*NEW LEAGUE* Iron Warriors vs Grey Knights | Warhammer 40k League Report

Avatar Jinx February 17, 2024150  77 150 Likes

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Welcome back to season 4 of the Tabletop Tactics league! In this banger of an opening game we have the Spider fielding his Grey Knights against Beard’s Iron Warriors!

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📝 Be sure to watch the video for the player’s Army Lists

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Crew Member
11 months ago


It’s been pointed out that Devastating Wounds no longer inflict Mortal Wounds, so Draigo’s 4 FNP wouldn’t have worked against the Forge Fiend (which we all missed at the time).

As a result, I will reverse the victory point scores as Draigo would very likely have died to the subsequent Obliterator shooting. The League leaderboards will reflect this. Congratulations Beard! :)❤️🕷️

Graeme Noble
Graeme Noble
11 months ago

Amazing game!

Brian Sterling
11 months ago

Really wish the app let us download videos that are published to YouTube, the download option isn’t there and my main use for watching tabletop tactics is on airplanes without wifi.

Ross Cassells
11 months ago

30:54 – Best laugh I’ve ever heard! Very chaotic!

11 months ago

List suggestions for Beard:
Make the Chosen CU for Zeal. I’d also make the Oblits CU for the same reason (and because as cool as Skinshift is on paper, it doesn’t really come up that often in game).
I’d consider dropping the Venomcrawlers and bringing Abaddon. FF and Oblits love the reroll aura, and 10 Terms with Abaddon works well enough with all the marks (though I personally don’t love Terms at current point costs, and would just run Abaddon solo for the aura and the CP generation. Bringing Abaddon also lets you drop the Eye enhancement.

11 months ago

Not sure if this has been mentioned yet, but mark of Nurgle only gives sustained crits on 5s for shooting, not in melee. Very enjoyable watch!

Ellery von Dassow
11 months ago

The tuning up of the dreadknight’s profile along with some good dice rolls can change the narrative for our Sanctic Astartes quickly it seems! Good on Mr. Beard for taking the defeat with a smile and a chuckle. The dreadknight full whiff after the excited proclamation that it’ll hit on a ‘3’ was hilarious. Seems like some are miffed that Spider is taking Grey Knights for his second league, but I can’t get enough of ’em! I play Grey Knights and am getting into Daemons, so seeing them featured on such a well-produced show is a treat. Every time a… Read more »

Matthew Dight
Matthew Dight
11 months ago

I’ve never commented on here before, long time lurker…
But, I just want to say, what a great gesture from Spider to reverse points. True gent and absolutely what the spirit of sportsmanship, and our game, is all about. An easy miss in the heat of battle but a great resolution! Well done and great example to set to the community 🙂

Stu Gibson
11 months ago

Good catch with Draigo and the Dev Wounds, the Forgefiend would would certainly have done some more buisness without the 4+++ in play. Love your list Beard, just a few things worth considering. Obliterators kick out a lot of shots but are a bit too costly for what they give you. Forgefiends and Chosen are still amazing, but I would consider maybe only one Undivided Forgefiend and 5 Undivided Chosen with the Lord (reroll 1’s to hit and full wound rerolls with the strat – which the Lord can use for free) and consider putting Abaddon in with all 10… Read more »

Lifetime Member
11 months ago

What a total massacre. Brutal game to watch. Shame really about the Dev wounds error. It happened so early in the game that it’s tough to say what would’ve happened if played correctly. Lawrence as usual being a gent about the mistake, probably the best solution given the situation (as a redo of the game probably isn’t an option). League time is awesome again, looking forward to the other matches. Great army selection, I so love that Void Dragon model. Let’s see how it does now on the table! Go Chef, reclaim that title!

Robert Moar
Robert Moar
11 months ago

Great game! It’s a shame that an early rules boo-boo led to a slightly redundant game, but it was nevertheless interesting to see how hugely powerful the GK can be – even against all those vehicles.

Noah Glasener
11 months ago

Beep boop! (Jinx swearing at the end when Spider says “the Jinx”) What a blood bath! Go Grey Knights! So glad to see the Dreadknights on the table again. I thought they preformed pretty average despite the hammer hitting like a rubber chicken in its first attempt. I would love to hear Spiders thoughts on how they felt/preformed in game. MVP for the GK was the vortex of doom and I’d give MVP to the Chaos Lord for the Iron Warriors, free stratagem is always nice. Burn Fenris! Iron Within, Jump pack without! Thanks for another great game and super… Read more »

Joe Riddiford
Joe Riddiford
11 months ago

Even after the changes Forgefiends are terrifying! Dev wounds on a gun which fires that many shots at damage 3 is gross!

11 months ago

@Spider You’ve convinced me to start a GK army as my 2nd (other being DG) after viewing this match. Well done to you both!

Ian Dodds
Ian Dodds
11 months ago

League Weegy! What factions is everyone else taking? Or will it be a surprise when their games come up?

Kim Møller
11 months ago

wow.. GK’s are disgusting, eh ?? disgusting damage output.. disgusting mobility.. disgusting psychic stuff… holy heck 😀 auto win league territory ?! hmm 😀
Sidenote : again im gonna say im NOT a fan of these short leagues. its sad that xx amount of players will only get 2 games in the league before they are out. but it is what it is and thats your choice etc. im just voicing my oppinion and i know im not alone in this. That said ill take what i get 🙂

11 months ago

Dear Spider: you have been saying since the start of 10th ed that dark eldar are OP, however statistics have disproved that! Discard your prejudice and give the people what they desire ! Bring forth the dark kin!!

Erik Ramvi
Erik Ramvi
11 months ago

@Beard what terminators do you use? I dont like the look of the once with tusks :-/

Lee Fawl
Lodge Member
11 months ago

Great game! Would you do some kind of synergetic league where everyone can bring some allies?
I think it would open another kind of “competitive” where lore and your acute mindsets of multi-army players would shine :]

11 months ago

Grey knights again? Come in Spider you played these last league. Infact you won the last league with the army. Totally get it if the rules are winner of last needs to stick with same army.if not then come on bro….

Alistair Graham
11 months ago

Hey Spider, just regarding that dev wounds point, wasn’t it the forge fiend shooting the termies? If so it’s their daemonic ordinance which was causing the dev wounds to go off

Lee Fawl
Lodge Member
11 months ago


Chuck Bailey
11 months ago

League time baybeee

Andy Reay
11 months ago


Thomas Azula
Lodge Member
11 months ago

Iron Within!