**NEW TEMPEST OF WAR** Ultramarines vs Necrons 2000pts | Warhammer 40,000 Battle Report

Avatar The Chef March 26, 202279  65 79 Likes

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NEW MAELSTROM TIME BABBBBYYYY!! It’s time to take the new Tempest of War cards out for a spin, as Beard and Chef throw down in this classic match up between old foes!

00:00 Intro
02:02 Necrons Army List
04:24 Ultramarines Army List
07:02 Deployment
07:34 Tempest of War Introduction and Explanation
10:44 First Turn Roll Off
11:01 Game
2:02:07 Maelstrom makes us happy

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The Army Lists are:


++ Ultramarines Battalion ++

+ HQ +

Uriel Ventris: Paragon of War, Warlord

Chief Librarian Tigurius

Primaris Lieutenant: Bolt pistol,  The Burning Blade

+ Troops +

5x Intercessor Squad: Bolt rifles

5x Intercessor Squad: Bolt rifles

5x Intercessor Squad: Bolt rifles

+ Elites +

5x Bladeguard Veterans

Primaris Apothecary: Chief Apothecary, Selfless Healer, Acquittal,

Redemptor Dreadnought: 2x Storm Bolters, Macro Plasma Incinerator, Onslaught Gatling Cannon

Redemptor Dreadnought]: 2x Storm Bolters, Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon, Onslaught Gatling Cannon

+ Heavy Support +

5xv Eradicators: Melta rifle

10x Hellblasters: Plasma incinerator

+ Dedicated Transport +

Impulsor: 2x Storm Bolters, Ironhail Heavy Stubber, Shield Dome

++ Total: 2,000pts ++


++ Szarekhan Battalion ++
+ HQ +
Overlord: Warlord- Thrall of the Silent Kings, Relic- The Sovereign Coronal, Hand of the Phaeron, Voidscythe, Resurrection Orb
Skorpekh Lord: Rarefied Nobility- Enduring Will, Dynastic Heirloom- Veil of Darkness
Chronomancer: Entropic Lance
+ Troops +
10x Immortals: Gauss Blaster
10x Immortals: Gauss Blaster
20x Necron Warriors: Gauss Reapers
+ Elites +
10x Lychguard: Hyperphase Sword & Dispersion Shield
6x Skorpekh Destroyers
Canoptek Plasmacyte
+ Fast Attack +
9x Canoptek Scarab Swarms
+ Heavy Support +
Doomsday Ark
6x Lokhust Destroyers
++ Total: 2,000pts ++

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Dave Cullen
2 years ago

I got far too much enjoyment out of 1:27:28 and watched it wayyy too many times. Top notch fellas, hugely entertaining!

Simon Cooper
Lodge Member
Simon Cooper
2 years ago

Oh man this is so much more fun !!! I utterly hate having to pick secondary objectives so this is win win win all day.
It actually helps books that aren’t very competitive atm because it had that random aspect.
Love it

Lodge Member
2 years ago

Loved this batrep, Tempest of War is fantastic!

Lifetime Member
2 years ago

Adore these maelstron games, you seem so into it and it looks so fun! Awesome work from the servo skull too. A+, would TRANSHUMAN PHSIOLOGY again

2 years ago

This one was so much fun to watch! You’ve completely sold me on Tempest of War, it sounds like it makes setup quicker and feels so much more competitive – I’ve already ordered my set. The only thing I worry about is I play Thousand Sons, and I know you mentioned unbalanced armies might suffer under these rules, I wonder if I’m likely to struggle?

Scott Frank
Scott Frank
2 years ago

I love it!!!!! Loved Maelstrom and I’m sure I’ll love this. Thanks guys!

Jason Hoy
Lodge Member
Jason Hoy
2 years ago

Every non league game could be tempest, and I’d be totally happy. Good show lads.

Chris Lowe
2 years ago

The apothecary bit killed me he’s got square shoes 😂😂

2 years ago

Amazing game, pleasure to watch. I also wrongly assumed from the description on the warcom article that tempest was open war. So happy that I was mistaken.

Van Goff
Van Goff
2 years ago

That was an absolute delight to watch! Changing those secondaries around and having to be so adaptable is exactly the 40K I’m looking for.

And your folks looked like you were having so much fun, which is what it’s all about!

James Tildesley
James Tildesley
2 years ago

Top notch action my dudes 👍 Absolutely loved this (and have now pre-ordered my own tempest of war pack as a result). Keep being awesome you beautiful bastards.

André Orthmann
2 years ago

What an intense battle! *lol*

I really liked it and enjoyed watching!

But seriously, Beard.
What was wrong with your dice? Have you robbed the luck of the Iri… Spider?
I literally never saw you rolling that hot. Awesome.

Lodge Warrior Member
2 years ago

I’m just going to echo what others have said, this was fun to watch and I feel a step in the right direction for 9th edition, for me. I’m looking to giving this a go once I get those cards!

Christopher Strein
Lodge Member
Christopher Strein
2 years ago

So happy to see a fun and random game of 40k! This should be the gold standard in set releases moving forward too, the cards are so handy and much easier than flipping through multiple rulebooks.

Scott Dominey
Scott Dominey
2 years ago

Excellent. Well done as always.

2 years ago

Finally! 9th edition but… fun! Seriously, this is the best kind of game for me. The league is all well and good, but I’ve missed maelstrom so much! Well done all, an excellent game!

james beaumont
james beaumont
2 years ago

One of my fav vids so far, great show!!!

Daniel Sloan
Daniel Sloan
2 years ago

I love the necron basing scheme with the autumn leaves. Where did you get the leaves? Thanks!

