Black Legion Army Showcase by Siege Studios | Tabletop Tactics Backstage

Avatar The Beard August 24, 202239  17 39 Likes

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In this special edition Colours of Chaos series, Lawrence and Beard sit down top showcase our 6,000 point Black Legion army painted by Siege Studios as well as talk about the commission painting process! Stay tuned for part two and three featuring Death Guard and Thousand Sons!

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Philippe Boulanger
Lodge Member
1 year ago

Yes ! I LOVE these videos. Can’t wait to see the other ones. Fingers crossed for more !

James Hammerton
James Hammerton
1 year ago

Lovely addition, more of this please – beyond the colours of Chaos. Nice diversity from the Bat-reps (not that I don’t enjoy them too)

Jonathan Haynes
Lodge Member
Jonathan Haynes
1 year ago


USS Sylvester
Lodge Member
1 year ago

Your army’s do look so beautiful all the time I’ll have to say they just look so epic on the battle and defo gives that favour to the game my favourite one at the moment is that flesh terror army they are so cool looking and just like wow 🤩 Fletcher did a amazing job on them honestly you should defo do a showcase of them so we can see all of them spider 🙂

Chris Hatton
Lodge Member
Chris Hatton
1 year ago

Wow I absolutely love this format and show case! I would love you to do this with all the armies you guys have both personal and at TT. Also I’m a massive Admech fan and would most enjoy the Stig to do a full showcase of his entire army if possible? Outstanding work guys

Lodge Member
1 year ago

Yeah I have to admit I have a soft spot for that master of possession I also like the obsidian horns he’s sporting as opposed to the customary ivory.

No doubt a trade secret but I would be interested to know how the depth of black was achieved I’m guessing some Pro Acryl Blue Black maybe glazed on.

Brett Pettitt
Lodge Member
1 year ago

So how does buying the minis work? Do you buy them and send them to siege or do you pay and siege does everything from there?
Given how little time I have to build and paint these days I am considering commissioning to get my next army done properly. I was going to try a short joke here given what it is…

1 year ago

Great video! That was very cool to see some of the highlights of the Black Legion, and your process for getting minis professionally made.

I did have one question. In the future, I’d like to build the Custodes as my second army, but they require a lot of Forgeworld units to make it a complete army. Any chance we could get a video from Fletcher on building, painting, and otherwise working with resin models?

BrushHourMinis - The Kieran Show
Lodge Member

Love the black, really has depth and character, and that master of posession really pop’s! Will be moving onto a Chaos project when I finish my Chaos Knight project. Currently deciding between, Black Legion, Word Bearers or Alpha Legion.

Adrián Perez Martínez
Lodge Member
Adrián Perez Martínez
1 year ago

Geat video! I ordered my first minis with Siege after seeing the EC showcade! I will see how it goes i am and sheet moment. Do this for all armies including Beard s IW and Lawrence drukhari!

Lodge Member
1 year ago

Nice video, and having had a Siege commission can vouch for the quality!

Hopefully this series will extend beyond just your chaos armies, but all of the Channel’s armies, including presenter’s personal collections which feature regularly. Beard’s Iron Warriors, Stig’s Mechanicum, Fletcher’s Farsight Enclave… etc.