WE NEED YOUR HELP! | The 2022 Lodge Campaign

Avatar The Chef July 22, 202296  202 96 Likes

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We’ve bought a brand new building to host tournaments, events and our new studios!! Find out how you can be a part of the future of Tabletop Tactics by joining the Lodge today! Show your allegiance and make your pledge to the lodge here: 🙏 BUY NOW! – The 2022 Lodge Campaign

🦠 Details on how we are keeping safe with our new COVID-19 working methods

🎥 Want even more Tabletop Tactics videos? Check out our website and sign up for On Demand! 

📖 Learn the ways of war with our in depth Tactical Guides!

🎲 Like to roll in style? Tabletop Tactics Merchandise 

🛒 For all your hobby and gaming needs, visit Tabletop Tactics’ sponsors Element Games

🗺 Game Mats provided by gamemat.eu 

🎨 For professional miniature painting commissions see Siege Studios

Music used Under Licence:
Black Rhomb

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Inquisitor Dredd
Lodge Member
1 year ago

I know there is still more time to wait for the special dice but would just like an update. I can’t wait to start rolling these dice of destruction.

Ben Savill
Lodge Member
Ben Savill
1 year ago

The worthiest of causes!

Lifetime Member
1 year ago

How awesome that you guys are growing so much! I did my pledge, hope it helps.
And when do we get access to the new team shirt Lawrence is wearing in the narrative report? It looks great.

Inquisitor Dredd
Lodge Member
1 year ago

The limited edition dice like how many do you have limited cuz I want like a few of them at least

Lodge Member
1 year ago

Loving your work tt. Looking forward to the new content. (This post is totally not a new badge test….)

Dorn Jr
Lodge Warrior Member
1 year ago

Merch arrived safe and sound … whichever one of you Techno-Wizard Bosses figured out U.S. based shipping is a genius! 🙂👍

Lifetime Member
1 year ago

Just got my Merch today! What WIZARDRY!!!! AWESOME WORK TEAM

Lifetime Member
1 year ago

Awesome to see stretch goals happening!

Lodge Member
2 years ago

Everyone let’s push this over the edge we are buying enjoyment here plus I want my Mordheim games so I need my second studio, I mean TT need the second studio 😅. Let’s go baby!!! 150k from greatest community should be a doddle!!!

Francisco Michels
Lodge Member
Francisco Michels
2 years ago

I was able to donate to this drive like the last one. I’m so excited to see what you guys manage to do when all of this is said and done. It’s awesome to see how it’s going and I love you guys for all this content and years of enjoyment you’ve given me. Thanks again and much love. 🙂

Lifetime Member
2 years ago

Congratulations to the whole team with the new venue! No doubt it’s a very exciting time for you all. And Lawrence, great to hear that your vision is coming together. I hope that I’ll get an opportunity in the future to bring my (then fully painted) Sisters army to play a game or two in the new venue :). Just like the last time, I’ll pitch in a little something to help you along the way. I have to say though that all your success comes at a small price though. I do sometimes miss the old, more close-to-home kitchen… Read more »

David Alarie
David Alarie
2 years ago

I was in a tough spot when the first Campaign was happening. Happy to be in a situation that allows me to contribute this time around. I was in the market for a dice tray anyway, so why not? I haven’t actually played a game of 40k in almost 2 years at this point, but I’ve maintained my sub just to stay up to date and take in an entertaining game now and then. Your use of the new maelstrom deck (and CSM finally getting an update) has inspired me to build a new 40k army, as that seems much… Read more »

Princeps Augustus
Lodge Warrior Member
2 years ago

So be it! You won’t find me short!

Thomas Kirchner
Thomas Kirchner
2 years ago

Those railings at the new location are not save for people of Jinx‘s size or Beard‘s luck! Whatever you do, don‘t let them climb up without adult supervision!

James Callow
Lodge Member
James Callow
2 years ago

Congrats on reaching your goal so quickly! You lot deserve all the success in the world and it’s a genuine honor having been able to contribute to it.

Prebuilt Toast
Prebuilt Toast
2 years ago

Got some dice and one of the amazing lamps ordered as soon as the Lodge went live. Hopefully on payday (Friday) I’ll be able to order a tshirt or 2 maybe even a dice tray to roll the fancy new dice in, just praying to the Emperor that the dice aren’t “blessed” by either The Bard or The Beard!
And maybe one day, once you’re all set up and running, i’ll be able to come down and play!

The Phantom
Lodge Warrior Member
The Phantom
2 years ago

Ordered, ermmm, stuff! Cant wait to see the new venue!

Inquisitor Dredd
Lodge Member
2 years ago

That was fast please, please let there be more of those awesome dice available for me to buy in two weeks from now. I already got a set ordered but I want two more sets. Thier so awesome.

Adrián Perez Martínez
Lodge Member
Adrián Perez Martínez
2 years ago

Got a dice tray and one of the cool t shirts. Hope it helps!! Good luck guys!!

Lodge Member
2 years ago

TtT getting a new studio? Holy cow thats awesome! Looking forward to a cast of players with the new team, i think Katie would be great to play DnD with!
Always wanted the dice box you guys use, and now i got one! Happy days!
Best of luck you bunch of bosses!

Tango Immortalis
Tango Immortalis
2 years ago

New shop looks beautiful, can’t wait to see it given the TT decorating overhaul. Will be looking forward to some objective markers, and a set of TT dice for when I need to bring out the heavy hitters. Glad to see the goal reached so quickly, and will be interesting to see what else this campaign puts in reach for the studio. Will we be getting a virtual tour down the road?

