Our new DAEMON WORLD!! | A custom made LIVING Warhammer gaming table.

BEHOLD OUR NEW DAEMON WORLD!! Forged by the good folks at The Mighty Cheeseboard, this new gaming table has quite literally come to life with amazing mechanical details and some beautiful sculpting and craftsmanship across every piece. Bard and Beard talk you through the whole range and then take you through the process of setting up one of our boards! Daemon World created by The Mighty Cheeseboard! Check out their work on Instagram @tmbc_studios! 🦠 Details on how we are keeping safe with our new COVID-19 working methods ➡️ https://tabletoptactics.tv/2020/11/02/tabletop-tactics-backstage-updated-cover-19-working-methods/ 🎥 Want even more Tabletop Tactics videos? Check out our website and sign up for On Demand! ➡️ https://tabletoptactics.tv/subscribe/ 📖 Learn the ways of war with our in depth Tactical Guides! ➡️ https://tabletoptactics.tv/data-slates/ 🎲 Like to roll in style? Tabletop Tactics Merchandise ➡️ https://www.tabletoptactics.tv/shop/ 🛒 For all your hobby and gaming needs, visit Tabletop Tactics’ sponsors Element Games ➡️ https://elementgames.co.uk 🗺 Game Mats provided by gamemat.eu ➡️ https://www.gamemat.eu 🎨 For professional miniature painting commissions see Siege Studios ➡️ https://siegestudios.co.uk
Incrediblé 😍 such skill in the technical and design aspects, and top marks for artistry and creating atmosphere 👏👏👏
Holy Schnauzer that is cool !
This terrain looks amazing! Games are going to look RAAADDDD!
Oh man, that is amazing. Although if you wanted a “big” board, you could always do 4×6.😏
The steve is watching! Always watching! ….
Fantastic scenery! Hopefully TT will get some more of this type of interactive scenery. The Mighty Cheeseboard has some awesome pieces, I especially love ‘The Pit’ and ‘El-Cho’s’. Go check them out on Instagram if not already seen!!! 👊🏼
We here at TMCB Studios, wholly approve of the new name of Steve the Witness!! It so fits its personality!! Great table build up guys, and great to see it in it’s new hallowed halls of TTT.
i think we trully understand now what you meant in the live lodge update when you talked about breathtaking terrain that will immerse us.
Defo got to do a demon game now for the demon terrain that got to be a must chef get models out and dust off the book lol 😂 time to get demons out to play 😉
One word… Amazing.
Blood for the blood god.
Skulls for the skull throne.
That terrain is ridiculous in the best way possible. Fantastic stuff.
That’s pretty bloomin spectacular.
If “Eye eye” jokes aren’t repeatedly made I shall be very disapointed
That’s one of the coolest boards I’ve ever seen.
That’s just phenomenal!
Well that’s just damn cool,Lamenting my 80s self wishing we had board’s that good👆😎👌
Straight awesomeness! They did such an amazing job. Brings loads of atmosphere and character.
looks awesome
Sraight out of and back into and out of to be back into the warp or is it inside our minds….its amazing thats for sure! Great board!
I imagine the Inquisitor’s report to the Imperium requesting an Exterminatus would not need to be very long. “The planet has an eyeball, enough said.”
That’ll look great as a centre piece board in the lodge.
Absolutely stunning terrain! The Inquisitor’s report to the Imperium requesting an Exterminatus would probably be very short: “The planet has a working eyeball.”
Absolutely beautiful! Hope to see it in person in the new venue one day!
Praise the Dark Gods!! This is simply incredible!!! Cannot wait to see many a chaos victory upon this forsaken ground!!
Amazing stuff
Couldn’t honestly think of anything worse than the terrain itself casting a judging eye on poor rolls…think its absolutely amazing!
Oh that’s amazing. Looks very practical at the same time which is great.
Bard totally missed the opportunity to Salt Bae the gravel onto the board then 😂
the fact steve responds every time you say his name is terrifying and i love it
That’s absolutely brilliant!
Oh my days, that moving eye addition is next level. Farsight approved XD
That is absolutely class! Can’t wait to see it in action!
Holy cheeseboard!!!
Oh how I love this board 😉