Chaos Daemons vs Grey Knights | Warhammer 40,0000 Battle Report

A Daemonic incursion has infested the lands, but the Grey Knights seek to rip out the corruption root and stem as Beard and Spider do battle!
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Not sure i understood this right, can’t any unit deep strike on turn 1? I believe that first to the fray allows him and his unit t deep strike turns 1, 2 or 3 regardless of mission special rules. Or have I misunderstood something?
What happened to the rolling eye terrain?
Titchmarsh!! I can’t believe that stuck 😀
Very fun game
What a fun game! Thanks for the laughters!
I think we can all agree Spider doesn’t make his invulnerable saves because he doesn’t yell, “TITAN SAVE!” every time
Spider/Beard, after this game what would you think would be a more competitive list for Daemons to upgrade this list?
Wow Beard rolls dice exactly the same way each time, I thought the clip was on repeat! I’m going to start doing that arm flick back when rolling my nurgle saves.
Can I have the compilation of beards “demon save” audio file please? I need something new for my sleep sounds playlist.
Thanks 🖤
Daemon Titchmarsh is the best. He needs some teammates to build Grandfather Nurgle’s garden “Ground Force” style. Haha
Another great, fun battle report from these two! Loved it!
Absolutely a blast to watch! Such cool character moments in this episode!
Lawrence vs Beard is currently the gold standard on this channel. Love you guys. 🙂
@ 8:00 as a fellow GK player i just cant get behind the Dreadknights at the moment, they are what they are, with their high strength in melee they are an obvious choice to take down enemy vehicles, (Chaplains leading Terminators with +1 to wound is also a great choice!) but with their low toughness they just don’t stand up well against mid-high firepower and fall a bit flat. Right now ive subbed out my 2 Dreadknights and for the same cost run an Imperial Knight Crusader, high toughness, high firepower, packs everything GK’s need right now.
In Turn 2, when the VenDread failed to wound Rotigus with the lascannon, that should have been able to be rerolled due to [Twin-linked]
Belekors turn 1, more like Bele snore💤💤
Well played chaps, I want to see the new champion promoted to Brother-Captain and painted up in a gleaming new suit of Terminator armour.
Question for better GK players than i am: is it that far fetched to play purgation squads with 3 heavy weapons and 2 nemesis weapons to fight for objectives in the late rounds? (6A 3+ D2, instead of 4 nd not 3D6 or 9 instead of 12shots from far away)
I think the Daemons had a really strong showing, the only thing that did them in was going against an anti-daemon army.
An excellent game! Truly inspiring stuff to watch while painting up my own Grey Knights. I swear it made me paint 20% faster. One thing to note is that Brother-Captains offer their unit sustained hits 1 on all psychic attacks, not just melee ones. So psycannons are sustained 1 as well. Likewise, the Brother-Captains re-rolls all wound rolls with their psycannons as well as their force weapons. And since a unit of five paladins can tote around three psycannons, I’ve been tinkering with forgoing the obligatory chaplain in favour of a Brother-Captain to make them a fairly resonable shooting menace… Read more »
I am currently 19 minutes in and I already feel like the daemons 3 FNP against the Grey knights psychic weapons is a big mistake. To think they have better resilience against the Grey knight’s weapons specifically designed to kill daemons vs a conventional bolter seems to directly conflict with the lore.
I can get behind the daemons having resistance to psychic attacks, but GK should be differentiated from that in some way if you ask me. Aside from that I am very interested to see the GK performance and of course good show as always.
Really entertaining battle report – Spider and Beard both on top form today, and Bard as usual barely keeping the giggles under control when behind the camera. I feel like this BR really cemented what I felt while looking through the daemon index – that the army will have to lean heavily on the excellent monsters, as the lesser daemons are just far too expensive and fragile. There is no way a daemonette is worth 14 points, or a bloodletter 16. They also as an army just really struggle into vehicles/monsters, which are clearly shaping up to be very strong… Read more »
Can Spider’s silver soldiers stand strong and smash Beard’s bizarre band of Be’lakor’s boys?
Or will Demons definitely destroy Drago’s daring defenders?
Where is the firm handshake at the start of the game Mr Beard!
I instantly read chaos knights vs grey kinghts and thought: “i didn’t know i needed this much to see how it is done!”
Anyway.. let’s mash those pasty daemons even more !
For the Emperor!
For Titan!!