Playtesting 9th Edition | Tabletop Tactics Backstage

Avatar Spider June 10, 202030  157 30 Likes

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Spider and Bone discuss playtesting 9th Edition, and what some of the upcoming changes mean for the future of the game!

*ATTENTION* – All of us at Tabletop Tactics are very proud and honoured to be playtesters for the upcoming edition of Warhammer 40,000, and whilst we are incredibly excited for 9th edition and cannot wait to give you all a full preview, please respect that we cannot discuss or reveal any information that has not already been revealed by Games Workshop themselves, nor will we do so in any comments below.

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Watch Master Gyre
Lodge Member
Watch Master Gyre
4 years ago

Lawrence if the next Grey Knight codex is bad I’m holding you personally responsible!

Stewart Reed
Stewart Reed
4 years ago

I don’t know how I feel about the CP yet with Drukhari. Taking a single codex can still be soup and I’m penalized for it. It’s still one book. Well see if it gets faq’d

4 years ago

Man I’m hyped. Sounds awesome!

Lodge Member
4 years ago

I really like this approach by GW to involve ‘freelancers’ into a closed beta test so to speak.
Dunno if they did this before but my guess is no tbh, so I am really looking forward to the best edition of 40k ever 😉

Lodge Member
4 years ago

I can see a decent plan or maybe a party of players fullfill a prophecy started with the GAIUS WAR…..
I watched it a couple of times now and I hope it will set up again in a crusade for vengeance! For Castor!!! Maybe a new hero will be reborn and rise again from the fields of Catania….
You can be proud, great developement of content, great team, awesome formats and in my opinion the best 40k channel out there.
Keep it up and get some sleep…the galaxy will march to war..once again 😉

Aaron Rogers
4 years ago

I am happy to hear that you guys were given the playtesting rules for 9th edition. From the teasers GW has been giving us, I can’t wait to see how it transforms the game once it is officially released. I look forward to hear what you have to say once you are too. And I also can’t wait to hear Chef’s rant about it as well once he gets his hands on it.

Lodge Member
4 years ago

Quick question since you are plays testing – have you been introduced to new units?? 🙂

4 years ago

Well gentlemen, I had been teetering on the edge of building an army for the first time in around 15 years, and, with no exaggeration, knowing that you were involved with the play testing and are confident in it made me buy a box of Intercessors and some customization bits last night. The smaller games, the Crusade system, the idea that new Primaris are coming to fill assault and devastator roles, all that helped, but really I solidly blame you two (and Chef and Beard as well).

John O'Connor
Lodge Member
John O'Connor
4 years ago

Hey lads, starting to collect GSC. Any chance you guys can do a game with them?

Greg Warren
Lodge Member
Greg Warren
4 years ago

Big question is…did you guys get your photo in the rule book?

4 years ago

Super glad you guys have been involved in the play testing of 9th! I’m really excited to see the new rules in full. When crusade mode was annouced I was a little put off by the fact it will be power level based, but the fact you guys are really stoked on it has me hopeful again 🙂 I really hope you guys make a few videos when 9th comes out on “how to play 9th” I would really enjoy a quick summary on major changes and such from 8th to 9th so we can all jump into the new… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Arazlam
Stewart Reed
Stewart Reed
4 years ago

So I am coming from the stand point that the change is good. 9th sounds amazing. I recently started playing competitively again back in January and I have been having some amazing success with Drukhari. A very different play style which I would love to share. Been scoring very high in ITC against marines and high level meta players. I have two issues. Again coming from a positive standpoint and maybe details will be revealed later that will change my mind. Drukhari are now punished for taking wych cult and a coven or objectively less command points. Which I think… Read more »

4 years ago

The new edition does sound interesting and I’m excited to see how it will play out. Very glad to hear you guys are involved, you produce both fun and insightful content which gives you guys, in my opinion, the flexibility to address this game from both ends of the spectrum. Keep up the great work! I do have two little concerns: One being the shrinking of standard army size. In my experience the lower point cost games (meaning less units) can be a little more influenced by luck i.e. you can potentially loose a larger percentage of your army due… Read more »

Lodge Member
4 years ago

Soooo… and whats the Win-Lose-Ratio of Bone in the testgames?

