Warhammer and Mental Health | Tabletop Tactics Backstage
Beard and Jinx talk about the importance of the hobby and mental health for them, as well as how it can help you out.
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Thank you for spreading awareness guys and girls! This is a very important topic in general, and it’s great to see it talked about even here. EVERYONE has some kind of mental issue and it’s crucial to recognize it in ourselves and maybe even more importantly, in others. Cheers!
Honestly thankyou so much for this video. I live on my own and have my children everyother week and it is just exhausting and my mental health has deteriorated probably more than I realised and your video has opened me up to actually going to speak to someone and try to engage with the Community more which has always given me anxiety. Thankyou so much for this video and all your other content which really does help!
Seriously cannot rate this video highly enough! It’s so good to see people talking about mental health openly!
As someone who is still rebuilding life following a huge mental breakdown I want to thank the TTT team for being there when I needed that escape from what was going on in my head. You provided friendly faces and a way I could enough my hobby when I didn’t have the capacity myself.
Keep up the awesomeness guys!
Thank you for this
Thank you so much for being willing to talk about this. I feel like there is often a hesitation from online personalities/channels to tackle topics that might be considered “sensitive”, so it’s great to see TTT going for it! Keep it up!
I love it when TT uses its plateform to tackle important subjects like this.
Good work guys love you both and appreciate your openness!
Great topic! For anyone suffering, remember that that difficulty in reaching out and getting help is a symptom. You cut off a finger and its a no brainer to get help. But depression actively makes you not want to do the things that can help. Its a hell of a mountain to climb, so recognizing that its a symptom and not you is important!
Great work guys. Love seeing this being talked about.
Just wanted to say thanks for sharing and talking about your mental health struggles. I think it is something people have a hard time talking about but something that is important to talk about. A very close friend died suddenly one day from heat stroke. Beard and spider type of close relationship. His death and put me in a depression for years as I came to terms with it. The journey to coming to terms with is sucked I didn’t do the things anymore that made me successful and I suffered in every aspect of my life. What probably sucked… Read more »
im really grateful for this video, ive just recently got back into the hobby to try and help with my mental health and the welcome ive had from various communities has been fantastic! i really wish you guys had a discord for us all to chat in, i find that platform far easier that chatting on the website or app
Thanks for the suggestion, man
Miss Jinx: BOSS
Mr. Beard: BOSS
Have an excellent october you all.
Team, I’d echo everything said, and can’t overstate how much this hobby and this channel have helped me personally with my journey. There is a mental health epidemic out there, and the more we’re open and transparent, the more we can support each other. Thank you for shining a light on the positive impact this hobby has, and opening up with your own struggles.
Thank you. From someone who has had mental health issues over the years – this must have been nerve wracking to shoot – but wow, so amazing to watch. Thank you – you bosses!
Well done Katie and Joe, this is real talk. Big love to you both, and to all the fine humans in the comments below who have struggled or are struggling right now. I still get the occaisonal wave of dread, still obsess over conversations I’ve had that I’ve percieved to be awkward, or when I’ve said something that the other person could have perceived as unkind,but in general, my anxiety has become so much easier to deal with as I’ve gotten older, so that’s hopefully a positive thought for some of you. Warhammer is great – it gives you a… Read more »
This was a hard one to listen to, but it was a fantastic video. I put off watching this for a little bit because facing the presence of my anxiety and depression is hard. But as you say, it is important to engage with it and try and find ways to thrive despite it. As someone who has CPTSD, anxiety and depression all of your points raised in this video rang true. I need to try to get back into the hobby side of things as spending too long on my own/with my own thoughts is a painful and honestly… Read more »
Hi Nice off you to talk about this very inportant subject. ( sorry fore my spelling wrong i am from swe and have dyslexia) and fore me has warhammer saved my life more than ones. I havet borderline and havet abort 13 suicide atemts. I am not affraid to talk abort it at all. And Jinx you are in tje best group.
