The Chronicles of Valtor Origins | Chapter 5 | Dungeons & Dragons Cast of Players

With Anrakai and Erevan severely wounded after the battle with the construct, the group are granted little respite as the
many puzzles of the Cahadril Temple lead to an encounter with a mysterious traveller…
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Just subscribed! I was always a casual gamer and having kids has made time difficult for these adventures and 40k… BUT you all have opened up a whole new world for me. I went from a casual gamer to an ENTHUSIAST. Thank you for that. <3
Why does no one ask anrakai what his issue with magic is? I wanna hear the backstory!
Loving the Campaign guys, very curious to see how you resolve Ereban staying with this group when there is a party member seemly eager to kill him, I know any character I have made would leave due to not knowing if you can trust an ally who would attack you in a fight instead of an enemy
Great monologue Sanga! Great job everyone!
Fantastic episode guys, and I must make special comment regarding Chef’s catalogue of characters! All played so believably and with passion 🙂 I found his performance as the Traveller particularly unnerving so bravo there ? Can’t wait for the next episode I saw on the instsgram live feed today! I’m paintingwithwolves 😀 Didn’t mean to insult your rolling skills with my dice tray suggestion :O Was just a thought ?
@ 22:52….. Epic Speech Sanga, great start to this episode, Im pumped up already. Time to finish it !
I like how Joe has had food in his beard for like 2 episodes now XD
Another fantastic episode. That harrowed look on bone’s face while slowly repeating “Galan” sums the whole show up perfectly. Cheers mates!
Fantastic as always gents, immensely looking to the next instalment!
Excellent, excellent stuff 🙂 beats most fantasy audio-books that I’ve been listening to lately :)) Such a pity that series are so short and so far between 😉
Thank you guys for putting so much heart and soul into this. It really is a pleasure to watch. I will second the comment about the music being to loud, other than that, epic stuff as usual. Cheers!
Wow, just wow. Im running out of words and praises here people. You lot are just brilliant, just dont hurt the monkey please. You can hurt Beard instead!
Been waiting for this all week and i wasn’t disappointed really great end to the chapter and each one is a cliff hanger for the next. Absolutely love it 🙂 although I really think Anrakai will kill Erevan before the end of the campaign lol really feel the tension 🙂
great story telling chief
can i request a little thing? sometimes the music is to load and is really hard to hear the chief explain, can you tune it down a little? cheers
The story is building really nicely, enjoying this series a lot!
Not sure of the easiest/best way but would there be a way to have a map of the location pop up on occasion, just thought at one point it could aid in the already outstanding level of immersion, although probably only necessary with multi roomed places like this temple.
Cheers again gents!
Nice, Saturday afternoon sorted with this now.
I’ve been looking forward to this!!
Are you guys going to start doing Necromunda reports?
Yaaaaaaaay!!!! ?