*NEW AGE OF SIGMAR* Ironjawz vs Skaven | Warhammer AoS Battle Report

Avatar Jinx June 29, 2024173  60 173 Likes

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As the Vermindoom rips through the fabric of reality, the Skaven descend upon the Mortal Realms in a horde of chittering fangs and the whirring of unstable technologies. But in the heartlands of the Realm of Beasts, a Warband of Ironjawz has roared forth to meet this skittering tide with jagged metal and unbridled violence. And with the fabled Grey Seer Thanquol rumoured to be at the head of this influx of the rat-things, the promise of a mighty champion to slay is too much to resist for the Fist of Gork himself. Greenskins and Ratmen now meet in the fields of Ghur, but will it be eldritch weaponry and rabid hordes, or ferocity and martial brutality, that secure victory in this corner of the Mortal Realms?

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Sentai Sage
Sentai Sage
2 months ago

Getting caught up on backlog. I just wanted to say, the thing I like most about Sigmar is how much authentic joy it brings Chef. Have fun, Chef. You deserve it.

2 months ago

three years ago I watched a battle report between beard and lawrence (ts vs. gk) that convinced me to get into warhammer and start with thousand sons. now, after dancing around it for months, this batrep has convinced me to jump into AoS with Skaven. nothing but love for TT. MOR-MOR POWER

Major Triphazard
Major Triphazard
3 months ago

So glad sigmar is back! (and with less power creep hopefully lol) Great first game of 4th, really excited for more now!

Simon Hodge
Simon Hodge
3 months ago

Great to see AOS back on the table 🙂

Maximilian Åkebrand
Maximilian Åkebrand
3 months ago

Age of Sigmar baaabyyyyyy!!!! Love it!!!

Gary Duncanson
3 months ago

Nice to see the Sigmar looking forward to seeing vampire counts was thinking about getting them before old world came out and waited to see if VC were released so looking to see if I am going old world or sigmar

Clayton Unruh
Clayton Unruh
3 months ago

Sigmar is back baby!!! Great to see it on the channel again and an excellent game to watch!

The Phantom
Lodge Warrior Member
The Phantom
3 months ago

Not the biggest fan of AoS but love the minnies and love your enthusiasm for all things wargaming and roleplaying.

Cory Baird
Cory Baird
3 months ago

SO GLAD aos is back. Absolutely loved this. Can’t wait for more!

Anders Mårdell
3 months ago

Great to see AoS 4th. Looks and feels more fun. Glad I preordered the Skaventide box as my first steps into AoS as a long time 40K player.

Lifetime Member
3 months ago

Can on demand get an ad free version or could you mark the ad so we can skip it. Not wanting to gripe but paying for content and still getting ads isn’t the one. Enjoyed the game, those skaven look amazing on camera.

Lodge Warrior Member
3 months ago

Sigmar is back! And a return of my favourite character Big Base Barry! I’d forgotten about him, brings a chuckle every time!

Brady Grabowski
3 months ago

Fun and frantic game as always! Love seeing Age of Sigmar back on the channel. Hoping against hope the next league is AoS instead of 40K. Also, just as an aside, I think this video in particular shows what to me is one of the most important things about tabletop gaming. That when you’re in the right mindset and just rolling dice and having a drink with your friends, even losing is a fantastic time. Obviously some people are in it just for the competitive scene, and that’s totally fine, but I’m glad to know there’s still at least one… Read more »

3 months ago

Loving the Sigmar content, now lets get some Hedonites of Slaanesh back on the channel 🙂

3 months ago

We love AoS! so glad its returned

Colin OB
Lodge Warrior Member
3 months ago

So happy to see AOS back guys!

Sloppity Biletyper
3 months ago

Hey Chef I saw another creator talking about the “honor guard” being only one unit from your army. I think you guys were playing it as all the units in your warlord regiment? Sorry if that’s not the case but maybe that’s why it felt so strong?

Jackson Marlin
Jackson Marlin
3 months ago


andrew eppling
3 months ago

Super Excited that AOS is on the channel! I didn’t watch any of the 3rd ed stuff as I was getting into the back half of 9th and the start of 10th! Now I have a Chaos demons/ blades of Khorne army I am hyped to do for 4th!

Also a path to glory series like the 4-part crusades yall do would be amazing! Keep it up!

Garlic Bread
Lodge Member
Garlic Bread
3 months ago

I’m Commander Shepherd and this is my favourite video on TT.

John Kozempel
John Kozempel
3 months ago

Super thrilled to see Sigmar back. Can we get a tutorial from Fletcher on the green warp-y effects on the gnawholes and the Clawlord’s base?

