Necrons vs T’au Empire | Season 1 EP15 | Warhammer 40,000 League Report

Avatar The Chef November 19, 202261  54 61 Likes

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It’s the final game of the Qualifiers, but with the superior firepower of the T’au at his disposal, will Fletch be able to bump himself further up the table before the Semi-finals, or will Chef and the implacable Necrons halt his advance?!

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The Army Lists are:


++ Supreme Command Detachment ++

Dynastic Code: Dynasty: Szarekhan

The Silent King: Warlord- The Triarch’s Will

++ Outrider Detachment ++

Dynastic Code: “ObSekh” (Relentlessly Expansionist & Eternal Conquerors)

+ HQ +

Chronomancer: Relic- Veil of Darkness, Rarefied Nobility- Implacable Conquerer, Cryptek Arkana- Countertemporal Nanomines, Entropic Lance

Illuminor Szeras

+ Elites +

10x Lychguard: Hyperphase Sword &Dispersion Shield

6x Skorpekh Destroyers

+ Fast Attack +

5x Canoptek Scarab Swarms

5x Canoptek Scarab Swarms

5x Canoptek Scarab Swarms

4x Canoptek Wraiths: Vicious Claws

4x Canoptek Wraiths: Vicious Claws, 1x Particle Caster

+ Heavy Support +

6x Lokhust Destroyers: Gauss Cannon

3x Lokhust Heavy Destroyers: Gauss Destructor

+ No Force Org Slot +

Canoptek Plasmacyte

++ Total: 2,000pts ++

T’au Empire

++ Battalion Detachment ++

Sept Tenet: Farsight Enclaves

+ HQ +

Commander Farsight: Warlord- Exemplar of the Mont’ka

Commander in Coldstar Battlesuit: Warlord- Precision of the Hunter, Relic- Onager Gauntlet, 2x Plasma Rifle, Missile Pod, Shield Generator, 2x Marker Drone

+ Troops +

10x Kroot Carnivores

10x Kroot Carnivores

10x Kroot Carnivores

+ Elites +

5x Crisis Battlesuits
Crisis Shas’vre: 2x Plasma Rifles, Missile Pod, Shield Generator, Iridium Battlesuit
4x Crisis Shas’ui: 2x Plasma Rifles, Missile Pod, Shield Generator
2x Marker Drone
4x Shield Drone

5x Crisis Battlesuits
Crisis Shas’vre: 2x Plasma Rifles, Missile Pod, Shield Generator, Iridium Battlesuit, Prototype Weapon System- Stimm Injectors
4x Crisis Shas’ui: 2x Plasma Rifles, Missile Pod, Shield Generator
2x Marker Drone
3x Shield Drone

+ Heavy Support +

Hammerhead Gunship: Railgun, 2x Gun Drones

Hammerhead Gunship: Railgun, 2x Gun Drones

Riptide Battlesuit: Ion Accelerator, 2x Plasma Rifles, Velocity Tracker, Target Lock, Early Warning Override

++ Total: 2,000pts ++

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Błażej Kucharski
Błażej Kucharski
2 years ago

Chef, mathematics and geometry say that you literally CANNOT move objectives out of the deployment and into the deployment. They are more than 6″ away from the line.

USS Sylvester
Lodge Member
2 years ago

Great game enjoy it very much love farsight glad they pick up the victory ✌️ can’t wait for the next game 🙂

Lifetime Member
2 years ago

Awwww I haven’t heard a “BEEEEES!” line in a long time. Good throw back Chief.

Daniel Hawthorne
Daniel Hawthorne
2 years ago

@chef, considering you need to be within 12” to declare a charge, and within 1” to have a successful charge… an 11 should always be a success, shouldn’t it? Or was there a minus to charge in that situation?

2 years ago

Almost a week now unable to view videos with a timeout error on Android app ;(

Kyle Boulier
Kyle Boulier
2 years ago

Wow, what an amazing game! Great job to all, Tau’va!

Lifetime Member
2 years ago

Wow. The Menhirs were very silent today. I’ll show myself out now. That was a terrible joke.

Lodge Warrior Member
2 years ago

Really good game to watch. I really hate Tau shooting (Knight player) so it going up against reanimation was interesting to see.

