Tempest of War Review | Warhammer 40,000 State of Play

After waiting for so long, New Maelstrom Tempest of War is here, and Beard and Chef are very excited to talk to you all about it!
00:00 Intro
04:14 How to Play
10:18 Deployment
12:57 Mission Rules
17:04 Primary Missions
19:34 Secondary Missions
27:17 Tempest vs Grand Tournament
34:09 Just try it – you might have fun
36:55 Is Tempest the future of 40k?
37:59 Look, it’s just good
40:45 Conclusion
42:30 Outro
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The mission pack states that reserves can only come in on turn 2. Does this counteract the falcon’s ability to come in on turn 1?
Praise be to the Emperor. 9th edition itc missions (far more than the imbalance) killed 40k for me. They are 12 duplicate missions with meaningless variation..finally I can play a pick up game again that is fun!
Very excited about it, I think it’ll be awesome. I 100% agree with Beard, I think this will require more adaptability and actual tactics over the chess game that 9th’s games have been.
Theres only one thing breaking 40k and that is competitive play, which ofcourse is very small % of the player base.
Anything that gets me away from the sterile GT mission packs is a good thing, such a boring way to play IMO (maybe im just bored of playing that way).
GW should at least give you guys a big thx for the sales lead.
Was thinking about getting it but after watching your video i decided to buy it.
Thx for the detailed opinions on it.
I shall be putting in my pre order for the deck at my LFGS tomorrow. After I lose another match in our store league. Can’t wait to watch all the new Tempest battle reports. My favourite way to play the game.
Immediately ordered these. Absolutely correct about there being a market for this. For those of us who are time poor but like to play interesting tactical games, this is a real winner. Great content as usual. Looking forward to seeing you guys give them a test drive.
This is great news! Looks fantastic. As a Brit that moved to Canada a while back I have found the North American style different to that in GB. North America seems more obsessed with competitive max out all the wins as possible. People play with unpainted armies. In Britain I remember GW stores wouldn’t let you play unless models were painted. This kept the meta down as you couldn’t just buy and play you had to build and paint. I hope this style takes hold more over here and more balanced armies are allowed to shine over wrung out to… Read more »
Great review! Really looking forward to trying this and seeing some new battle reports.
This makes me SO happy! 9th ed 40k is stale as all get out at the moment. this insistence that matched is only played tournament style is killing my love of 40k. Bringing Maelstrom back is likely exactly what I needed for the health of the game.
This is what will make 9th edition more appealing for me, I really enjoyed Maelstrom games, so I’m looking forward to getting my these cards. Thanks guys!
I’m so happy to see this playstyle return.
I have long co soldered this a far greater test of skill than GT missions because how much it requires you to respond to different conditions to gain points. It requires a much more nimble and flexible mind and really rewards great generals rather than great lists.
Very surprised gw have not advertised this. Maelstrom was almost as popular as GT/matched play in 8th at my local club. Even the description on gws website does not imply tempest is like malestrom. Very excited to play this style of game again.
Awesome video. Thank you for your opinion and the review. It was a decison for me and my mate to buy the pack.
@Chef – 16:27 into the video you talk about your favorite mission rule “Vox Static”. What do you think – let us create a hashtag #nocpreroll.
Are you in?
Beard and Chef, thank you for this epic read out of the new Tempest format. I love all the shows you and the crew do, you always being the energy and fun, but I have to admit that I’ve tailed off watching every show lately because the games themselves are just so formulaic. I’ve played a couple of 9ed tourney’s and I don’t mind the GT Mission Pack as it’s fun to prepare for and look into the missions you’re going to play and so on, it’s all part of the great experience that tournaments provide. But I wouldn’t say… Read more »
Last couple years at the LVO 40K Friendly tourney we have used Maelstrom (well except this year since it wasn’t out). If you do end up at LVO you should definitely check it out. Fluffy armies, no one really trying to smash your face in.
Want this yesterday!
A difficult question for you of course – but what is your prediction of how many in 10 of your battle reports that will be Tempest of War and how many will be GT missions from now on? I really hope for at least 5/10 Maelstrom, and I would love even more!
This sounds EXACTLY like what I’ve been hoping for in regards to 9th edition, my local 40k community has been doing Crusade Campaigns recently because Matched Play is (in our opinion at least) currently a headache – but I have to admit, Crusade while fun is a little more zany than I’d prefer.
I can’t wait to grab one of these packs ASAP, and I didn’t even know before this video that it was even a thing!
Many excite, much want
As someone who plays competitively, this would appear to solve a lot of the problems I have with the current state of 40k. As you guys have alluded to, there are very few tactical choices to be made in the GT games – it’s either hold a primary or don’t, use a stratagem or don’t; do the secondary action that you’ve built around; be cagey until you don’t have a choice not to be. There’s no room for the sort of ‘midrange’ armies that GW obviously would prefer you to use, which cuts out a lot of variety at tournaments… Read more »
With the enthusiasm for this pack was Tournament Play/GT killing 40k or at least the fun of 40k?
So stoked for this! Always enjoyed the randomness back in 8th, and kept both players in the game. Be picking it up as soon as it drops.
Pre-ordered. I’m so happy right now!
YouTube “embed” is just the text of the URL to the YouTube video, folks. Not even linked! 😀
Great review! I can’t wait to play. My group tried the White Dwarf Maelstrom and it wasn’t good. I’d actually go to events if these rules were used. It forces you to bring a balanced list. I think it allows people to play favorite lists and still be competitive. I play Saim Hann and my list design is off an Outrider detachment. I’m competitive now with Tempest. I got relic jet bike gives me objective secured and a psychic power that does same. This is awesome.
Great review. Great show. Really looking forward to playing Tempest myself.
Thanks for the review, pre ordered these and looking forward to playing the game in the best way 🙂
Pre-ordered it immediately.
So if I heard correctly, knights can raise the banner in Tempest because they’re objective secured. My chaos knights can finally preform actions? Or they can discard it cause they can’t achieve it?
Great review, I’m hitting pre-order as fast as I can… really happy about this 😃 (though where the hell is the GW promo stuff?? not a single article on WarCom that I can see!?)
Aaaaahhh I love this… It’s just far more user friendly and it feels right. Like they heard the people and made something needed
As a player who got into Warhammer in 8th edition playing nothing but Maelstrom this does my heart good. Haven’t finished the video yet but I 100% agree on Beard’s point about placing an objective because you’re building a narrative in your head. Just adds layers of cool to the game. A example would be my best mate played world eaters at the time and he would always slap one down in the middle of the map and basically be like come fight me.
Wow you answered me so fast 😀😃
I’m very interested in your opinion about this.🙂