Space Marine and Tyranid Datacard Reactions! | Backstage Livestream

Avatar The Chef June 9, 202346  28 46 Likes

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Join Spider, Beard, Chef, Bard and Jinx live, to discuss the newly released Index cards for Space Marines and Tyranids!

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Isaac Bishop
1 year ago

Beard; hates a GW decision so much he plans violence.
The Internet; See, he’s just a shill!

1 year ago

“Vanguard Veterans are still really good!”
*looks at VV*
Yeah, no. Completely gutted of all options and their Heirloom Weapons are barely better than Assault Squad chainswords.

Kyle Roach-Smith
1 year ago

Great video! Its nice to communicate with the community! I have a few strong opinions about some of the rules we’ve seen but there’s always gonna be something in a massive release like this. They’ve done a good job overall I think.

Would just like to point out a stormraven gunship can transport a brutalis dreadnought…… So thats fun XD

Last edited 1 year ago by Kyle Roach-Smith
1 year ago

10th is looking great, but we have suffered a great loss… Transhuman physiology is no more. which means no more headwarping edits. A true tragedy.

Lodge Member
1 year ago

Wonder if you guys were talking about an earlier version, but Hammerfall Bunker does not have Deep Strike in the download data cards.

1 year ago

For Space Marines 2 of my favorite Leader+Unit combos at fist glance where Judiciar+Bladeguard Veterans and Phobos Librarian+Eliminators.

Lodge Warrior Member
1 year ago

I made a drawing for the support systems as far as I could find them across the editions, I could make a picture and send it
And I have painted my army as the correct Sa’Cea Sept and kept using it as such… what are you talking about Chef? 😛

Last edited 1 year ago by StealthKnightSteg
Tom Clark
Lodge Member
Tom Clark
1 year ago

we definitely need a emperors children stand alone + fulgrim, and I don’t even like EC, i’d rather have more dedicated word bearers haha

Dean Brereton
Dean Brereton
1 year ago

The rules for SM across the board seem like each unit has benefits now, even…. Reivers! which I never thought I would say. The Speeders, incursors and invictors seem very powerful. Still waiting on my codex before spending any money on 10th but these seem the best thing about 10th so far for me, I loved my sub faction rules, stratagems, relics and traits if these can be put back in nicely in the new codex, am in 😀

Lifetime Member
1 year ago

Chef, you sir are wrong. Keeble is right it is undeniable. ;p

Nate Perrymarkel
Nate Perrymarkel
1 year ago

Pretty good.

Björn Persson
Björn Persson
1 year ago

The more I think about it, one thing that will be harder is choosing which *leader* to use instead of the other, with which squad. And, perusing the index quickly, Im wondering if I can have several leaders in one squad.

Lifetime Member
1 year ago

Tokens would be really nice

1 year ago

A slightly negative thought. Genestealers will need to roll each models attacks independently because otherwise you won’t know which 1’s you can reroll. Also I still have a model of the very old Broodlord. Any suggestions for how to use it- would could it be a surrogate for?

1 year ago

One of the best things is getting rid of 3 different types of bolt rifle – absolutely love this change. Nobody could tell the difference on the table and I’m not left paralysed with indecision as to how to kit my 20 heavy intercessors. Loving the new edition vids, keep them coming.

1 year ago

Thanks for going over this guys!!! Love to hear you talking about it in any way, shape, or form. Can you comment on the amount of indirect fire we’ve seen so far? While some lethality is definitely decreasing, losing some of the debuffs to control indirect weapons also feels mildly worrying. I appreciate that in some cases it’s likely because their profile has been turned down, but in some ways it feels like GW may not have learned from such a prominent 9th edition mistake. Have you guys found indirect fire units being disproportionately powerful so far? Thanks, you’re all… Read more »

Björn Persson
Björn Persson
1 year ago

I only looked at the Chaplains and Outrider squads and they look pretty fun. Itll be interesting to see how they play.

John Matson
John Matson
1 year ago

As a death guard player I’m really excited to bring the smelliest, ickiest boys in the galaxy and spread the joy of papa Nurgle for the third edition I’ve played in since my return to the hobby 🙂

Lifetime Member
1 year ago

Hopefully soon, after I finish my last Thousand Sons models, I hope to build the fluffiest White Scars list with ALL THE BIKES. Because…FOR THE EMPEROR AND THE KHAN! HONOURED BE HIS NAME!

The Wraith
Lodge Warrior Member
1 year ago

On the subject of subfaction identity, I’ve been really torn as I’ve been seeing stuff come out. My poor Iyanden lists have been just garbage for so long! So on one hand I’m sad they don’t have specific rules, but on the other I’m really excited to not deliberately handicap myself playing the army my paint scheme clearly indicates. As with so many other things about the game, I think this is a good aspect to exhibit a cyclical nature.

Lifetime Member
1 year ago

I too missed the chance to get the tokens and would love to enter into a pre-sale!

Jonathan Haynes
Lodge Member
Jonathan Haynes
1 year ago

Kayvan and the photos marines

1 year ago

My Phobos Strike Phorce is finally fully realised!!! The Phobos rules look fantastic and I can’t wait to get some flyers for fire support for them as well.

Thomas Azula
Lodge Member
1 year ago