That’s such a friendly thing you’ve done here! And who would’ve thunk: I took you to be quite the extrovert, Beard. Having been struggling with my own mental health for over 10 years now it’s quite funny how everything points me to seek professional aid right now in the last couple of weeks. I think I’m done with building walls now
Listening to Beard’s story about his anxiety and how it comes from nowhere was a real eye opener for me. I can go ages without an incident and think I’ve got a handle on it and out of the blue it hits me. I also have had it all my life. I honestly believed it was just something that happened to me. I’m a 6 foot 3 Scottish mechanic and I have never spoken to anyone truly about it. We are meant to “just get on with it son”. In fact just messaging this has made me feel better. Appreciate… Read more »
Thank you, thank you, thank you for shining a light on this and sharing your own struggles. It certainly feels that we all have far more in common than we realize when we normalize actually talking about things that are this important to everyone. None of us have to struggle alone and that’s one of the worst things one can feel when surrounded by depression and anxiety.
This is great – many, many thanks. I got into 40k just over a year ago – I enjoyed building models when I was a kid and I needed to go and find something to give me joy as we went into lockdown – mostly through your channel I’ve found that in building and painting. Not sure about playing yet but the Bat Reps etc have kept my interest sharp!. The back catalogue has kept me entertained though a difficult year !
Great video guys! I have past a hard depression before and I totally feel you about how helping both the community and the hobby are. I wish the best for all the bosses out there!
Great video! Such an important aspect to living a healthy life. Unfortunately access to mental health in America is an absolute joke. I’ve been struggling with a pretty deep depression+crippling anxiety since I suffered a disabling injury at work two years ago that completely changed my life. I’ve made attempts to reach out to mental health professionals and there’s a minimum 3 month wait time even if I could afford it, which I can’t since I can no longer find a job that is within my physical restrictions from the injury. I gotta say, I have some pretty dark days,… Read more »
Good job Jinx & Beard!
This year has been awful with 2 deaths and marriage problems. After spending the best part of 18 months staring at a screen working from home your channel and the game have been a great relief, watching people having fun and enjoying the game has made me go out an start to play games at my local shop. It has brought a release to my life which has been really great. This is a good show to have as it is such a big thing really highlighted in our current world.
Want to say thankyou! Your channel has been the drive for me to keep playing. I got diagnosed severe depression and anxiety post service. I still get the occasional hand shakes trying to measure and play table top. With that the community of Tabletop has been overwhelming in support. Took me up until sunday to play in my first mini tourney which i came out victorious. Once again as a fan and follower with mental health challenges i just want to say a massive thankyou to what you guys and gal are doing to keep the hobby alive and people… Read more »
Thank you very much for this video….as someone with OCD, anxiety, and various other issues, the meditative nature of painting and modeling help me quite a bit. There was a study that showed that stress hormones dropped noticeably after only 45 minutes of making art, and Warhammer certainly does that for me. Great to see this being discussed and I’m glad it’s been a part of the healing process for you folks.
Excellent video, my dudes. As someone with an anxiety disorder myself, I find Warhammer such an amazing help. I first played 40k in 2nd edition, then life got in the way, and I didn’t play again until the start of 9th Ed, when my son got interested in the hobby. I think the reason it’s so good is that I find every element of it is incredibly mindful – if I’m building, or painting, or playing (or even watching bat reps!), I’m right in the moment and I’m not focusing on the myriad worries that otherwise would try to crowd… Read more »
Thanks for doing this video guys! The hobby and community have both been life savers to me over the years, either for day to day maintenance or just for reaching out to like minded people.
You’re both amazing. Thank you for doing this video. I’ve been struggling with an Anxiety disorder my whole life. Feels great to be reminded I’m not alone.
In addressing this topic you have made a great thing. Having worked many years for a pharmaceutical company and in the medical field I have witnessed how many people struggle with these problems, and how much the veil of silence under which society hides them worsens the situation by adding unfounded shame to the suffering. Personally I never had to face it, fortunately, but I am convinced that this is also due to all the hobbies (music, reading, trekking, warhammer …) that have always given me the possibility to find a safe space to regain my balance and like minded… Read more »
So, this video really means something to me. I really got my hands into the game when I got back from deployment. At first, it was the wargaming aspect that got my mind off things. Allowed me to really let my mind wander as I played. Hours flew by. Slowly though the painting aspect got ahold of me. It would calm me down when needed. It led me to find this channel and I am thankful I did!
