*10th Edition!!* Chaos Space Marines vs Space Marines | Warhammer 40,000 Battle Report

Avatar The Chef June 16, 2023158  149 158 Likes

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A classic clash of Traitors and Loyalists hits 10th Edition for the very first time, as The Warmaster and The Avenging Son meet head on!

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🎵 All music is licensed with artists credited at the end of the video

📝 Be sure to watch the video for the player’s Army Lists

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Crew Member
1 year ago

Hey guys! Hope you all enjoy our first ever 10th Edition Battle Report! We just wanted to note that, while we say in the video that World Eaters vs Adeptus Custodes will be up On Demand right now, this has been delayed to Monday due to shifting embargo dates. We would have loved to show you guys that video today, but unfortunately we can’t. We will have three 10th Edition Battle Reports coming exclusively to On Demand next week, so be sure to sign up so you don’t miss out! For now, enjoy the game, as we adventure forth into… Read more »

11 months ago

This video made me want to start playing 40k. It was like watching two kids playing a brand new game on Christmas Morning.

Samuel Aster
Lodge Warrior Member
1 year ago

i can’t find the “not so killy edition” in this battle report :’D

Last edited 1 year ago by Samuel Aster
1 year ago

At the 30:45 mark when the Blade guard charged. What happened was that they got into their drop pod during ninth edition. They didn’t realize they were dropping into tenth edition. Hence why they failed the charge.

Luke Lemon
Luke Lemon
1 year ago

Great game guys, lots of new rules lol! Think I saw the hellblasters could have re-rolled their wounds against the chaos terminators and Lawrence fell back with his terminators in his 2nd turn – Beard you should have cut him down on 1-3s! And yes, first game of a new edition how dare you forget something!

Chris Mellows
Chris Mellows
1 year ago

Only 3 minutes in and Lawrence brings up perhaps my biggest issue with tenth. I agree it would be nice to be able to use all the seats in a drop pod while takinga leader and not paying a penalty… If only a system could be designed where you could take extra models above minimum but below maximum without being locked into paying for 6…But then again 35+35+105 is far too complicated for 40k fans according to Games Workshop apparently.

Peter Kosterman
Peter Kosterman
1 year ago

Fantastic Game! Your guys enthusiasm is so infectious and entertaining!

Timmy Tables
Lodge Member
1 year ago

Fantastic batrep to kick off the 10th ❤️ Also, am I imagining things or is the frame rate higher? Or at least motion blur is decreased a bit?

Stephan Richter
Lodge Member
Stephan Richter
1 year ago

Saying “I love Drop Pods” to a Chaos player is almost baiting. Bad Lawrence 😀

Travis Hess
Travis Hess
1 year ago

You guys just keep bringing the heat, awesome battle report! What a way to kick off 10th. And I just gotta compliment whoever makes the music you guys use, that metal riff in the beginning during list overview was so sick, AHH just loved it. Knocked it out of the park with this one.

Lodge Member
1 year ago

I have a question.
Why are space marines called astartes but if their chaos they are space marines (at least officially)?

Falkus Kibre
Lodge Member
1 year ago

Very fun and cinematic first game of 10th with a classic matchup. Thanks for the out of this world quality on your games and it’s always more fun to see two players having fun and encouraging their opponent rather than getting salty. A

Christopher Thiel
Christopher Thiel
1 year ago

One of the best games you’ve put on, a lot of fun to watch, came down to the wire

Lodge Member
1 year ago

fantastic report, thoroughly enjoyed it and cant wait for more 10th content

Last edited 1 year ago by Doc
Lifetime Member
1 year ago

This game got me very excited to see more of 10th and play it myself. Apart from free wargear I quite like everything I’m seeing now. The mission deck looks like a proper best of both worlds. These armied looked nice, but double Oath seems excessive indeed. Also, GW could really do a better job at communicating with their customers. Don’t make people excited for less rerolls and points when you hand out loads of rerolls in a different fashion (army or unit abilities rather than aura’s) and we use power levels in all but the name. It causes even… Read more »

Tom Fail
Lifetime Member
Tom Fail
1 year ago

Fantastic game. Loving the enthusiasm for the new edition amongst the negativity from parts of the community. Looking forwards to some more fantastic 10th ed battle reports and to getting stuck into it myself.
As a casual player I think the coolest thing in the new edition is characters attaching to units, gives me reason to play my multiple characters and reasons to get some new units which I would not necessarily have used much before.

1 year ago

Where the other battle report :'(

Warmaster Irraz
Lodge Member
1 year ago

Fantastic first game to start off the edition with! I can’t wait to play my own first game. Looking forward to take my Iron Warriors for a spin. Guess I will paint up Abaddon and Haarken with original colours and just have them have Black Legion bodyguards casually strutting around with my Iron Warriors.

Simon Collins
Simon Collins
1 year ago

Blimey guys, what a way to see in 10th! Cracking game, players loving it, minis looking incredible, production value that somehow found another gear. Incredible stuff. You should be proud.
After a roller coaster week in which the community has been emotionally draining, this was like catching up with good friends in the park on a sunny day, reminding you that life is good and fun.

Kyle Roach-Smith
1 year ago

not sure about the no special rules when “out of sequence”. This would mean that flamers lose the torrent ability when overwatching for example. Removes a lot of utility from some units and I think its an unnecessary change. Having said that the new way that overwatch works would make flamer units extremely powerful.
Great battle! You guys seemed to really enjoy yourselves!

Kyle Roach-Smith
1 year ago

It begins!