Nathan Rolfe
Nathan Rolfe
4 years ago

I am so glad you guys are involved! I can sleep easy that 9th is in good hands

4 years ago

I’d personally love to know how the whole Power Levels feel in Crusade. It’s one of the things the community immediately latched on, and not in a good way. Do they feel fine to use for the Crusade system, or will people want to convert them to points?

4 years ago

Would you generally say tanks move ‘up in power level’?
Meaning with moving and shooting at no penalties and fire in melee, the become comparatively more expensive in points again (like they were early 8th?)

Connor Mac Cormick
Connor Mac Cormick
4 years ago

My one gripe about paying for soup would be how it affects ynnari. You either force ynnari to pay to use datasheets from another book or you make a wild exception for them to pull from all three eldar codexes. I feel like gw would make ynnari pay for every detachment and kick the dead horse again.
Not expecting an answer but rather expressing a concern for an army that I enjoy.

Luisangel Ortiz
Luisangel Ortiz
4 years ago

Can’t wait for 9th edition!! just got back to playing 40k because of this channel but would love to see a tactica report with deathwatch!

Ben Meredith
Ben Meredith
4 years ago

Congrats on being selected to play test the new edition. After always being a hesitant with where the game is being taken, it’s nice to know that you guys have had a large input into it and ultimately affected the final product.

Thanks for all the hard work.

4 years ago

I have 2 vital, unavoidable questions…

Will Chef still rant?

Will Beard still roll appallingly?


Dominique Walker
4 years ago

Also on the show, after 9ed drops. Will you be sprinkling some crusade magic on a few of our favorites like Captain Artemis

Dominique Walker
4 years ago

I honestly trust the game a lot more now that i know you are playtesters. You guess focus on balance and not strength.

Mikhail Makarov
Mikhail Makarov
4 years ago

I’m wondering, is it easier to create your own characters? It seems like the further 8th edition matured the less incentive you had to play “your guys”. A lot was skewed to using special characters and named characters.

Alpha Lesion
4 years ago

And Lawrence obv….

Alpha Lesion
4 years ago

Love to the B Bone!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mark Johnson
Mark Johnson
4 years ago

Loving the feedback. My only concern is as a Ynnari player, some of the best stratagems, like united in death, are only useable if you include all 3 factions. With the change in CP, it almost feels like a strategem that was already costly and hard to be pulled off has been made even more impracticable with the changes to CP and detachments. While as a whole the changes are great, it seems like it’s one more nail in the ynnari coffin that makes them worse by branching into all factions instead of staying to a singular faction…which is fine,… Read more »

Lifetime Member
4 years ago

Congratulations (again) for having been invited to playtest 9th edition! I was really excited when you popped up in that Warhammer Community video. Gave a lot of confidence that we got solid playtesters for the new edition. So far, I’m a bit sceptical about some of the sneak peaks they’ve shown, but obviously there’s still a lot to be revealed. What I’m wondering about is the feedback process. Was there any back and forth with the rules writers? As in, you submitted your first feedback, they came back to you with a revised version, you tested it again, etc.? Or… Read more »

4 years ago

I want to play any game Chef has had input on developing and refining. You just know it’s going to be great! I bet this was such a wet dream for you all. So many congrats, guys!

Phil Winterbourne
4 years ago

I’m even more excited now!

Dean Brereton
Dean Brereton
4 years ago

The command points changes/ detachments seem unnecessary? they might work but I don’t believe they were that broken or needed the re-work they have been given? just reduced battle forged bonus for soup and increase for single faction? also I miss Chef and Beard

4 years ago

Chef ranting on himself!!!! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! HE WILL BE THE NEXT PLANT IN THE GARDEN!!!! You guys are great, pumped for the 9th edition content.

Robert Pickin
Lodge Member
4 years ago

I’m so glad you guys have been involved. I know it’s been in safe hands.
I can’t wait to see your first 9th BatRep. You’ll be able to crack on straight from the word go which will be fantastic. It’s looking like a great edition so far.
Keep up the good work guys.

