Space Marines vs Orks | Warhammer 40,000 Boarding Action Battle Report

Itz da Orks tryna be as sneaky as dey can be aboard this Ark of Omen, with Bard at the helm, to get the drop on Beard’s Space Marines
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definitely more boarding actions please team
Aw we need a replacement joke for TRANZHYOOMAN FIZZIOLOGEH for 10th.
Sustained is looking like a good candidate though.
YES PLEASE more boarding actions. You guys are hilarious!
I FREAKING loved this BP. The energy, laughs and game was absolutely enjoyable, even if Beard and The Bard missed a few things. Please do more BP’s like these!!!!! Well done!
Please good sir may we have more boarding actions 🙏
Absolutely brilliant. Just one glaring error: you somehow had Michael Caine Orks trying to open airlocks and still didn’t say “you were only supposed to blow the bloody doors off!”.
That was very cool! Glad boarding actions are back and looking forward to more!
That was a hilarious game, especially the bit with the grot at the end. There are a couple of points I’d like to make however: The space marine list was clearly inferior due to the mechanics of boarding actions which wasn’t helped by oath of moments being forgotten about completely throughout the game. The mission was completely biased towards the marines. I don’t know who came up with that mission but they don’t seem to know the game very well at all. Any foot units (which is all you get in BA) would take 4 turns to reach most of… Read more »
Boarding actions are the best!
More boarding action
Always love the bard and beard combo – you lads need to get back on the narrative train again, I loved your last narrative campaign, maybe a chaplains revenge story hunting down some orks that killed his judicar brother?
That grotatouille moment at the end. 🤣😂🤣
Can’t help but think you guys really enjoyed that game. Makes it so much easier to watch. Thank you for the ‘effort’
have loved the boarding action games how have you found it with 10 ed and do you think it needs a update to bring it into line. also really enjoyed the battle of the Kev’s
The best Fight on Death absolute WHITEWASH ending we wanted. Utter hilarity.
So much fun! The narrative is practically written for the olayers. Forgot the land mine thing from the incursor dudes though Beard! Also, I love Beard’s dedication to the Reivers despite their pants rules.
Loved this!! You guys clearly adore this format, and I would agree that it feels like the lists are a teeny bit more fluffy for this, although with 500 points I guess it’s quite limiting. Would love to see a “campaign” series maybe in the future, following a team through different areas of a ship? My only gripe is you make it look such fun it makes me want to splash out on the terrain! 😮
Boarding actions are great! A good respite from Warhammer 40-tank.
That was so much fun. More please!
Really like the Boarding Actions format. Feel like you chaps lean more into fluffier lists with it too, which is awesome. Really excited for the upcoming narrative campaign but this also gets me thinking about how cool it would be to see more one off narrative driven games. There was a recent one over on Warhammer where they had two forces of space wolves competing over killing Tyranids. Anyway, loving your work as always!
I’m not a fan of ether Space Marines or Orks but this was fun from start to finish. Can’t wait for the next one
I laughed so hard the whole game! Excellent.
What an amazingly fun game. That was a blast!
more please! Do a full on space hulk narrative! For the Airlock! Never forget Kev!
More please! The enthusiasm is infectious.
Out of interest, are you guys not bothering with the s ace marines army rules in 10th ed boarding actions? Oaths of moment and doctrines would have been handy in this game, given the Orks had Waaagh bonuses and sustained hits.
Waaaggghhh love it. My own Ork horde are Da Krimson Fistz .
My Warboss was defeated by the Crimson Fists during a skirmish for Rynns World. During it he took one too many knocks to the head.
When came to under the care of dad painboyz he had an epiphany, if he becomes a Krimson Fistz he’ll be as tough as them. And from then his army have been wearing the blue and crimson.
WAAAAAAGH! ‘Ere we go ladz!!!
Let’s purge the xenos, Beard.
YES! Lets gooooooooo