Genestealer Cults vs Ultramarines | Warhammer 40,000 Narrative Report

Avatar The Beard July 9, 202289  25 89 Likes

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In part two of of this narrative mission, will the Ultramarine response be enough to overcome the Xenos Parasite and restore order to the hive, or will the shadows engulfing this battle zone reveal nightmares beyond comprehension…

The rise of the Gloomstalkers is at hand!

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The Primary objective is Take the Lair:

Players score 5 victory points for each of the following conditions they achieve at the end of each of their command phases:

  • Control 1 or more objectives
  • Control 2 or more objectives
  • Control more objectives than their opponent

Players can also achieve a secondary objectives which will score 20 points each:

Destroy the Queen: the Ultramarines Score 20 points for destroying the Patriarch

Light the Beacon, Cometh the Star Children:  The Genestealer Cults score 20 points if the Patriarch survives.


Mother from the Stars:Whilst Mother is on the battlefield, the Patriarch cannot be targeted by ranged attacks, Smites or Witchfires.  Mother has 15W, T7, 4+ save, and can’t be targeted by psychic powers, with the exception of the Protect Mother Psychic Action below.

Protect Mother (Warp charge 5): Psychic Action can be performed at the beginning of the psychic phase and is completed at the end of your turn. If successful mother has a 5+ invulnerable save Is in effect until the start of your next psychic phase or until the caster is destroyed, whichever is sooner.

Destroy the Tendrils: One unit can start this action at the beginning of the shooting phase and is completed at the end of the fight phase.  Once completed, Mother suffers D3 mortal wounds.

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Steven Turner
Steven Turner
1 year ago

Very entertaining batrep.

Philippe Boulanger
Lodge Member
1 year ago

Great game. Narrative wins, as usual !

André Orthmann
2 years ago

That was a lot of fun to watch!

Btw. really nice to see those firstborns out for a walk. With the AoC inplay i think they’re seriously powered up a fair bit – in special if you look on their prize tags and how much points to pay for them.
Well maybe not that interesting against other AoC armies but vs. non-AoC its definitly a cool option … and hey… its damn nice to see them on the tabletop!
Same for the old Liberian.

USS Sylvester
Lodge Member
2 years ago

Great game so much fun love all the silly voices and how silly the game was and just saying beard now got to bring back as firstborn list as they where man of the match and you dice seem to agreed 🙂 Chef playing gene-stealer cult really good and so funny with the father saves lol 😂 keep up good work keep up these series

Lodge Member
2 years ago

Great game, great to see the Genestealers on the board, loads of fun had and loved the daft voices and graphics around transhuman etc!! Keep it up.

Rob Covell
Rob Covell
2 years ago

You’re not wrong about Big Wave. Love that stuff. I don’t think anywhere around here sells it anymore though.

Benjamin Green
Benjamin Green
2 years ago

tres bean …. definitely a South Park moment there i think, excelent, exactly what a game should be thanks guys!!!!!

Thomas Taylor Bigg
Thomas Taylor Bigg
2 years ago

Another brilliant narrative report, folks. The rapport is excellent, the banter and storytelling is excellent and it’s lovely to see you make on the fly decisions about narrative events within the story.

This is how I love to see 40K played.

Lifetime Member
2 years ago

Loved this series! Genuinely smiled through the whole thing.

2 years ago

Very cool game, thank you.

Lodge Member
2 years ago

What a great game! I can already hear the sound of the storm raven crushing through waves of gargoyles in the atmosphere…and with light of the first day Bobby G walks on the battlefield to protect the world against the true “father” of the hive mind….smells like narrative onslaught baaabbyyyyyy…or a new 4player narrative match up…🦾😎

Christopher Krueger
Lodge Member
Christopher Krueger
2 years ago

The Ultras can stop the Tyranids with a boarding action against the incoming Hive Ship. Cassius can lead a strike of Tyrannic War Veterans (and maybe his old DW Kill Team if you find the models and turn Fletcher loose).

Lodge Warrior Member
2 years ago

Thanks, really fun watch, laughed a lot. I do enjoy these narrative games, reminds me of the games my friends and I played when we were younger.

Lifetime Member
2 years ago

I really like these narrative games with an overarching storyline. Probably the best content you’re making. I in fact wish you would do them more often! Also, minor point of feedback. The storylines are a bit hard to follow with the irregular release schedule (at least it feels like that) and the going back and forth between different storylines. That’s part of what I like (you see more armies rather than just a fixed few in a full on campaign), but perhaps it’s just not enough releases to really tie things together. Perhaps something you can take into account for… Read more »

2 years ago

Love the Danzig singing!

Riley Fitzgerald
2 years ago

I absolutely loved this story! Genestealers are just so fun to watch in a game. Great job chef, beard, and jinx!

Adam Nagy
Adam Nagy
2 years ago

these narrative battles are super fun, warhammer at its best

David Goodfellow
David Goodfellow
2 years ago

Same! Live for narrative campaigns,

Talon Bray
Talon Bray
2 years ago

14:06 is truly the highlight of the battle report

Rowan Douglas
Lodge Member
Rowan Douglas
2 years ago

The firstborn meta is truely here!
Love the narrative bat reps, keep it up!

Colby Pryor
Colby Pryor
2 years ago

Is there any way we can another crusade series? I love seeing the crusade rules being used and maybe using one of the crusade books as well. That would be super cool.

Matthew Wall
Lodge Member
2 years ago

Kona Big Wave, cracking beer from Hawaii

Lodge Warrior Member
2 years ago

That drop pod landing 😘👌

Edit: the outakes 😂 so worth it

Jonathan Haynes
Lodge Member
Jonathan Haynes
2 years ago

Let’s go boys in blue.