Chaos Daemons vs Leagues of Votann | Warhammer 40,000 Battle Report

Avatar The Chef October 29, 202256  76 56 Likes

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With reinforcements fresh from the forge (and Fletcher’s Painting Desk), Bard takes command of the Leagues of Votann to combat the foul daemonic hordes of Chef!

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1 year ago

Absolutely sensational game, absolutely loved this!

Thijs Schrijnemakers

Lawrence ‘advising’ Chef on rerolls was brilliant. Loved those curious beasts of Nurgle, just living their best lives. This game was much closer then I expected in the first bit. Kuddo’s for the Dark Master Mike for swiping the game in the end!
Also, FLM!! (Flechter Lives Matter)

Stephen Neal
Stephen Neal
1 year ago

I love those tense endings. Great game.

Daniel Sandsjö
Lifetime Member
Daniel Sandsjö
1 year ago

Great report! The squats look amazing!! Great colour scheme by Fletcher!

Lifetime Member
1 year ago

That lava aspect light effect is ridiculously good.

Justin Prato
Lifetime Member
1 year ago

That was a great game. I love when it comes down to the wire. Voltann is so ridiculous. The bikes are soooooooo good when you max them out. They need to be like 10 more points a piece.

Matteo COQ
1 year ago

What a gaaaame !! Incredible twist and ending 😀
I’m not a fan of Votann and its aesthetic, but that painting job is just wow… it makes me want to buy Votann when I don’t like them ahaha
Thanks guys to make my day !

Kyle Boulier
Kyle Boulier
1 year ago

Excellent game, what a finish!

Graham Bennett
Graham Bennett
1 year ago

Chef’s unending Votann snark gives me life haha

Lodge Warrior Member
1 year ago

Awesome fun game. Good humoured on both sides even when ranting 😁
As a Knight player I’m terrified of Votann same as I am Tau for obvious reasons but judgement tokens definitely still need some work.

1 year ago

What a conclusion, thank you.

Lifetime Member
1 year ago

Great game guys, I really like what I’m seeing about the way the 9th editions Daemons play. Looking forward to see more of them! Votann look silly in some aspects, but at least they’re eye candy to watch with that paint scheme.

Julian Bartnick
Lodge Warrior Member
Julian Bartnick
1 year ago

Hey Chef, Dr. Julian here!
Stop taking too much medicine and get your nervous system checked out, if there is pressure on your spinal cord! I noticed you cracking your neck a bunch of times during the videos as well, which might speak for some nerve pressure in the upper cervical spine! If you want, I can find you the best therapist around you 🙂

Lodge Warrior Member
1 year ago

A really fun game guys. Loved the comments from Spider’s peanut gallery. Also, when you’re filming and you accidentally make a cool sci-fi painting…

James Mowatt
Lodge Member
1 year ago

Easily one of the best games in recent memory. Also, I have decided that Chef is now my moral compass on the difference between “Strong but fun” and “Stupid and broken”.

Sylvere JANDEL
Sylvere JANDEL
1 year ago

Love how Chef and people in the comment are salty about Votann, even if they lose to an not really competitive daemon list, while going first, on a map without a lot of obscuring (so with everything in favour of the votann). Yes, Votann rules are strong, and some aspects of this codex may be frustrating (auspex scan and full reroll to hit on a Hekatron fortress is silly, I must agree), but they do not deserve that amount of salt and hatred. Harlequins, Drukharis, Tyranids, T’au, Ad mech were far more broken when relaeased. And in the competitive scene… Read more »

Brett Pettitt
Lodge Member
1 year ago

Hoping you still read these – Do you think the Hearth Guard are worth the points? I changed my list with the points increases, have ordered my remaining characters but need the big guns.

My list stands – High K, B Forgemaster, Grimnyr, 3x 10 hearthkyn bolters, rail, missile (equipment), 10 hearthkyn ion,
2x 3 pioneers (2 rotary + gear), 2 landfortresses (rails, bolters) 5x B Thunderkyn c. Beamers. It’s 2k smack on, ymyr guild.

Lifetime Member
1 year ago

Magnificent batrep. Beautiful new models, James’ apologetically joyful captaining of the Votann, Chef’s teetering on the edge of madness, and the chaos-infused servo skull egging him on throughout. Might want to check with the Tabletop Tactics Techmarine about that last one…

Last edited 1 year ago by Sluggy
daniel schmitt
daniel schmitt
1 year ago

I’d love to see some more GSC on the channel. It’s my favorite looking army I own, but I’ve never been able to even make it past turn 2 with them and just have no idea how to be successful with the army.

Richard Ayre
Richard Ayre
1 year ago

Great batrep as always. Would have been interesting to see what difference it would have made having Skarbrand instead of the Bloodthirster.
His invuln-ignoring melee could have made a significant difference. Would love to see him in one of your future battles if there’s ever a chance

Justine Strahan
1 year ago

This was so much fun to watch, the end was epic

Lodge Member
1 year ago

Effing squats, I do hate them with passion (can I even swear here?). To me, they represent the worst, the most reprehensible side GWs. Busted rules on launch? Check. Busted piece of crap fluff? Check. Releasing a new faction when countless others have models that are older than the people playing them? Check. Releasing effing squats of all factions before THE GUARD CODEX? Check. A blatant cash grab out of the blue? Are you even surprised?? Obviously, Check! The sqfarts better stayed dead rather than be resurrected in such a blasphemous way. The models are okay, except for the land… Read more »

Lodge Member
1 year ago

Always feels like ‘The Running Man’ when I log in… Will my favourite Stalker be on the show today?!

