**NEW BATTLETOMES!** Slaves to Darkness vs Ogor Mawtribes | Age of Sigmar Battle Report

Avatar The Chef November 5, 202292  31 92 Likes

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It’s a two for one special in the Mortal Realms today as Chef brings out the Studio’s all new Beastclaw Raiders against Beard and the Slaves to Darkness, but which of these updated Tomes will take victory?!

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2 years ago

Wow, they river looks incredible, hope they ship to the US!

Jason Beardsley
2 years ago

Chef, if you were to play Ogor Mawtribes again and had all the models, what changes would you make to your list?

Lodge Member
2 years ago

We need gobbos and mushrooms….🍄🍄🍄🍄

Lodge Warrior Member
2 years ago

“You’re gonna die for some chickens?”

“Someone is.”

Lodge Member
2 years ago

I think it’s great that we get to see Chef actually genuinely enjoy a game. More AoS, less 40k!

David Alarie
David Alarie
2 years ago

Loving the AoS reports. Super excited for the new Slaves book, and the refresh of the model line. And of course monster truck ogors is always a tasty option.
I also wondered if we could get a separate category for AoS in the drop down menu on the website? Just to make it easier to keep up with all of the AoS reports. It’s going to take a 10th edition to bring my interest back around to 40k at this point, so I’m mostly skipping those these days.

Owl The Molfar
Lodge Warrior Member
2 years ago

Thank you for dinner battle report!
Look at this from other direction, Mr. Chef. You may loose the battle from objective perspective, but do Ogres really care. They eat everyone on the battlefield. That is the only thing that matters.

James Marriott
2 years ago

Great work! How is the team liking AOS!

Sloppity Biletyper
2 years ago

Hopefully the skaven will burrow their way into a game.

Justine Strahan
2 years ago

Chef needs a slaughtermaster just for a in game Chef

Philip Olsson
2 years ago

Always enjoyable to see you laugh and have fun while playing AoS. Makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. I agree with Belakor being a bit meh, but overall the new STDs seem very potent. Looking forward to the Orruks and more!

El Escapo
Lodge Warrior Member
2 years ago

@Chef, for future games keep in mind that Priests can attempt to dispell one Endless Spell per Hero phase for free! So there was no need to use the heroic ability on it in turn 2, since the Huskard could have attempted it.
Loving the Sigmar content. Keep it up.

Lodge Member
2 years ago

Very nice battle report, splendid paint job on the models, absolutely mind blowing fantastic. Thanks for the entertainment.
I really enjoy the AoS content. It took a bit to get used to it but the very cool thing about Sigmar is that the big toys get to do stuff while in WH40k 9th your big toys are not worth putting on the battlefield. I started to watch some more Sigmar content on other channels as well and it feels much more balanced than WH40k at the moment.

James Padbury
James Padbury
2 years ago

Beard’s beard ❤ RIP

Autarch Olly
2 years ago

If only the Rohirrim worshipped Khorne they might’ve done better against the olyphants!

Lodge Warrior Member
2 years ago

2:20 maybe you meant Beard’akor.

Lodge Member
2 years ago

GG. It’s good seeing the sigma getting love from the community and I am glad to see the armies are growing in point size and to add we seen such a number of armies no wonder the staff at TTT get rules mixed up

Have a good weekend all

Sven Hegenbart
Lifetime Member
2 years ago

Your games made me start to play AoS too so I pre ordered the Box today! One question about a trait tho Chef. Wanted to play “Cabalist” because of their lore description. But what use has their trait that all heroes become “Wizard”? As they can’t cast or dispel? Maybe some other veterans can help me out

Erik Ramvi
Erik Ramvi
2 years ago

I want a hat like Bears! But dont see it on the shop..

Jonathan Haynes
Lodge Member
Jonathan Haynes
2 years ago

Go chef

2 years ago

Good game. Enjoying the Sigmar.

Sloppity Biletyper
2 years ago

Any chance you bosses will start reviewing the aos books like with 40k?

2 years ago

I’m beginning to notice a pattern 👀 Sigmar Saturdays are becoming a thing?

Brett Pettitt
Lodge Member
2 years ago

Since you ha e started AoS I have been looking into it. Happy to see you drop mawtribes as this is an army I have from fantasy. Also… Bel’akor!!!! Yay. Now just bring an order army with Gotrek mwahaha

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