**3,000 POINTS!** Giant Ork Waaaagh! vs Custodes & Astra Militarum | Warhammer 40k Battle Report

Slay the Warlord! The Waagghh!!! Drives the Orks forward to attack the Astra Militarum Outpost, and their fancy big gun, but a body guard host of Custodes also stand in their way. With the only way to defeat the humies being to slay the leader of the Adeptus Custodes, the Orks will throw everything they have to bring the big one down!
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great battle report
No misericordia attacks then?
Time to krump up the volume!
Great watch 🙂 thanks for the fun and giggles 🤭
Beefy Men! A great watch, love the big games and nice to see the fun dynamic with Chef and ‘Bard/Brad’, many laughs!
Really love that you guys are doing more of these narrative style batreps outside of the crusade series. This was such a laugh
This was so much fun! Gotta be up there in my top 3 batreps of the year eeeeasy! 🤘
Already mentioned, but the tower of tape measures! Also Nigel Bigtooth made a return, doing exactly what’s needed, no more, no less, Nigel Bigtooth.
So much joy, many of the fun, lots of laughs had. Thanks for another epic match 😂 particularly enjoyed James’s impression of Mac from always sunny around 47 mins
always fun to see something a bit different then the regular matched play 🙂
This is quite possibly the most enjoyable battle report I’ve ever watched
Absolutely loved this game – large games are my favourite way to play 40k so great to see them here.
10 sustained at 32’46”, not 9 ^^
Am I the only one who expected a measuring tape producct placement after staring at that JENGA TOWER OF MEASURING TAPES infront of James for the entire game xD
Such a great game. Love you guys.
One of the Best Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhggggggg! i have ever heard.
Really enjoyable game to finish up the week! Go da boyz!!! crump em ooomies gud.
on a side note, lone bubblechukka is always MVP, if hed taken the head of that custodes I would have fallen off my chair!
Cheers team as always, amazing viewing!
The mighty tower of tape measures…
Totally wanna buy a tape measure now! No idea why >_>
I can’t wait to see more battle reports with Triple B… The Beefy Bike Boss.
That was peak 40k right there, just felt perfect for how that fight should play out, great stuff as always guys!
So if we have Brad and Bread, is Chef now the Beef?
Only halfway through and already one of the best batreps ever. I love these huge 3K battles!
Walls of Martyrs!
Guys, if you’re not already designing a “Beefy Man” T-shirt with Chef’s face on it for the shop, what are you even doing? 😉
Great to see more 6k point games. The introduction makes me feel like we need a Green Tide vs Silver Tide game.
Yeah I got like 4 push notifications too haha, guys! I promise I’m gonna watch it
Just a heads up folks, I had 5 push notifications when this batrep went live.
Can’t wait to check out with a brew later!