Lifetime Member
2 years ago

Well congrats Fletcher! What a game guys, very exciting one and for me I’d say the first upset of the League. I didn’t think the Tau could outscore those Necrons, especially not after having seen the previous low scoring Tau games. Looks like Fletcher picked up some tactics along the way, well done man. Let’s see if you can repeat the upset tricks in the semi’s! Looking forward to the conclusion of Season 1, it’s been a blast so far. Chef, play time is over, the experimental phase is done, no more mistakes now. I wanna see you wear that… Read more »

Daniel Achmann
Daniel Achmann
2 years ago

Great Game! You all heard about Vashtoor i think, and with this Great Model there comes a little Idea, Beard our Iron Warrior, how much you must love this guy? Dont he be, the perfect Demigod for you? 🙂

Lodge Member
2 years ago

Be cool if you guys did a montage of all the games before the next round begins

Lodge Member
2 years ago

wow what a game.. everything down to a single d6!! well done Fletch

2 years ago

Interesting game, I mean its a good thing that crons can compete on points even while they kill next to nothing and are also tabled but I actually think its a really poor reflection on the balance in 9th that secondaries are used as this kind of band aid. They are used as fake “power’ inflation because GWs rule writers started hitting the crack pipe mid edition and theres no other way to give older factions a chance now without rewriting a load of codices (which means invalidating expensive books they have sold to their customers which they obviously cant… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by SLaaNeShi1
2 years ago

I’m halfway in and I’ve had to seek emotional support for fletchers dice rolling

Christopher Krueger
Lodge Member
Christopher Krueger
2 years ago

Congrats, Fletch! I like the Necrons, but O’Shovah’s one of my favorite characters.

So, does Farsight have a Khornate Chaos Sword or not? 👹

Christopher Thiel
Christopher Thiel
2 years ago

Great game, impressive win

Riley Fitzgerald
2 years ago

Come on Fletcher! Honor for the Enclaves!

Barry Wright
Barry Wright
2 years ago

sorry lads (ladies) but yorkshire is BY far the superior tea.

Lodge Warrior Member
2 years ago

He makes a ‘mistake’ at the start that causes him to lose the game and dodge Lawrence in the Semi’s……very suspicious Chef!!! 😉

2 years ago

Great game and always interesting to see an unexpected result. Tau had pretty much all the army still standing in the end and still only narrowly scraped together that win.

Lodge Member
2 years ago

One on Fletch!!! 👊🏼🔥

Shas'O Myenshi
Shas'O Myenshi
2 years ago

Damn Fletch there really was no in between with your rolls. They were either amazing or totally hopeless. Eitherway really fun match to watch especially seeing Kauyons best ability actually being used……oh and the fact your coldstar managed to donkey punch some wraiths.

2 years ago

Well that was quite a game! Wild game to finish out the prelims!

Chef, I’m playing my first game (Tempest) against Tau today with my Necrons. I recognize the odds are heavily stacked against me, especially since I’m relatively new to the game and the other player is not, plus I won’t get the Nephilim secondaries. Any thoughts or advice on how to at least avoid a tabling by turn 3?

Frederick Ayres
Frederick Ayres
2 years ago

Very fun and interesting game to watch and very close too! I didn’t think the Tau were long for this world after turn 2. From a tau perspective I’ve noticed Fletcher has to negotiate enemy units using LoS blocking cover a lot and am wondering if it’d be worth it to consider those tau guns that ignore LoS?

Lifetime Member
2 years ago

Looking forward to a Tau win here! Sorry Chef any other faction and I’d be rooting for ya.

Sven Hegenbart
Lifetime Member
2 years ago

HUge Plunder in chosing the secundary after hearing the mission. Lets see if Chef can recover from this with the primary points
unneded result with another unnecessary misplay with not measuring the 9″ properly in the end

Last edited 2 years ago by Sven Hegenbart
Joel Jackson
Joel Jackson
2 years ago

Been looking forward to this one. Don’t care who wins as long as it’s Tau.

Jonathan Haynes
Lodge Member
Jonathan Haynes
2 years ago

Go Chef. Crush the Tau.

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