Flesh Tearers vs Orks 2000pts | Warhammer 40,000 Battle Report

Avatar The Chef April 16, 202237  36 37 Likes

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It’s an old school special as Spider and Stig bring out some of their first loves from when they started hobbying, as Flesh Tearers meet Blood Axes on the battlefield!

**ATTENTION** – This was filmed before the April 2022 Balance Dataslate. You wouldn’t want us to throw this video away and you get nothing to watch now would you 😉

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Thomas Taylor Bigg
Thomas Taylor Bigg
2 years ago

That was joyful. I thought for a little while there that Stig was going to get that crucial upper hand. The doom roller/redemptor was such a big moment.

Great fun game, guys.

And on a personal note – I’m struggling to recover from COVID right now – one month in and still unable to properly function and watching these has really helped keep me in touch with gaming. So thanks.

Thijs Schrijnemakers
2 years ago

thanks for the fun batrep, tempest is so refreshing

Imperial Grunt
Lodge Member
2 years ago

Love the Flesh Tearers and very fun batrep! Glory to the Emperor!

Lodge Member
2 years ago

Terrifying? I think you meant Tearer-fying, Spider!

Erik Ramvi
Erik Ramvi
2 years ago

Hey, would you consider selling TTT dice trays? I`d buy one 🙂

Sam Reed
Lodge Member
Sam Reed
2 years ago

Stig! Lovely to see some orks on the channel (2 this week!). Good on ya.

Kristian Olesen
Kristian Olesen
2 years ago

Great battle report lads. I wish the two lists were slightly more balanced to eachother, flesh tearers seemed to be all the premium units while Orks just a mish mash of things, make those mega nobz trukk boyz next time Stig 😀

Francisco Michels
Lodge Member
Francisco Michels
2 years ago

Good game, like seeing the new flesh tearer’s units.

Jeremy Spink
Lodge Member
Jeremy Spink
2 years ago

I know Flesh Tearerers are a bit nuts but you would think they could tell the difference between a tennis ball and a grenade… but apparently not

Kieran Barnes
Kieran Barnes
2 years ago

A Krak grenade! Nope…. I know! A Krak grenade…. Uh no, not today

2 years ago

also not seeing the video here guys

2 years ago

Vid not showing for me on edge.

2 years ago

Wouldn’t want you to throw it away?? Throw it out the window!!! 😂.

Thanks, Team, for everything you all do.

Now… where the Scions at? It’d be a shame if the ranks were… compromised 🤫🐍🐍🐍

Hydra Dominatus

Jonathan Haynes
Lodge Member
Jonathan Haynes
2 years ago

Go Spider

Lodge Warrior Member
2 years ago

I am looking forward to see if the latest changes are enough to make Tearers at least a bit more viable… One of the guys in my gaming group plays them and it’s not been easy for them so far.
@Lawrence: I think that Suppressors are rarely seen mostly cause they are STILL hidden inside an expensive box (just like Obliterators or Venomcrawlers) with other things most players already have so they are not worth the cost. Oterwise they might be interesting, in some chapters or builds. Gotta love some of GW’s marketing choices.

Last edited 2 years ago by Stefano
Chapter Master Seth
2 years ago

Finally my FT back on the screen !!

with the healing isn’t that done at the end of the movement phase not in the command phase ?

David Anderson
Lodge Member
David Anderson
2 years ago

No video, so off to youtube i go.
Love seeing the Flesh Tearers though!

Benoit Cappez
Lifetime Member
2 years ago

Let’s go !!! It’s a good week-end that’s starting !
NB : youtube link there, no video plugin.

Last edited 2 years ago by Benoit Cappez