Lodge Warrior Member
3 months ago

Thank you for bringing AoS back..Please keep doing it and don’t just due it for a season. The more you keep doing it the more people will come =)

David Mcallister-evans
David Mcallister-evans
3 months ago

Absolutely brilliant, can’t wait for more

3 months ago

question: The Cards James is using for the Ironjaws, were they something sent from G-Dub or something u printed off yourself as not seen any mention of anything like them on Warcom, just we’ll get ‘indexs’ for our armies on release

Lodge Warrior Member
3 months ago

Hell yeah more Ironjawz! Absolutely loving the AoS content!

Daniel Wright
Daniel Wright
3 months ago

Nice to see AoS back! Ironjawz seem…weirdly underpowered? Mighty Destroyers just seems rubbish in comparison to some of the Battle Traits other Factions are getting, and hitting on 4s doesn’t help….although Gore-choppas do seem pretty spicy!

Tom Call
Tom Call
3 months ago


Justine Strahan
3 months ago

I believe the equivalent to Boots in America is Walgreens

Alex Berry
Alex Berry
3 months ago

Great BR cant w8 for more. Not sure why the ard boyz stayed at the back so long? was it an oversite forgetting obj are sticky or was it more screening?

Jason Gander
Jason Gander
3 months ago

Really like the AOS content!

Lodge Warrior Member
3 months ago

Skaven Best-Greatest!

Lovely to see the Mortal Realms get their due on the Channel 😁

Is this the edition where i finally finish my 80 Clanrats still on Sprue? Who knows 🙄 Might have to finish the Warp Lightning Cannons, Doomwheels, Stormvermin and whatever else They have in store for us Rat-Boys first 😅

3 months ago

What a FUN game. Two of my favorite armies as well. Loved it, thank you!

Andrew Cradduck
3 months ago

Love AoS being on the channel again, this was a ton of fun to watch! I didn’t realize that the Honor Guard stuff could give BOTH your melee and ranged attacks +1 to hit and wound against certain targets. That does incentivize a big blob of 6 Stormfiends more than I would like. My gut reaction is that it should have been limited to melee attacks only, but I’ll be curious to test it out in practice. One question: Was James using the “Mighty Destroyers” ability in both player’s hero phases? I wasn’t sure if it was being forgotten in… Read more »

George Sharp
Lodge Member
George Sharp
3 months ago

Missing an r there chef, its skryre, like scryer

Robin Leighton
Robin Leighton
3 months ago

Loving the return of AoS, was sorely missed from the channel!

3 months ago

AoS Baybeeeeeeeee. Been missing the shenanigans in the mortal realms. 40k is cool and all, but rat-rats are impossible to beat! 😁

Lil Gryph
Lil Gryph
3 months ago

Paintjobs on the new skaven stuff came out lovely.

Toni Viskari
Toni Viskari
3 months ago

That was a blast. I know the time is limited, but embracing fully the temporary return of AoS to this channel.

Sloppity Biletyper
3 months ago

Omg I’m so excited for 4th AoS!

3 months ago

I know this is Sigmar time, but will we still see any Old World BRs in the future?

Why would they put these releases so relatively close to each other? They are cannibalizing themselves.

Justin Hoyer
3 months ago

CVS is a “chemist” that allows you to develop photos in the US. Also, Rite-aide…so, two major chains in the us allow you to do that.

Can confirm. am U.S. citizen.

the tallarn 74th
the tallarn 74th
3 months ago

I couldn’t get my head around skaven in fantasy but I think it was because I was always playing to win. Wat bing your bat reps changed the way I play entirely and now I can’t wait to get my ratty hands on the new box!

Peter Hopkins
Peter Hopkins
3 months ago

I think the Honor Guard rules will kind of work out in the meta – it’ll impact who you put in your General’s regiment, do you go with a hammer knowing your opponent’s hammer will get a boost against them? Do you stick chaff in their and go with the defensive abilities? What are the restrictions from your other heroes?

Great report, thank you!

Daemonic Titchmarsh
3 months ago

Sky-ree? You do this just to wind people up, dont you Chef? 😜

3 months ago

everytime you say ‘rusty spoons’ I hear it in Saladfingers voice

3 months ago

Hell YEA! AOS here we go! WAAAAAAAAAGHHH!!!

3 months ago

SIIGMAAAAR!! Couple early things: you don’t have to use forward to victory before you charge as it’s a reaction to declaring a charge and you roll your charge as part of the declare step. Also you can’t All out attack on a counter-fire because a unit can only receive 1 command per phase!

Thomas Azula
Lodge Member
3 months ago