Matt Hall
Matt Hall
1 year ago

“Fear not citizens hope is here! Hold back imminent possession and pre battle hunger with Guillimans Oath of oaty moments biscuits. Available for a unknown time at your local warp storm”🍪

Matthew Wills
Matthew Wills
1 year ago

What a fantastic battle, a true epic. Many thanks. 10th edition is looking good.

Jaron Glass
Jaron Glass
1 year ago

For Hazardous rolls I thought that you rolled for every hit. Not just the 1s

Lodge Member
1 year ago

We Al know Lawrence loves Plasma, as not only the hellblaster issue but he also added an extra bit to his redemptor when it killed the Helbrute (there were only 3 shots, not 4, lol)

Jon Donoghue
Lodge Member
Jon Donoghue
1 year ago

The Emperors sword should be anti deamon, surely…

1 year ago

Amazing match up to kick of 10th Ed. A showdown between Abby and Robute!!!!! Wheres the World Eaters Vs Custodes Bat Rep by the way?

James Cartwright
James Cartwright
1 year ago

I’ve been so tempted to watch other content creator videos of 10th edition battle reports. So glad you guys finally released an battle report in 10th edition. You guys are my one and only BABY!

thomas Betts
thomas Betts
1 year ago

I hope you guys don’t feel too hard done by with every other channel producing battle reports every day for 10th – I assume they are allowed to because they are doing it live?! Seems a bit unfair to me.

Either way, quality trumps quantity – and this is one of the best battle reports I’ve seen.

Keep up the hard work!

Michael Woodyard
Michael Woodyard
1 year ago

Awesome! Makes me stoked for 10th! Thanks for the video. In the video, you kept referencing a second video on demand. I can’t find the other one.

Thijs Schrijnemakers

This was such a great game, and that end! Really like that the game is less killy. CMS and the pacts were great. loved it

Shaun Garrett
Shaun Garrett
1 year ago


John Barber
Lifetime Member
1 year ago

Awesome to see 10th in action. While not asked for, I thought at @40mins in something interesting happened and here’s my 2cents worth – So the Combi-weapons I think are interesting. Their profile is both Anti-Infantry 4+ and Devastating Wounds. I read that as that Critical Wounds (on infantry) are caused on a 4+ as per the USR for Anti, but are which are also now Devastating Wounds (because at this Anti- target they’ve been promoted to ‘Critical Wounds’ and Devastating Wounds are Critical Wounds which now does a Mortal Wound). So that’s why, in this case, they really are… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by John Barber
Thomas Abery
Lodge Warrior Member
1 year ago

I’ve been holding myself back until I can actually play 10th before I judge, I must admit the recent point system was a blow, but this game looked great. I’m hoping it’ll all come out in the wash and be a really fun edition with lots of close games

Andrew Sisselman
Andrew Sisselman
1 year ago

Annnnnnnd now I’m excited to play Chaos.

Maurice Belz
1 year ago

28.50 “That’s 25 wounds is it? Right?……. seems reasonable!”

Sloppity Biletyper
1 year ago

Came here to see what was up with the other battle report. Jinx was on top of it. Thanks jinx can’t wait to see more 10th.


Calvin Wessels
Calvin Wessels
1 year ago

Was so excited for everything revealed about 10th until today… forced to essentially play PL and no reason to choose weapons anymore

1 year ago

Great video guys! So excited for more 10th ed battle reports. Also really appreciate the effort that has gone into your releases over the last week!

Lodge Warrior Member
1 year ago

Did this feel “less lethal” whilst you where playing it? Coz it didn’t look it O.o

Shas'O Myenshi
Shas'O Myenshi
1 year ago

So i dont claim to be even remotely tactical in any sense so forgive the potentially stupuid question but what is the benefit of using rapid ingress? As i understand it its used at the end of your opponent movement phase menaing you aren’t able to use it to surprise deny them ground to cover and the fact its done at the start of the shooting phase means said units that would have been safe in reserve are now targetable. Main reason i am interested is i play Tau and the stealth suit homing beacon basically does the same as… Read more »

Lodge Member
1 year ago

What a fun and exciting batrep! The TT team did a great job, as usual! Keep up the great work and know that your content is the best out there

Jonathan Haynes
Lodge Member
Jonathan Haynes
1 year ago

Can’t wait to see my two favorite armies fight on Monday. This was good to.

Daniel Sandsjö
Lifetime Member
Daniel Sandsjö
1 year ago

Great game guys! Really enjoyed this! 🙂

Riley Mcghee
Riley Mcghee
1 year ago

Have always loved the terrain and setups you guys run. Are there any specific places you’ve gotten terrain from?

1 year ago

I doubt Out-Of-Sequence (Out of Phase?) means weapon abilities (like Devastating Wounds) dont work? Havent seen extensive commentary on it, im not sure do buffs work or not.

Tormund the Brute
1 year ago

When Lawrence was going over his army and talking about “support armor” and “lumbering behemoths”, and he said “Leviathan”…
I forgot for a second the Levi Dread was removed from the game and got really excited for a second, only to have my hopes smashed a moment later 😀

Lodge Member
1 year ago

I guess space marines didn’t get the memo on the whole “less lethal, less rerolls” thing.

Scott Crompton
Scott Crompton
1 year ago

Good fun, thanks!

Lifetime Member
1 year ago

Very exciting stuff! Really looking forward to seeing you all scrap into the new edition!

Adam Elliott
Adam Elliott
1 year ago

Great fight! Rules question – Nurgle strat dark obscuration. why didn’t that just prevent the units from being hit as the attacking unit was more than 12” away and the unit was nurgle (term’s turn 1 and just abaddon later)