** NEW CODEX ** Chaos Daemons vs Grey Knights | Warhammer 40,000 Battle Report

Get your Daemon Saves ready because Codex: Chaos Daemons is here!! Beard and Be’lakor are here for a classic match up against the Grey Knights lead by Brother Captain Bard!! This game is a SMASH FEST so buckle up and watch out for an incursion!
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+++ THE LISTS +++
+ HQ +
Be’lakor: Warlord
Exalted Bloodthirster: Indomitable Onslaught, Rune of Brass, Axe of Khorne, Bloodflail
Sloppity Bilepiper
+ Troops +
10c Bloodletters
10x Bloodletters
10x Plaguebearers
10x Plaguebearers
3x Nurglings
3x Nurglings
+ Elites +
3x Beasts of Nurgle
+ Heavy Support +
Soulgrinder: Harvester Cannon, Phlegm Bombardment, Warp Sword, Iron Claw
++ TOTAL: 2,000 POINTS, 4CP ++
+ HQ +
Castellan Crowe: Warlord
Grand Master in Nemesis Dreadknight: Dreadfist, Dreadknight teleporter, Gatling Psilencer, Heavy Psycannon, Nemesis Greatsword, Sigil of Exigence, True Name Shard
Kaldor Draigo:
+ Troops +
Brotherhood Terminator Squad
Justicar: Nemesis Force Halberd
4x Terminator: Nemesis Force Halberd, Storm Bolter
Brotherhood Terminator Squad
Justicar: Nemesis Force Halberd
4x Terminator: Nemesis Force Halberd, Storm Bolter
Brotherhood Terminator Squad
Justicar: Nemesis Force Halberd
4x Terminator: Nemesis Force Halberd, Storm Bolter
Strike Squad
. 4x Grey Knight (Sword): 4x Nemesis Force Sword, 4x Storm Bolter
. Grey Knight Justicar
. . Nemesis Force Sword
+ Elites +
Brotherhood Ancient: 3: Sanctuary, Banner of Refining Flame
Paladin Squad: 5: Armoured Resilience
. 2x Paladin (Daemon Hammer): 2x Nemesis Daemon Hammer, 2x Storm Bolter
. Paragon
. . Nemesis Daemon Hammer: Nemesis Daemon Hammer
Purifier Squad
. Knight of the Flame
. . Nemesis Force Sword
. 2x Purifier (Incinerator): 2x Incinerator
. 2x Purifier (Sword): 2x Nemesis Force Sword, 2x Storm Bolter
Purifier Squad
. Knight of the Flame
. . Nemesis Force Sword
. 2x Purifier (Incinerator): 2x Incinerator
. 2x Purifier (Sword): 2x Nemesis Force Sword, 2x Storm Bolter
Purifier Squad
. Knight of the Flame
. . Nemesis Force Sword
. 2x Purifier (Incinerator): 2x Incinerator
. 2x Purifier (Sword): 2x Nemesis Force Sword, 2x Storm Bolter
+ Heavy Support +
Nemesis Dreadknight: Dreadfist, Heavy Incinerator, Heavy Psycannon, Nemesis Greatsword
++ Total 2,000 pts ++
The daemonic Allan titchmarch🤣 very entertaining game
Amazing game, really enjoyed the sheer hilarity of it. So as long as future games have 1 ridiculous psychic phase, Alan Titchmarsh and DEEEEMON SAVESSSS!!! we should be good forever more.
Watched this with my son and he now demands I say Sloppity Bilepiper in the same way as Beard all the time now. Thanks !!
Great game so much fun between Bard and Beard now we know that James dice only power up when facing demons lol 😂 tho dice must hate them so much lol 😆
Did you guys start playing the ‘Wrap up music’ to stop Joe speaking at 1:40:42! 😀
Amazing game, so much fun. thanks guys.
Just finished this Batrep and my god I have never laughed so hard in my life 😂
Thank you for such a great video, I don’t think iv ever seen 2 people have such enjoyment whilst playing this game lol
Thanks for making a rubbish day great again 🙏🙏
What an amazing and fun game! Well done bard & beard 👏👏👏
That was fun to watch. Daemons look really interesting. But the Trowel of Oblivion and Alan Titchmarsh just cracked me up 😂, and all the DAEMON SAVES! Thanks guys this was awesome!
What the hell, that Be Lakor is gorgeous!!!!! It s just incredible, the details man! Who painted that, is that Fletcher s doing?
I thought Beard said that the Insidious Whispers perils were D6 instead of D3? Because Bard rolled a D3 for his first perils?
Malefic is just the same as “the model can make X additional attacks, but no more than X attacks with this weapon”, right? It’s weird that they came up with Malefic as a keyword, because a lot of models across many armies would have this keyword apply if they named it generically.
Now that we have “Daemon Saves” as different from “Invulnerable Saves”, I wonder how many models they’re going to give this “Incorporeal Warp Being” save to. The Incarne – Seems obvious. Yes. St. Celestian and Squad – probably not, when powered down on Cadia, she didn’t vanish, so it seems it’s an actual physical shell, not incarnated warp energy. Maybe the Gematria? I forget if the disappeared or were just powered down like Celestine. Daemon Engines – Definitely physical, so no. Legion of the Damned – Seems like they should, whether Warp Incarnations or Psychic Emanations of the Emperor. Avatar… Read more »
Haha! What an hilarious game that was. Thoroughly entertaining!
DAEMON SAVE!! This was such a great game to watch. Fletcher has done an outstanding job on Be’lakor. I’m very excited to get my Chaos Daemons codex after this.
