T’au Empire vs Chaos Space Marines | Warhammer 40,000 Battle Report

Forges open wide as Vashtorr the Arkifane brings forth a legion of Daemon Engines against the finest Battlesuits Farsight can field!
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Do you guys also feel like games workshop forgot to add a rule that makes it’s got to add a rule that makes vashtorr actually good? I mean he is OK but not like I will take you in my list OK
Lush game, fletcher is great and Beard that was a very fun army list! Don’t forget +2 shots for let the galaxy burn on flamers beard, very nice on the disco lord baleflamer! Can’t wait to see more Vashtorr, the max d shots strat on a Forgefiend sounds like glory
Go on fletcher son! Tau fist pump 👊🏼. I do feel sorry for anyone who plays against Tau, and they have a new close combat model they want to use, its never getting in xD
I don’t mind the Weapons not having names I think it suits the character, Weapons would gain names as the legend of the wielder grows through time, I’m guessing Vashtor forged the weapons himself and is the first to use them, Eons from now when Vashtor is pushed back to the warp and is having a sulk in his Deamon Forges and a mortal being finds the weapon and wields it “the Hammer of Vashtor” would mean something. Its the same as Guilliman wielding the “The Emperors Sword” or Abaddon wielding “the Talon of Horus” those names mean something because… Read more »
The model is great the first Grim Dark model to come out of GW in a long time imo more like this less of the cartoonish stuff. Great addition to the lore but the rules are unimpressive then how do you represent a demi God on the tabletop without it being ridiculously OP it’s a tricky conundrum.
Canot wait to try him. Such a cool model. Shame about the hammer name lol.
Is Beard saying Cursed Earth save?
Not a thing unless Judge Dredd is involved ;p
I’m from Seattle and know that 😉
I saw the Vashtorr army of renown rules and thought “Wanton soup!” Sadly not in this game but definitely a Beard rule if ever there was one.
Not sure if Black Legion was the best choice (never liked this legion anyway). I think you filmed this before regiment of renown was released…
I would love to see Vashtorr leading a bunch of cerberus/crawler/decimators one of these days 😀
Guys… It’s hard to express how much I love seeing Fletcher on the channel. He’s just brilliant on camera and I think we’d all appreciate watching him play 40K often. However, he’s also responsible for the incredibly high standard of painted miniature we’ve come to expect of TTT and it would be a crying shame for that to change. Bearing all that in mind, and with an eye to the sensitive issue of managing budgets, do you think it’s possible that he could work significantly longer hours (perhaps including weekends) to cover increased gaming shoots while also maintaining his heavy… Read more »
Good game guys, thank you very much. I’m feeling like the hammer and claw names might have been placeholders that they ran out of time to fill! Awesome model though – beautiful paint job 🙂
Vashtors hammer always reminds me of Alan Rickmans character in Galaxy Quest “by Grabthar’s hammer”.
So either they were lazy or wanted people to make jokes in that direction.
I hope no one has made this comment yet.
Vashtor’s hammer name suggestion = Smashtor
Seriously though, don’t repaint those Venomcrawlers. 😭🫣
Oh man, it’s such a shame to repaint those Venomcrawlers, they look so good. Just leave them XII colors say they just joined the Black Legion or Iron Warriors. Then you can just houserule it so WE get them too.
More people just need to flat out ignore GW when they’re stupid. Get a few channels together to tow the line and more people will play the “TTT Rules” then GW’s. 🤣
Is it just me, or is Vashtorr’s rules very underwhelming?
Some say he controlled his army through the use of psychic suggestions and pheromones.
Some say he doesn’t need to mix modelling putty he just shows it his painting and it turns green with envy.
Some even say he’s a kroot evolution.
All we know is… He’s called Fletcher.
Classiest way to win. Wouldn’t of called that method. A hat tip to the victor.
Great game always guys, I’m inlove with Fletcher’s painting as usual
Vashtorr named his hammer “Vashtorr’s Hammer” because he’s an engineer and they hate naming conventions 😛
Ah Chaos Lord Beard vs Shas’O Table’top Tact’ics Fletch’er Pain’tyr. Always a pleasure to see Fletches FSE army out. And damn Farsight did some work this time. Bid shout out to the 3 crisis teams just cause crisis suits are awesome. Pity the forgeworld stuff was….kinda underwhelming but it happens. Incedently Fletch only advice i can give is if you want explosions, remeber the failsaif detonator…..it works on stealthsuits XD. Great game as always guys.
All aircraft when arriving from reserve can set up anywhere on the board more than 9″ from enemy units and facing any direction instead of having to set up wholly within 6″ of a table edge.
Beard you forgot that with vashtoors army all daemon engines are in ALL doctrines ALL the time!! Its amazing!!!
Absolutely crazy game. I like the matches that don’t get decided until the end of turn 5.
Petition to in house rule rename Vashtorr’s hammer to cataclysm or forgesmiter or something cool 👀
@Fletcher, Are you going to paint the new Farsight model?
The model looks awesome 👌
@lord Beard, keep on Daemon Saves 🤣
Suprised beard went with BL and not Vash’s merry robot gang (AoR). Since max daemon engines sounds very much up Beards alley
Watching Fletcher play gives me so much more respect for his painting skills. He’s so animated! It’s a joy to watch. More Fletcher please!?
🤔🤔🤔 the remora drones could start their game embarked inna devilfish… since they are drones… and the devilfish is allowed to transport them….🤣
Yay go Fletcher !!!
Downloading this asap for journey to work
Vespid meta baybee!
Go Black Legion
Kind of hoping Vashtorr gets integrated with iron warriors in tenth ed, they seem to compliment eachother