Grey Knights vs Tyranids 2000pts | Warhammer 40,000 Battle Report

Avatar The Chef May 21, 202248  46 48 Likes

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The Grey Knights find themselves hunting Xenos, but will their psychic fury overcome the newly acquired bugs in Hive Fleet Myrmidon?

00:00 Intro
02:18 Grey Knights Army List
05:21 Tyranids Army List
08:49 Mission & Deployment
09:49 Game Intro
11:09 Game
1:35:36 Professional Wargamers

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Justus Hölscher
2 years ago

Enjoyed the video – as always. My one gripe is trying the party bus against the currently most overpowered faction in the game.

2 years ago

Enjoyed the game, even if I dont really like the factions involved (although I like the nids lore/aesthetic, that psychic phase is just waaaaay too much) Katie and Bard made it a fun watch, so big love!

Just one thing though.. exocreen not exocryne..maybe? =P

(p.s the dark gods told me there must be more chaos knight action or the consequences may be dark and terrible)

Last edited 2 years ago by SLaaNeShi1
Francisco Michels
Lodge Member
Francisco Michels
2 years ago

was this before the FAQ for Tyranids?

Francisco Michels
Lodge Member
Francisco Michels
2 years ago

Stated watching, Cheif I prey for you.

Ryan Bowald
Ryan Bowald
2 years ago

What would you guys do without chef reminding you about the rules 😂

Jens Sonntag
Jens Sonntag
2 years ago

Sir Bard it seems that you need some new Dice or to prepair a Ritual of Blessing to lift their Curse.

Matt MacMurray
Matt MacMurray
2 years ago

James, you seem like the loveliest most chill and fun player! Love your reports dude, keep it up!

matthew ruecker
matthew ruecker
2 years ago

Dermic symbiosis on the maleceptor…

Lodge Member
2 years ago

Hate Tyranids

Last edited 2 years ago by SonofDorn55
Benoit Cappez
Lifetime Member
2 years ago

At 22 I thought James was mimicking the sorcerer in Monthy Python’s ‘Holy Grail’

James Medlin
James Medlin
2 years ago

In response to the Bard.. I’m doing great however I tried Chef’s idea of #noCPrerolls this weekend for some practice games and it’s #notforme

USS Sylvester
Lodge Member
2 years ago

Good enjoy game but You know GW gone wrong when nids are out doing a pskyer army in the psychic phase Jesus lol 😂 plus I’ll agreed with chef #NoCPrerolls they never work out and I’ve feel better in my games not doing it if I’m being honest 🙂 Nids do need a points increase to bring them in line with other codex but we have to wait till June for that 🙁 otherwise Jame and jinx it was fun game to watch can’t wait for next one 🙂

2 years ago

I really like Your all games , servoskull teaching other about their armies (that is really helpful not anoying) but one thing hurt me as hell… State of Tyranids . They are so broken… Psychic phase=very powerful , Shooting=really good , Melee=no problem ! They can do it aswell even saves they got so MANY inv saves for almost full army. They are much worse than Harlequins because clowns are pricy , soft but hit hard. Tyranid codex right now is like “Take everything that exist in book and make it SO powerful that nobody can’t stand against them”

2 years ago

19 mins in and Bard slaps a War of the Worlds reference in. Saw what you did there!

Thijs Schrijnemakers
2 years ago

+10 points for Katie for the welcome scream at the army list clip
awesome job by fletcher, the new models look gorgeous
maleceptors are fiiiiiine =)

Lodge Member
2 years ago

Super happy to see Maurice in action, I just finished painting mine up and want to take him for a test drive.
To Chef – RE: exposed brains on nids being tough: my headcanon is that the brain is a swirling mass of focussed warp energy, far from being a weak spot of the unit it is actually the strongest and best-protected part. Librarians often don’t have helmets and use psychic hoods to amplify their abilities. They kinda need their cranium intact to, you know, keep on living. The hivemind created something that dispensed with that requirement.

Jesse Kent
Lodge Member
2 years ago

Another fun game to watch, well done! I’m also so surprised to learn that Jinx is 4′ tall.

Hi Im Fluffyy
2 years ago

Exocrines are amazing, i was reluctant at first as well to field them. but having a 1CP strat to give them Transhuman, being able to pay for a permanent 4++ is amazing. coupled with the fact they have very good volume of fire with a strong statline weapon, added in the bonus of moving 3.9″ and being able to ignore ALL forms all cover means youre mostly hitting on 3’s. Just try not to fall into the trap of using “Observer Organism” for the exploding 6’s, ive felt its consistently kind of a waste. I love Tyranids, big Leviathan player… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by Hi Im Fluffyy
Joshua Burns
Joshua Burns
2 years ago

I haven’t seen Beard in a while. Is everything ok?

Lodge Member
2 years ago

Katie, I know this wasn’t a particularly optimised list but I’m curious as to your thoughts why you equipped the parasite with the dirge heart relic as it already removes obsec on a successful wound roll in combat with the tail or when you fly over models and use a 1cp strat. Makes it kinda redundant… not that it made a difference to anything in this game anyway. Congrats on the win but I think your opponents might want to consider beefing up their lists a bit when playing nids to try and make things a bit more even.

Lodge Member
2 years ago

As was mentioned at the start I’d be happy to see command of the tyranids shared out to all the presenters, helps keep things fresh and interesting to see others take on lists and tactics with them

Matthew Kozlowski
Lodge Member
Matthew Kozlowski
2 years ago

What a great birthday present! Thanks for the content! Hope y’all have a great weekend!

Lodge Warrior Member
2 years ago

Frankly, I am more and more baffled and (in a way) intrigued by the disastrous chain of broken codices they released. In one respect, the game designers demonstrate considerable talent and imagination: I do not believe that the factions in WH40k have ever been so well characterised and defined in line with the lore, and this is great. From another point of view, however, they demonstrate shocking incompetence. They don’t seem to have the slightest understanding of what’s strong and what’s not in the game they themselves create, and in the last few months they’ve released at least 6 codices… Read more »

Ralle Reloaded
2 years ago

Well, how’s my day going…..watching another really cool batrep whilst having a little homebrewed chana masala – can’t get much better, really… 🙂

Brett Pettitt
Lodge Member
2 years ago

I can see Jinx turning into to Kerringan after that game saying ‘I am the Swarm’. I really did enjoy that game, seeing more balanced lists is more fun than watching 2 tooled up lists deleting each other in a turn or two. Swingy is best #Tempest #Fun!

Jonathan Haynes
Lodge Member
Jonathan Haynes
2 years ago

Unless the link isn’t working, back to YouTube. Go Jinx.