Lodge Member
4 years ago

Thanks dudes, that was awesome. Cannot wait for the new edition and what you do with it on the channel. Will Strike Force be the standard points-level for your 9th Ed reports? I hope there will be some games at Incursion level as well, it looks interesting!

4 years ago

I would like to watch you guys on my Roku. When will you guys have an app so I can watch your show on the couch/dinner table?

Sgt. Ophaniel Drexus, 1st Legio Astartes

Guys will you need to revise D.R.A.G.O.N. for 9th?

Lodge Member
4 years ago

Man I hope you have been included in testing Necrons so they are no longer just a punching bag

Lodge Warrior Member
4 years ago

I for one, am really happy that Chef has been involved due to the way he thinks and approaches things…
That said, i also kinda can’t wait until something unintentional happens and Chef has to go into a massive rant at himself! I feel like that could be one of the things that’d cause something akin to the Great Rift!

David Barrett
Lifetime Member
4 years ago

When 9th is released, how do you plan on running your reports? Straight over to 9th, or with a transition period?

Michael Bond
Lodge Member
Michael Bond
4 years ago

I’ve been hoping the Crusade rules will live up the hype, and hearing your excitement about them has me stoked!
With the news this week that Tallarn commanders have taught the rest of the galaxy how to drive and shoot, and the art of outflanking, can you give the old wink and a nod that my beloved Tallarn will be getting a rework to keep their uniqueness and not following the Spears of Tallarn into Legend.

Lodge Member
4 years ago

So much to be excited about. The potential for Narrative/crusade events is what excites me. When I play I play to win but often by the time ive put my models on the table at a tourney ive already lost because I cant help but focus on fluff and story when designing my lists rather than ruthless efficiency (tzeench demon princes in a death guard army is awesome rules wise but makes me feel a bit sick). Crusade could well be the new go to for guys like me. Love old skool necromunda. Bringing those roleplay elements into 40k the… Read more »

4 years ago

How many points are a Leman Russ Battle Tank?

Lodge Member
4 years ago

Tell me your secrets Bone. Can I playtest you?

General Nemesis
Lodge Member
General Nemesis
4 years ago

Congrats again guys! So happy to see your amazing efforts and contributions to the game recognized with this honour. Unrelated – PLEASE turn that awesome Sacred Roku image from your banner in to a t-shirt. I’m begging you to take my money! 🙂

Colin Clarke
Colin Clarke
4 years ago

Gotta say, I really hate ITC missions, I think they are terrible, mainly because of the secondary points system. It becomes about maximising your army, rather than your army trying to adapt. Secondary points are messy, make missions too similar to each other, and if I can, I will continue to play eighth edition missions, or just cut out the secondaries from the ninth edition ones.

Daniel Southern
4 years ago

Great insight, really excited for the new version. Interesting to hear about the testing process, I wonder if this will change how you feel about the new version i.e. if you feel like a part of the games development or will you still look at it from a players perspective. Not that it matters will just be interesting.

Tropic Thunder
Lifetime Member
Tropic Thunder
4 years ago

Thanks for the behind-the-scenes perspective on playtesting and confirmation that the 9e rules are balanced. Much appreciated!
As I’ve always been curious about the playtesting process, are you able to share how many test games Tabletop Tactics played during the playtesting period? And what was the split of matched play vs narrative playtesting?

Cam Hallas
Cam Hallas
4 years ago

Question for you guys based on 9th edition playtesting thus far; I’ve recently (like at the start of the pandemic) invested in a new Orks army. Very proud of what I’ve built, but the new changes have me concerned about how horde armies in general will operate in the very near future. Any words words of encouragement or advise you could offer based on what you’ve experienced so far with the new edition?
Also, second Bone Plant shirt. That was a riot. Waaaaaaagh.

Jeffrey Pearson
Lodge Member
4 years ago

Cant wait! Also… I will buy your shirt with bone “I’m turning into a plant!”

George Fava
Lodge Warrior Member
4 years ago

I’ve said it before, but i’m so pleased you guys were chosen to be play testers. You all have a phenomenal wealth of knowledge regarding the game and what makes for good matchups. I’m excited that GW reached out to get your input on the upcoming edition. Keep up the great work guys!