1 year ago

Keep the beard James! you look fabulous!

Lodge Member
1 year ago

GG really enjoyed this good way to spend a Saturday afternoon.

1 year ago

Beautiful looking army Fletcher – that Hekaton Land Fortress looks especially amazing. Was there anything you had to do slightly differently from your previous painting tutorial? Is the black still contrast paint? It looks incredibly smooth. I imagine some airbrushing was used to help speed things up xD

Talos Miniatures
Lodge Member
1 year ago

@ 1:12:00 it was my knight! Alas poor ‘Widow’ you fell to a single 6!!!

Lodge Member
1 year ago

now that has to be the closest game I have seen for years!! well done to both of you… I’m very glad you did not use the Voltann “hero-HtH-nuke” model… a mega shout out to Fletch, what an amazing paint job on the Volts!!! It would be great to see one of your models competing in the next GW golden demon 🙂

Jack Kypreos
Lodge Member
1 year ago

Good game…. votann still busted. Judged for playing is busted. Chef im keen for your next harlequins game running twilight

Lodge Warrior Member
1 year ago

So I vote for Chef to run Leagues of Vottann in the next league season :). I am sure he would love it 😀

Warp Wasp
Warp Wasp
1 year ago

Encoding not setup for the web browser gang.

Names are hard
Names are hard
1 year ago

The more I look at the daemon codex and the options I’m just… it doesn’t feel fun and I’m sad. Playing it as monster mash with be’lakor summoning greaters or soul grinders is fine, but.. they feel like a nerf by souping them in, I’ve only found one list so far where that feels like it’s on-par.
And that’s mostly because big knights are so overpriced that bringing a bloodthirster instead is on par.

Lodge Member
1 year ago

I have to ask, where in England do they teach people to speak like Bard? Because my brain keeps switching back and forth from him being posh and to him having a laugh pretending to be and it is just a treat for my earballs.
(Also the website seems to just have a link, rather than an embedded video.)

Names are hard
Names are hard
1 year ago

Is there a reason you’ve moved away from posting the lists in the description? I must admit, I find it much much easier to read a list. Listening to it.. I’m already forgetting it. WLT? Relics? I can’t remember what the daemons had when I’m halfway through the votann list, aside from the auto-take WLT on the bloodthirster.

Lifetime Member
1 year ago

@58:52 Chef is talking about the charge with the Bloodletters and says ‘I need a Ninehyr’ which must be new Votann unit I’ve not heard of?

Bearer of the Word
Bearer of the Word
1 year ago

I am not entirely sold on the design of the Votann (was hoping for more of the old biker aesthetic of the Squats). However, Fletcher’s scheme has changed my mind. They look fantastic!

Talos Miniatures
Lodge Member
1 year ago

Let’s do this!!! Come on the Votann!!

1 year ago

That was an amazing game. Very much a game of two halves, when the land fortress was on the table vs after it went. Votann look very frustrating to play against but I’m not convinced they’re completely broken.

Ben Philpott
Lodge Member
1 year ago

That paint job is sooo good on them Squats it almost makes the awful design of that fortress likeable ….

1 year ago

Space-men (okay, Space Dwarves) versus Space Demons. I feel like Doom Guy just got a nosebleed somewhere. Looking forward to watching while I furiously paint up some Necrons!

Lodge Member
1 year ago

This is the saltiest I’ve seen Chef in ages! It wouldn’t be Chef without a few choice comments, but he was absolutely on one here.
I’m not sure whether it’s Votann being oppressive, or daemons just being kind of underwhelming. Out of all my armies deamons feel like the one that GW just could not have cared less about throughout all of 9th – while guard got buffs to give them a nudge upwards, daemons were left to languish for 2 and a half years at the absolute bottom. Their codex feels like it was knocked out in a week.

Brett Pettitt
Lodge Member
1 year ago

You beauties!!!! Bard – Sing your songs of war, judge those who dare threaten the Votann and honour your Ancestors for they are watching!

Chef, as much as I like you, the Squats (votann) have been my want for 30 years, so I hope they win.

Thank you you bosses.

Lodge Warrior Member
1 year ago

I love the Votann, I cannot wait to begin paint mine! They were without a doubt broken when they were released, but I think the nerf was not well reasoned (too hasty and clearly prompt by a “oh sh*t!!” reaction) even though absolutely, 100% needed. We’ll see in the future balances, and how they will perform in the competitive scene. I still think that they will be a menace in the fire phase but in melee they will fold quite fast, even though i berserk might work quite well there. @Chef: just a little correction: Auspex Scan for marines doesn’t… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by Stefano
1 year ago

Watching Chef turn into a broken man before my eyes and I’m only up to turn 2.

Stuart Hargreaves
Lodge Member
Stuart Hargreaves
1 year ago

Good luck lads will have to root for the demons I’m afraid, even as a grey knights player

Last edited 1 year ago by Stuart Hargreaves
Marcus Ehrlich
Lodge Member
1 year ago

C’mon the space dwarves!

Jonathan Haynes
Lodge Member
Jonathan Haynes
1 year ago

Have a good game guys.