Lodge Warrior Member
2 years ago

Tip of the hat to you for letting me know these cards exist! Maelstrom BABY!
And Beard won by default having 69 VP (hehe)

2 years ago

I like it 😁👍

Last edited 2 years ago by Max
2 years ago

Superb 🤌🏼 Love this style of play so much. More of these videos please.

Luke Lemon
Luke Lemon
2 years ago

The MOST important question…where did you get those palm trees they look great lol??

Lodge Member
2 years ago

Yes … 40K is back on the road again!

Lodge Member
2 years ago

Absolutely THRILLED to have this back! After a rough few months of being uninspired with my Iron Warriors/CSM due to the state of codex/game, the wombo-combo of the 2 wound announcement and Tempest of War has reinvigorated me to continue the Long War! Cannot wait to see more of this content from you guys. Iron Within! Iron Without!

Last edited 2 years ago by Apathetic11B
Gavin Dillon
2 years ago

More of Tempest please. This was a blast to watch!

Richard Dodd
Richard Dodd
2 years ago

…there was a 3rd mummy film…🤔

Philippe Boulanger
Lodge Member
2 years ago

Maelstrom BABYYYYY

Open the floodgates 🤟

Terry Thorley
Lodge Member
2 years ago

This was soooo awesome i can not wait for the next melstrom battle report!!! And ULTRAMARINES BAAAAAYBEEEE!! so good seeing the blue boys out in force ^^ . Next game 3000 pts? ;P

André Ferl
Lodge Member
2 years ago

League Report = GT Mission Pack
Battle Report = Tempest of War BABY!!

Lodge Warrior Member
2 years ago

As always it was great to watch you enjoy yourselves so much!
Personally I am still on the fence about Tempest cause I didn’t like the randomness of Maelstrom since I prefer a more “studied” approach to the game (even now that I am so disillusioned with competitive and disgusted by how bad GW is at balancing), but also cause I still don’t know if anyone in my gaming group would be interested in trying it. I will watch your games and your review with great interest, and maybe I will come to it a bit later.

Dalton ODonald
2 years ago

Absolutely loved watching this match up! New Maelstrom is just awesome. Always enjoy watching Beard and Chef battle it out. I can’t wait to see more in the future.

Aron Rowley
Lodge Member
Aron Rowley
2 years ago

Im sensing a very subtle hint that you like these new cards!

richard croll
richard croll
2 years ago

TooT TooT! Keep blowing that trumpet.

Marcus Cross
Lifetime Member
2 years ago

Completely echo what you say at the end of the report. For me, 9th has become very clinical and optimised even below the competitive level, you take the same few secondaries and need to build your lists with the same few units taken three times to, generally speaking, stand a fighting chance of scoring well, which has become very formulaic and dull as the edition has come on. Even speaking as someone not enthralled by Maelstrom in 8th, I genuinely believe this is the sort of thing the game needs in order to promote diverse army selections, more styles of… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by Marcus Cross
2 years ago

Great battle report. Great show. I think Tempest is even better than Maelstrom or Schemes.
Thanks for playing Ultramarines with Uriel Ventris. Love them so much.


Beau Huval
Beau Huval
2 years ago

“Uriel Ventris is over there! He’s got square shoes!” – Best Beard Quote Ever

Tropic Thunder
Lifetime Member
Tropic Thunder
2 years ago

I’m very impressed with the Tempest of War rules. Though I do enjoy the mission packs, they are a pain to implement in pick-up games, so this will be a welcome alternative at my local game store. And this served as a great ambassador to the new cards. A tight game to the very end!
On a completely different tangent, I have to say this was the first time I really took a look at the Ultramarines models. The paint job on Tigerius is MAGNIFICENT! Same for the new Apothecary model. Well done!

2 years ago

I do love maelstrom of war battle reps and I think it’s the best type of game since Ive gotten back into the game. Allways a great time had when Beard and Chef play Maelstrom!

Colin OB
Lodge Warrior Member
2 years ago

Sorry to detract from the video but just was wondering if you guys have any thoughts on potentially getting into the new Horus heresy? I think you guys would make some absolutely amazing narrative games with them!

Lodge Member
2 years ago

It’s interesting watching two early codexes going at each other. Both armies have tons left by the end of the third turn compared to a more recent codex where the board is down to scraps by then.

Can’t help but feel it makes for more interesting games.

The tempest cards meaning you can’t build your army to farm the same secondaries feels like an improvement especially in casual games.

Matthew Jarvis
Lodge Member
Matthew Jarvis
2 years ago

The happiness I feel seeing Maelstrom back!!! It’s MAELSTROM BAAABBBYYY!

sean dollard
Lifetime Member
sean dollard
2 years ago

I am so happy for you both! I can’t wait to try out the cards

Owen Popplewell
2 years ago

Man have I missed these types of games woooooo

Lodge Member
2 years ago

Man I love Maelstrom. Feels like a cleaner version of the game and adds a bit more balance. Not a huge fan of secondaries to be honest. Rock on dudes

Wael Riad
Lodge Member
2 years ago

Can we get an extensive video on how tempest missions work?

Update, I should have waited for 5 minutes, thanks for answering me so fast, you are the best 👌 👍


Jonathan Haynes
Lodge Member
Jonathan Haynes
2 years ago

I really don’t like these but you guys have so much fun.

Lodge Member
2 years ago

The energy from the intro alone has me PUMPED

Brett Pettitt
Lodge Member
2 years ago

Maelstrom was always my favourite way to play as it levelled out the playing field a bit. Hopefully this does the same and if it does a nice even balance between this and competitive would work well. Shows everyone how flexible this game can be if you play it the way you love (yes even with your own house rules.)