Ultramarines vs Tyranids | Warhammer 40k Battle Report

Avatar Jinx August 3, 202484  23 84 Likes

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Bolters bark and chitin shatters as the noble scions of Ultramar face off against the hideous spawn of the hive mind! We have a classic match up for you today seeing the mighty Ultramarines commanded by none other than Robute Guilliman himself take on the skittering hordes of the Tyranids. Oaths of moment have be sworn and great beasts lumber towards their prey. But will the Primarch of the 13th lead his sons to glorious victory – or will they be consumed by the great devourer?

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🎵 Music is licensed from their respective Artists at Premium Beat   License key: WOL2WCNAEZRILSO8

📝 Be sure to watch the video for the players’ Army Lists

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Justin Schmidt
Justin Schmidt
1 month ago

Have yet to see Jinx win any so far

Christopher Brown
Christopher Brown
1 month ago

I love watching everything you all do. Another great game. Marines vs. Nids. Classic.

Raphel Stonesypher
Raphel Stonesypher
1 month ago

What and epic battle, really enjoyed it!!

Kyle Roach-Smith
1 month ago

What an epic battle! I enjoyed this one a lot as there were so many character duels. Do you guys own a captain Sicarius model btw? He is quite an iconic ultramarine but I don’t think I’ve seen him on the channel.

Sacha Bolourchi
Sacha Bolourchi
1 month ago

Just want to say how stunning these armies look on the table!

Aussie Warrior
1 month ago

Statistics: Chances of rolling 3 6s in a row is 0.463%.
Sergeant: Never tell me the odds!

Dan O'Gorman
1 month ago

So much zoo/Jurassic Park talk and not one “hold on to ya butts”

Barry Hale
Lodge Member
1 month ago

Bobby G being downed by the Norn Emissary, reminded me of the end of Hook, where the crocodile clock fell on the Captain…

Kim Møller
1 month ago

fun batrep 😀
is it just me or does the Nidz feel a bit weak ?? not so killy ? are they actually a low tier faction in 10th or ?

Matthew Dight
Matthew Dight
1 month ago

God I love Invictors!

Bard is man after my own heart… YEET them up the table, cause chaos, die. As the Emperor intended!

Kyle Yurkiw
Kyle Yurkiw
1 month ago

I don’t think it is fair for Bard, out of all people, to be blaming units for poor rolls (i.e. the Ballistus)

Waltteri Valo
Waltteri Valo
1 month ago

So am I dumb or didn’t you use Ventris’ effect to deep strike anyone?

Chris Clarke
1 month ago

That was a fun game,, but as a Tyranid player I’m salty about how good erdicators are against melee monsters lists. Their only weakness is their limited range, at 95points re-rolling everything if it doesn’t have a invulnerable save it’s dead.

1 month ago

Liking and commenting to avoid chefs ire. Great vid all, as always.

The Reverend
1 month ago

A classic matchup! Call me vanilla, but there’s just something about seeing Ultramarines on the table hits the right spot. For being the poster boys, I rarely see them at our shop. Thanks for the game!

Boris Kazimirchik
1 month ago

very nice battel !! A+

Stuart Hay
Lodge Member
Stuart Hay
1 month ago

Did James use any of the Gladius doctrines?

1 month ago

What a lovely Saturday morning, painting some golden men and watching BR’s 😀

Thomas Azula
Lodge Member
1 month ago

We march for om nom nom!