General’s Handbook Season 2 Review | Age of Sigmar State of Play

Spider and Chef sit down to talk about the latest General’s Handbook, in our very first Sigmar Review!
00:00 Intro
03:59 Realm Rules – Galletian Champions
05:52 Realm Rules – The Key to Victory
07:40 Realm Rules – Desperate Action & New Heroic Actions
13:46 Realm Rules – Realmsphere Magic
17:52 Realm Rules – Realm Command
20:08 Core Battalions – Galletian Command
22:53 Core Battalions – Galletian Sharpshooters
27:23 Core Battalions – Galletian Veterans
29:10 Artefacts of Power
31:20 Unique Enhancements – Aspects of the Champion
35:00 Grand Strategies
38:07 Battle Tactics
45:26 Battleplans – Intro (The first six Battleplans are the same as S1)
45:55 Battleplans – Only the Worthy
47:08 Battleplans – Path of the Champion
47:55 Battleplans – The Jaws of Gallet
49:05 Battleplans – Ours for the Taking
50:16 Battleplans – Twists and Turns
52:05 Battleplans – Position over Power
53:09 Wrap Up
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Regarding “Grinding Teeth” – the short range isn’t an issue if you throw out an Umbral Spellportal. Tzeetch and Lumineth are going to spike mortals on objectives at a distance.
I think the point of the new battle tactics is that’s a lot of overlap with the repeated ones, meaning that you have the option to score the same battle tactic twice in a battle provided you have the Galletian Champions to meet the requirements on one of them. As an example, you could score This One’s Mine and then keep an eye out for an opportunity to score the very similar A Matter of Honor later in the game. And this is great because unlike secondary objectives in 40k, there’s no opportunity cost of having the option; you pick… Read more »
Nice seeing you review the AoS stuff as well!
Your recent 40k league has been my favourite content so far so I would love to see you do something similar with AoS. Any possibility of that happening any time soon? 😉
Regarding the fighting out of sequence. It is avaible for soulblight. Prince Vhordrai, the named vampire on Zdragon can make another hero fight in the hero phase. I sometimes proxy my normal vlozd model as Vhordrai, as it’s just a head swap anyway.
The new battle plans look like fun. Just the fact that bounty hunters are gone makes this better than last season. It would be nice if GW would learn from their mistakes and stop making counter-intuitive core battalions, but at least this one isn’t as ridiculous as adding 1 to damage .
I wish GW would ring binder all their rules supplement books, so much easier to use and might help to justify the cost a bit more
Im a lot less worried about Galletian Sharpshooters than I was about bounty hunters. The reason being is that they cant also be galatian champions or body guards. One of big problems with bounty hunters is that things could be both veterans and hunters. There were a few battle tactics that required you to kill stuff with your veterans like head-to-head, against the odds, or outmuscle and bounty hunter helped achieve those using your vets against theirs. None of the new battle tactics are vulnerable to that problem directly. I think the battalion is to allow ranged heavy lists to still… Read more »
As an aos veteran, for me, the big difference between bounty hunters and shatpshootera is that the former lade units actively better than their warscroll against something the majority of armies had to run (low wound battleline). Sharpshooters make it so that it’s back to the usual. There are quite a few armies that have a bit of shooting and nothing else to deal with backline power multipliers (various skink heroes, stonemage) And they are still probably hitting with a -1 penalty. On another note. The big thing about the hero phase activation of hero + unit is that it’s… Read more »
thanks for the review
🙂 I’m a noob at Sigmar… but…. Soulblight + Legion of the night + nerco/vampire and say 20 Gave garde arriving at 6inchs of any bord edge on a “flank objective” …. thats 2 units that can rack up 2vps a turn… nice 🙂
One key thing with the dodgy spell is that it’s cast in the hero phase, so before you move – it’s therefore going to be quite rare for you to be able to fire it off before your opponent gets some counterplay.
I think the reason it’s there is possibly to give magic-focused heroes a similar tool to the fight-in-the-hero-phase action: A potential way to punch their way out of dicey situations at the start of your turn. I imagine it’ll be used more defensively than offensively.
Surprise second Friday video!
Also, pretty soon Gutrippaz are going to be free to take. They’re getting cheaper every update.