The painting side of the hobby is basically meditation or mindfulness. It helps me enormously each day to sit for an hour on my own and quietly get on with some painting. My thoughts drift as I get into the zone. I think it’s done wonders for my mental health as I’ve struggled with anxiety and worry and the pressure of responsibility a lot. I would recommend this hobby, or any like it, for anyone who is struggling with their thoughts. Well done TTT for raising the issue!
Very brave video both and I’m sure many people will feel comforted knowing that two very fun and entertaining people have experienced the same things they’ve been through. I know I am. Well done tabletop tactics for doing it’s part to support and destigmatise mental health!
Hey Guys, thanks for sharing this with us and using your platform for this good social Cause.
I think the loneliness that crept into many peoples lives during lockdown really hit us hard as a society.
I nearly went nuts myself and hope that the boundries of asking for help are getting smaller.
You guys are doing your part in it. Keep it up.
Good on you all! <3
I want to say thank you for this video and how important it is. I have discussed this briefly with Lawrence and Ben back during the height of the pandemic, around 8 months in when they were running themselves into the ground to get content out. TTT kept a lot of us going during that time and the amount of appreciation I have for what they did for me and others I can never truly reciprocate though I try when I can. Its one of those interesting things really you know, these are people that don’t know me (though we… Read more »
One of the first things commonly discussed with most mental health practitioners is social support structures, specifically friends, hobbies, and other social outlets. Normally, this is because they want patients and clients to get out and begin to reestablish connections. the concept is that no one should suffer alone, and with support, people suffer less. I’ve been working in the field for a while, and I have a masters degree in psychology, and if there is one thing I would change in this world, it would be the acceptance of mental health amongst the populace as a whole, but specifically… Read more »
Great video, so happy to see this.
Nice one guys. Too many people try to stay strong and bottle things up for too long without talking to someone (myself included). It’s great you are highlighting the importance of mental health.
Great video gang! Something definitely worth bringing up within the community. I’ll confess while in Afghanistan I watched you guys videos as a stress reliever after some really bad days over there. You guys provided some much needed laughs and it helped keep me going. Seriously it helped me a lot.
Thank you guys for starting this conversation. I personally have had many of those struggles, which came to a pretty scary peak during the lockdown. It is incredibly important to discuss this sort of thing. I first got into this hobby during the pandemic and I’ve really fallen hard for it. At first it was a nice escape from reality for a while and to be able to connect to a community of similarly excited folks has been huge for me. As such a source of positive energy that your channel and all the awesome people are on it, it… Read more »
Thank you both for sharing I’ve been back in the hobby for the last year or so and by in large the hobby has had a positive impact on my life. Sitting down, putting on a good audio book (or TTT video!) and getting to work on your next project is a great way to decompress from day to day life. Prior to getting back into the hobby some days would feel like I was an observer or passenger in my own life. It’s always important to take time for yourself. At times, the hobby stresses me out but when… Read more »
That was/is amazing! There’s WAY too little conversation about mental health issues in general, and both you and me know what we’re talking about – so why don’t just do it? Me personally, I do suffer from depressions since age 14, so I kinda know how to deal with it myself, but the best decision of my life was to find the courage to talk openly about it. I think this point is where you really accept -all by yourself- that you do have a problem, and that you need to work on it….So I talked about it, and whilst… Read more »
So I won’t lie this is amazing mental health isn’t talked about enough. I’ve done 2 tours of Afghanistan and I won’t lie I came back not the same happy person couldn’t concentrate on anything used to get angry over nothing and bottled everything up wouldn’t speak to friends or family. It was a dark place I don’t really like thinking about where I was going until I finally snapped ( looking for a passport weirdly enough) Im 6ft 1 supposed to be tough because in the Army And I broke down I cried I just randomly let loose about… Read more »
Not at all what I expected… You guys are awesome, and I hope you inspire someone in need to reach out to help them 🙂
I bloody love you guys.
Thanks for putting this video out. So important for people to be able to talk about their mental health. Thankyou so much for sharing your own stories and starting the conversation.