That psychic phase was legendary. But more importantly the “true name” of the daemon. It brought a tear to my eye I laughed so hard. You need to find more true names 🤣🤣
Epic game guys! Laughed so freaking much! thank you!
The energy in this game was absolutely insane, I enjoyed it immensely. And Beard’s commitment to “DAEMON SAVE” is an inspiration to us all. May we all hope to shine as bright one day.
I want you guys to name your sloppity bile piper. Ed Wynn in honor of the actor who did the original voice that beard emulates brilliantly.
That game was a riot! That is, at least for me, what 40k is about: Gather a friend, tell some awesome stories and laugh your bottoms of while pandemonium ensues!
Keep up that work! And thanks to Beard for editing what i assume where all his “dEmOn sAvEs!!111elf!”
My wife: Why are they yelling constantly?
Great batrep!
For this game you didn’t, but I wonder if you will play Malefic as written in the future, as in Malefic weapons ignoring Armour of Contempt? I am honestly not sure if it is intended to do that or not, so I’m curious what you think.
Is it a bad thing that when Daemonic Saves were previewed, the first thing I thought of was how much Mr. Beard would love yelling DAEMON SAVE!!! multiple times every game?
Can you guys tell me if Daemonic Terror (aura) of the 6″ -1LD would stack?
That was glorious lads. Well done. Crowes’ heroic stand was epic. And that GK pyschic phase…
Well I was looking forward to deamon release a lot, so I am kind of confused to see the first preview game of the new codex to be against hard anti-deamon specialist list. The gk were bonkers here, all army hit and wound rerolls, mw boost, draigo, 2 knights, paladins and terminators against a what I imagine was a sort of a testing list for Beard. Although the energy and entertainment from both of these gentlemen were fantastic as usual, I am disappointed to see the previewed army being all but tabled by turn 4.
Condemnation perhaps Beard?
Best. Game. Ever. The team deserve a round of beers for that one! Sensational!
New Nurgle units look mint. Less green and more swampy
Great game, you two obviously had a lot of fun, and that attitude is contagious.
Looking forward to more
What an amazing game! I was crying with laughter!
This game shows how good the bard will he at DnD!! I cannot wait for more games of 40k and the new series of cast of players! Quality game guys!
dont plaguebearers and the beasts reduce damage?
I have just started but visually this looks absolutely unreal.
Great game gents. It’s good to see that Chaos Daemons aren’t completely over the top but seem to be quite balanced, although I guess that may be hard to gauge considering how ‘on fire’ Bard’s dice were. Good to see that Greater Daemons are in fact complete baddies, good on you for presumably giving that sort of feedback to the rules writers haha. Warp Storm seems interesting, it’s a shame that you didn’t really get to see them in all of it’s awesome glory though. Would be nice to see the other traits being used, but I can understand being… Read more »
Amazing job on Be’lakor Fletcher! Love that skin tone. It needs a tutorial
The Daemonslayer thing does make sense to remove Daemon Saves, but there are other Daemons that have the usual invulnerable saves; those in say codex: Death Guard/TS, but also things like the Yncarne, the Avatar as well. So there are still benefits.
Of course, it’s just weird that by RAW it doesn’t actually really affect *Daemons* haha
I had a monster of a hangover today and this game cheered me right up, the beard and hard combo is a win for this fan!
The dice rolling was impeccable as well, as you would expect for beard and bard 🤣
I love the transhuman joke so much, please never stop 🙂
TIL Belakors weaknesses are Grey Knights, and 12 mortal wounds in the psychic phase. Devil of a game guys, the energy of the vibes are infectious, Nurgle would be proud, loving it 🤘. Grey Knights seem to really punish Daemons which is fluffy but kind of reminds me of my EC csm vs The Great Enemy or Vengeance for Cadia…I’d like to say its a good pain but it may well not be. In all seriousness though, No Slaanesh!?! Thou hast offended mine reportedly ‘perverse’ sensibilities, and denied the thirsty one of her deserved attention. You have been informed. (As… Read more »
Bard, whatever you did to cleanse your dice before this game, do that before the league games! That was a hysterical game, and a legendary psychic phase!
It may have taken a while to get it uploaded but it was definitely worth the wait!
That psychic phase was absolutely crazy and the whole game was hilarious. Brilliant as always!
Man that was an amazing game, I was very excited for the new demons 😊, but the gray Knights banished them 😈
I love the new Belkor, I hope you use him again soon.
Really you made my day 😁
That was a fun game! I am looking forward to see how other factions less specialized in fighting demons will do against them, cause some things seems quite a bit pushed.
Don’t think I’ve ever laughed that much watching a batrep before 😂😂
And chef moans about the tyranids for their psychic phase 😂
That was brutal… but also awesome
So, that psychic phase.
Really excited about Daemons Codex – I’ve got some Nurgle Daemons just collecting dust since 9th dropped and they may finally see the light of day. That said, I really should be focussing on my Scions.
Speaking of which, any chance of seeing some Scions in action soon? They’re not too painful post-HotE changes…
Ok, fell asleep. Go Hammers of Titan.
That was epic. I haven’t laughed so hard in a long time. How does the servo skull stay so composed and not laugh more?
There seems to be a pattern forming almost every time it’s either a James or Katie bat rep either 1 list doesn’t make it in the description or there is no lists in the description?
But Fletcher definitely needs to tell us how he painted Bel’akor that’s an amazing job.
You have… Bel’akor????? Lawrence finally splashed out? Grats. As much as I love grey knights I’m so sorry its time for demons to shine. Hopefully