Iron Warriors vs Emperor’s Children 2000pts | Warhammer 40,000 Battle Report

The Emperor’s Children finally arrive to adorn the canvas YouTube, but will Spider and the III Legion withstand the siege of Beard and the Iron Warriors in this clash of Chaotic warbands?!
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Havent been able to watch your content for a while, but I got to say its really come a long way! The animations from the overhead pov and the quality of life bits and bobs that is implemented in the hud. Really cool to see! One thing that hasnt changed though is the favor of the dice-gods. Poor Beard
Love watching all of your productions, but especially a good brother on brother romping. Unbelievable gift of an army Lawrence got with those EC. With that said, have you guys given any thought on delving into the Horus Heresy. I feel like there’s tons of good narrative there as well that you all would thrive with. Keep on keeping on!
Unfortunately I can’t Mirrorcast this batrep🤔 All the other ones work fine but this sturdy lil’ fella won’t. I already did all the usual stuff (restart, relogin etc)
I just want to see this epic batrep on my home cinema🥺
Bread to that Hellbrute: “WHY WONT YOU JUST DIE?”
Great to see two of my favourite armies getting a game. Having the lists shown would be the icing on the cake.
Very good game and lots of fun to watch but Dam beard dice been ok till facing the spider lol 😂 beard dice so afraid of spider they one knew how to roll 1 to 3 lol 😂 Jesus that was bad lucky but very funny to watch 🙂 maybe beard will have better like with dice if he got this true dice colours which is Grey and gold or yellow for the Iron warriors then true 6s will come out 😉
If you add venomcrawlers, maulerfiend, forgefiend or possessed would they have to have mark of slaanesh?
I really enjoy the longer round ups at games end.
Be really cool if you gave this list a try Beard. It has 0CP but it’s nasty! ++ Battalion Detachment 0CP (Chaos – Chaos Space Marines) [111 PL, , 2,000pts] ++ + Configuration + Battle Size [6CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points) Detachment Command Cost Gametype: 4. Chapter Approved: War Zone Nephilim Legion: Iron Warriors + HQ + Daemon Prince with Wings [11 PL, -3CP, 180pts]: 1. Flames of Spite, Axe of the Forgemaster, Daemonic axe, Death Hex, 2x Gifts of Chaos, Gorget of Eternal Hate, Mark of Nurgle, Stratagem: Warlord Trait, Warlord, Wings Lord Discordant… Read more »
Wound rerolling against Iron Warrios… interesting move Mr. Baker, interesting move… Beside of those “minor mistakes” which definitly “wouldnt have made any impact” i think it was an interesting show-off. Even more interesting in the aftermath due to the rerolls. But nice to see both armies in action. Really like the EC army while Beards Iron Warriors are one of my favourite armies on the channel anyway. Well maybe i’m biased as an Iron Warriors player. Like on the previous Imperial Fists vs. Iron Warriors match: I still think those Forgefiends are way too swingy in their output. The D3… Read more »
just wanted to say how happy your battle reports make me!
Beard, putting the Blits in the teleportarium was a good move- dropping em without any support was not!
Best way to cap off chaos week!
Tons of fun!
Any chance of a sneaky world eaters battle in their i between stage ?
Love this bat rep! I am very disappointed with how terrible the Night Lords are but my Emperor’s Children? Oh baby! Strong but not OP. I also put lots of noise marines on the table as troops with a land raider, Lucius, some possessed and warp talons with some contemptors to fill out the anti tank roles. I can’t wait to play them!
I thought the IW stoped rerolling of wounds? The warp talons got a lot of extra wounds vs the terminators. Not sure but love this bat rep!
can someone please check beards dice because the way he rolls is uncanny and unfortunate to say the least its like theyre loaded against him
Beard, I don’t know what you did or said to lady luck…but…she REALLY has it in for you! (I think Bard also upset her pretty badly at one point or another, but Beard, I think you hold the title).
I felt your pain beard, I really did, the spider is literally a creature from the warp
Beard’s frustration at Spider at about an hour in was hilarious. But I totally get it.
Bittersweet with the end of Chaos Week. Will we get it again for both the World Eaters and Daemon book releases? Please say yes!
Enjoy the codex CSM players you deserve a good one, hope it isn’t nerfed within a month
Fun game.
Kitbashing in both armies look brilliant! You’re all BOSSES baybee! 🤟🤓
That Disco Lord is so cool
Can’t get enough of the Emperors Children. Probably my most despised chaos faction, but on the table they look and perform awesome. Emperors children vs Flesh tearers please. Or vs World Eaters. The real chaos grudge match.
I don’t think the extra damage on Sonic Weaponry is that spicy. a) They are lots of 2 damage weapons in the game that can do their damage without half range shenanigans. b) The unit does cost something like 300 points. c) Other than the Blastmaster, they have low AP, which is undone by armour of contempt. They are also ‘only’ S4, so I don’t think that’s super scary to anythign other than maybe Ork boyz? But they’re at least T5. The extra AP of Emperor’s Children on 6’s is pretty tasty, but it’s still a gamble on getting them,… Read more »
The emotions and juxtaposition this EC army bestows is amazing they truly are an assault to the senses that pink is obnoxious it shouldn’t work but it does they are so bad ass.
How wonderfully offensive they really are.!!!
Those animations are awesome. How much better can a battlereport be produced? That’s just super cool and professional. Respect for how much effort you guys put into everything.
Could the hellbrute re-roll wounds against Iron Warriors? Their legion trait should deny that, I think.
Love all the vids guys but just wanted to say that it seems you’re playing the mark of nurgle wrong. Pretty sure it only works to turn 4s to wound to 5s and 2s to 3s rather than a more general -1 to wound. Trust GW to make such a weird rule. Guess it was the grandfather’s will.
Genuine question I’ve asked it three times now, no response as of yet.
Are we now forgoing the army lists in the text?
Edit: Spelling
Love the terrain! Giving me Endor vibes
More chaos than you can shake a stick at. Excellent!
The two Legions I like and want to play the most! I am gonna enjoy this!
Go Lawrence!
No video 🙁
This will be awesome!