George Smart
Lodge Member
George Smart
2 years ago

Exciting stuff team, best of luck with the fundraising!

Lodge Warrior Member
2 years ago

Congratulations on reaching the goal of the Lodge so quickly! It went even better and faster than last time, which probably shows how much the community that follows and appreciates you has also grown.

Lodge Member
2 years ago

Congrats on a successful lodge fundraising! Looking to see how far we take you in the remaining time of the campaign!

Marco Gomes
Lodge Member
2 years ago

You’ve done it!! I can’t wait to see what you do now. I love your shows, and I only play a couple of times per year with my brother, I’m mainly a painter. Very excited for a cast of players from the new studio. If I’m ever in Bath I’ll be sure to come and have a look. Well done everyone!

Michael Richter
Lodge Member
Michael Richter
2 years ago

The median monthly household income in the United Kingdom is £2,491, before deductions such as income tax and National Insurance payments have been made. This equates to an annual salary of £29,900 annually — although it should be noted that this figure represents the income of a household, not an individual. On YouTube you have a top of close to 80k likes. so only guessing how many channel members you have. Channel-membership is at 5 bucks a month. You have to pay 5 employees. Considering all that you Spider should be a rich man already. Cheers

Last edited 2 years ago by Michael Richter
Marcus Ehrlich
Lodge Member
2 years ago

I have a new life goal. To bring my Sisters Army to your new lodge all the way from Sydney. To that end, I have made a purchase in support. One small step and all that.

Lodge Member
2 years ago

Had to grab the Meta Slayer Tee! Very impressive to see how much you guys have raised already, not surprising though considering the quality of content you guys are knocking out!

Very eager to see the new AoS reports! Just started sigmar myself so I’m looking forward to getting to grips with the game along side you all.

Lodge Member
2 years ago

TT Tactics team, you have been setting the bar for Warhammer content for years now and I could never see myself subscribing to any other creator. Aside from the top quality production, I’ve always found all your personalities so magnetic and you add so much entertainment to your videos. I normally can’t sit through people playing a board game for hours yet with you guys it just flies by. Even though I’m a world away and will probably never see the lodge, backing you guys is a no brainer. You deserve every bit of success that’s come your way. Keep… Read more »

Kaibong deity
Lodge Warrior Member
Kaibong deity
2 years ago

Great work everyone and best of luck meeting the target and making it all a reality !

Lodge Member
2 years ago

The kids will now have the coolest night light money can buy ☺️

Ben Shepherd
Ben Shepherd
2 years ago

Congrats to you all – great idea. Looking forward to my tshirt, though I’d have preferred some wellie wellie wellingtons.

Johan Røikjer
Lodge Member
2 years ago

Gladly supporting!

Lodge Member
2 years ago

I’m doing my part!

Ben Shepherd
Ben Shepherd
2 years ago

Good on the lot of you – content is the best out there by miles, and you all seem like you’re having a genuinely fun time. Looking forward to my t-shirt.

Also – you’ve inspired me to paint my first 500pts of sisters; any chance of combat patrol size events for morons who don’t know what they’re doing?

Lodge Member
2 years ago

Have managed to find some coins down the sofa and chipped in a little. Great effort by the community but testament to all your hard work at providing an amazing corner of the hobby to be in. Thanks all and looking forward to visiting the new venue.

Lodge Member
2 years ago

I would love to come and visit/play some games living less than 30 minutes away!
I’m so excited for everything to come! Good luck lads and lasses!

James Bullock
2 years ago

I’m looking forward to tossing some bones in my new fancy TT tray 😁 It’s actually going to be starting life with D20s etc for DnD. Can’t wait for more Cast of Players! But I’m sure it’ll see some action for my Blood Angels as well

David Treen
David Treen
2 years ago

So cool, great vision!

A Giant Nurgling
Lodge Member
A Giant Nurgling
2 years ago

❤ let’s go! we got your back! (btw, is Chef alright?)

Lodge Member
2 years ago

So’d y’all expect to raise almost the whole thing in a day, or

Lodge Member
2 years ago

Very happy to contribute! you are awesome and deserve the best in this new adventure! greetings from Spain.

Brett Pettitt
Lodge Member
2 years ago

Put in my pledge, unfortunately I can’t contribute as much as last time but you still deserve to get this up and running. That you will be able to run community events is a big seller here, so go for it.
Any idea of how long it will take you to set up?

2 years ago

Ill basically do or buy anything El Beardo tells me to at this point.

2 years ago

Fingers crossed l can attend an event – love your content and was happy to be able to contribute! That you are 4/5th of the way there on day one is a good reflection of what your fan base think of you all 👍🏼 best of luck 😎

Warboss Mike
Warboss Mike
2 years ago

My order is in. Happy to be a little part of this huge effort

Adrien Mindjimba
Lodge Member
Adrien Mindjimba
2 years ago

Only could afford the badge and the dice trey but I am so excited to see that everything is working out for you guys.

Noirceuil leSombre
Lodge Member
2 years ago

Just submitted 1st order. Plan on getting more! The new venue looks awesome. Looking forward to all of the cool new stuff you guys will be producing! You’re all BOSSES🤟🤓

Last edited 2 years ago by Noirceuil leSombre
Lodge Member
2 years ago

Got my order in guys, hope you reach your target. Going well so far

Lodge Member
2 years ago

WOW amazing, so happy for all of you and looking forward to it immensely. Already made a purchase lol. Great job guys, love your channel , love your content and all of you.