Codex Aeldari: Craftworlds Top 5 Changes | Warhammer 40,000 Faction Focus

Avatar The Beard February 26, 202248  40 48 Likes

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After weeks of previews, Codex Aeldari is finally here!!  Are they the dying race we have always been led  to believe, or are they more potent than ever before?!  Allow The Spider, Chef and Beard talk you through the top changes within this hefty tome!

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00:00 Here we go again!
01:02 Intro
03:30 Army Rules
05:13 Army Rules- Battle Focus
07:49 Army Rules- Strands of Fate
14:11 Craftworld Attributes
14:36 Attributes- Ulthwe
19:25 RANT ALERT- Codex Creep
20:24 Attributes- Iyanden
25:03 Other Craftworld Attributes
25:36 Attributes- Ynnari
35:37 Battle Forged Rules- Stratagems
42:15 Battle Forged Rules- Exarch Powers
44:59 Battle Forged Rules- Secondaries
46:56 Battle Forged Rules- Relics
47:37 Battle Forged Rules- Exarch Relics
48:22 Battle Forged Rules- Warlord Traits
49:36 Battle Forged Rules- Psychic Powers
56:57 Datasheet Changes
1:02:58 Points Changes
1:10:40 RANT ALERT – Points
1:11:44 Wrap Up
1:15:28 Just a bunch of professionals

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Oscar Liljeby
1 year ago

I absolutly HATE Ynnari lore. So, if they get nerfed into the ground and then Squatted I’d be a happy bugger.

Richard Howard-Jones
Richard Howard-Jones
2 years ago

If I play ynnari can I use a shadowseer’s psychic powers on my ynnari harlequins. Can I use the stratagem forewarned when I play ynnari?

2 years ago

love the goofy thumbnails.

Justin Gregory
2 years ago

Just wanna say such an awesome video!!

Just played my first game with the new Codex and wanted to check something about strands of fate

Can 1 unit use multiple dice at a single time.. for example

Say I roll 3 wound dice on my Sof

If I shoot with a squad of guardians, after my hit roll, can I then use all 3 wound dice to say 3 of the hits have wounded and then roll the remaining

Or is it limited to 1 use per unit?


Wael Riad
Lodge Member
2 years ago

And the say Tau OP!

Wanna see a match up 😁.

Lodge Member
2 years ago

Does this mean with codex power creep, by the time CSM comes along, it’ll be great?

Lifetime Member
2 years ago

Been on a little hiatus last couple of months but had to come back for this! So excited for this codex. Your strand of fate analysis seems very much on point. I do think there was a mistake that I don’t think you can use two dice (say you have two fate dice for charges) for one roll. The specific texts state that ‘if that roll involves more than one D6, treat one of those dice as an unmodified result of 6, then roll any other dice and add up the result’. I think this quite explicitly prohibits you from… Read more »

Paul Power
2 years ago

So excited abiut the new book. Have invested heavily in wraiths so really pleased about their viability. But I am a bit miffed about the dire avengers moving from troops. I think the buff to guardians was enough to make them worthwhile. I always thought of the dire avengers as the real troops and guardians as the emergency support. If anything why aren’t rangers elites?

2 years ago

Thanks for the great overview!
@Chef: What makes you think mixed Ynnari losing Strands was an oversight? Ynnari from Phoenix Rising also had wired, senseless rules and GW never fixed them, neither… Also, the first Aeldari to join Yvraine were Corsairs. Guess what? They can’t be Ynnari, neither.

Justin Gregory
2 years ago

After hearing that ynnari can have named characters with the Ynnari keyword.. is there any or is it just on the main 3?

Lodge Member
2 years ago

Crafworlds are back in a big way BABYYY!!!
I am really happy how it turned out, the changes are so good fluff-wise, Strands of Fate is so good. I am a happy puppy now, I just need more CWE battreps now, that’s all I’m asking now…

Thijs Schrijnemakers
2 years ago

I like the way you set up your webway gate on the table

nice review, looking forward to watching the batrep

Julian Stark
Julian Stark
2 years ago

Quick question: I seem to remember that you guys (and others) talked about all codices being finished at the beginning at 9th and tested against each other. Did GW just ignore that and put in more buffs for later books or did they just decide on release schedule based on what did well in order to not have something like custodes out day 1?

Lodge Warrior Member
2 years ago

Very interesting, just came from the goonhammer review and they were slating the Codex saying there was an issue being too expensive and that they’ll struggle in the current meta and at list construction. Nice to have the varying opinions

Julian Stark
Julian Stark
2 years ago

Really hope that the daemon codex adds something akin to the harlequins rules for chaos. I got into DG because I could have some daemons as a fun painting distraction but will never get a full 2k points of nurgle daemons, so right now they are sitting useless on the shelf

Lodge Warrior Member
2 years ago

So a wraith guard is 45 points T6 with -1D and D2 weapons and a blightlord terminator is 47 points T5 3W -1D but with only D1 weapons and combi bolter with no AP and a deathshroud is T5 3W -1D and scythes and 55 points and I cannot buff them with 5+ FNP unless I bring a surgeon to give 6+ FNP. My poor death guard….

Lodge Warrior Member
2 years ago

EDIT after the mini rant: You guys said it quite succintly but better then me so I might as well mark the rest of my message as unnecessary. But still, I would love to listen to your thoughts about this costant power creep as Lawrence suggested. @12:40ish: As someone that plays mostly armies from the earlier codices, I’d say that once again GW completely changed gear after a few releases. When it was just Drukhari, and then AdMech, I could argue that those books were broken. After GK, Custodes and Tau? I’d say that those are the “normal” ones and… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by Stefano
Commissar Pen
Commissar Pen
2 years ago

I sense a disturbance in the warp

Kaibong deity
Lodge Warrior Member
Kaibong deity
2 years ago

Regarding Crons, I’d love to see the tac docs ( command protocols?) Affect all, both parts if in 6″ of a noble.
Give DDA ignore invulnerable and silent king quantum shielding.
Then cost reduction on HQs to line yp better with current costs on better HQs in other armies

And no,I’m not a cron player.

I just think nerfing/ changing the top meta isn’t enough,they should be boosting the codexes that are getting left behind.

Kaibong deity
Lodge Warrior Member
Kaibong deity
2 years ago

And my 28k ish of fully painted Ulthwe smiles

Lodge Warrior Member
2 years ago

Already pre-ordered! Loving everything I’ve seen so far!