terminators: Hellfyre Missile Rack, Power- Weaver of Fates
Scarab Occult Sorcerer: Inferno Combi-bolter
3x Terminator: Prosperine Khopesh, Inferno Combi-bolter
Terminator: Prosperine Khopesh, Soulreaper Cannon

+ Heavy Support +

Forgefiend: 3x Ectoplasma Cannons

Forgefiend: 3x Ectoplasma Cannons

++ Total: 1,997pts ++

Chaos Daemons

++ Battalion Detachment ++

Chaos Allegiance: Slaanesh
+ HQ +
Keeper of Secrets: Warlord- Celerity of Slaanesh, Exalted- Quicksilver Reflexes, Relics- Silverstrike, Shining Aegis, Powers-Symphony of Pain, Delightful Agonies
Be’lakor: Powers- Pall of Despair, Penumbral Curse
Contorted Epitome: Powers- Hysterical Frenzy, Phantasmagoria
+ Troops +
10x Daemonettes
10x Daemonettes
10x Daemonettes
+ Elites +
3x Fiends: Blissbringer
3x Fiends: Blissbringer
3x Fiends: Blissbringer
++ Patrol Detachment ++
Chaos Allegiance: Tzeentch
+ HQ +
Lord of Change: Reward of Chaos- The Impossible Robe, Exalted- Aura of Mutability, Powers- Boon of Change, Gaze of Fate, Treason of Tzeentch
+ Troops +
10x Horrors
+ Fast Attack +
9x Screamers
++ Total: 1,999pts ++

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André Orthmann
2 years ago

Really enjoyed watching it and glad to hear that Lawrence made a change on his director instructions. No “Action” but a “Cut” even if he wasnt allowed (or able) to speak.
Very impressive Mr. Lawrence and person who edited. 😉

Still was big fun to watch this. Guess both of you played well and the start of the Daemons was horrifical strong. A bit sad that Belakor died that fast.
But good job on that kill Chef!

P.S.: really liked to see the Warhipster again!
And some more actions and cuts of course in the end xD

Last edited 2 years ago by André Orthmann
Mike S.
Lodge Member
Mike S.
2 years ago

A very fun game to watch! Josh is a wonderful guest. Always enjoying to see him on the channel 🙂

3 years ago

Great game gents!

Got to side with Chef on those jokes tho haha! – Dave

Chun-Kit Kan
Lodge Member
Chun-Kit Kan
3 years ago

What an excellent close battle! Well done to you both for seeing it through and for such a close game.

3 years ago

Just to echo others that this was an excellent game and two players full of humour. A pleasure to watch.

Joshua Mcewen
Lodge Member
Joshua Mcewen
3 years ago

This is game is so much fun!! Great job ! Great guest !

Huw Tindall
Huw Tindall
3 years ago

What a cracker of a game. As Warhipster said – this is why you play to the end. That applies to us viewers too – watch to the end!

Lodge Member

“Lawrence told me that I have to explain jokes to you” – that is golden!

Adam Stewart
Adam Stewart
3 years ago

What an enjoyable game, and what a cool guest. Looking forward to seeing Josh return to the channel. Great stuff guys

Daniel Bromley
3 years ago

Two amazing armies, you guys make me laugh so much 😀
Sorry if this has been asked before, but is there any updates on the criteria to be a guest?

3 years ago

Thoroughly enjoyed this batrep, well done Josh and Chef top stuff 👍🏻

Kurtis Carlson
Kurtis Carlson
3 years ago

Hey Chef, have you thought about combining 2 of the 5 man scarab terminators into one unit of 10? That plus 1 to wound is super strong on a fully kitted out unit of scarabs.

Thijs Schrijnemakers
3 years ago

I did enjoy the jokes, mr Warhipster, but did I understand them? who knows
that poor Keeper, only wanting to give those ashy sons some hugs. great match, very tense, thanks!

John Barber
Lifetime Member
3 years ago

Oh noez warhipster, you forgot that Fiends drop psyker casts by 1 if within 12″. A (surprising) number of those powers wouldn’t have gotten off.

Riley Fitzgerald
3 years ago

“Hitting on twos because of presage!”

Rolls 4×1’s….


Benoit Cappez
Lifetime Member
3 years ago

A close game till the end. The TS have shooting, psychic and kind of melee too, and even w/o shooting, the deamons are just awesome. Love those games and I hope deamons will get some love when CSM codex is out.

Shaun Garrett
Shaun Garrett
3 years ago

Chef, can’t Ahriman re-roll all PTs and Denies?

Lodge Warrior Member
3 years ago

Nice game and nice guest, once again!
I am looking forward to your take on the changes in points and missions brought by the Chapter Approved… reading the preview on Goonhammer left me quite a bit unsatisfied and in some cases frankly bewildered, and I am curious to hear your thoughts on this.
I am just happy that they confirmed the dataslate for february and that they seem to be committed on their promise to keep up with the adjustments.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stefano
O Brother J
3 years ago

Excited to see how this match up goes! Red Pearl dice turned up today looking forward to breaking them in on Wednesday!

Jonathan Haynes
Lodge Member
Jonathan Haynes
3 years ago

Got to love and comment here as well as YouTube.