Ultramarines vs Aeldari | Warhammer 40k Battle Report

Where today we see the Ultramarines guided by Chief Librarian Tigirius bear down upon the forces of the Ulthwe and the legendary farseer Eldrad. This maiden world battlefield is made using the awesome – Gothic Sector Eldar terrain – “coming soon” to GF9’s battlefield in a box range. Will the dire portents of Tigirus visions spell doom for the scions of Ultramar, or will the Imperiums fist crush the spirit stones of the Aeldari.
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Which of the dice gods did Ed offend…? My god, he rolled like I do
Mr. 500 Pts against the Spider himself? You know it’s gonna be a good one!
Really like the GF9 Dawn of War Terrain. Sure, it has a hard time holding up to your usual tables, but for prepainted out of the box stuff, I think it does a good job. I’m quite tempted to get some of the Tau buildings. Shame it doesn’t work with 10ed that good (or anything else other than L-shaped ruins for that matter…).
I made exactly the same face at the amuse-bouche line.
E-drizzle is in the hooouusssseeee!
Eldrad pulled on the strings of fate dooming the crude Mon-keigh walker to move in such a way the bright lance could target and destroy it’s power supply. It’s pilot attempted to climb out and engage them but Eldrad easily invaded it’s simple mind. Noting the clear signs of hypno-indoctrinated hate the creature felt for his people he sighed at the ridiculousness of it all and with the ease of 10 millennia of practice simply stopped all electrical impulses from leaving it’s mind. To the guardians watching, the Space Marine simply stopped moving and collapsed.