The Chronicles of Valtor Origins | Chapter 7 | Dungeons & Dragons Cast of Players

Avatar Spider January 12, 201830  29 30 Likes

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The party explodes into the glades of the Baywood to take on a vicious group of Ogres! Will they survive
long enough to take the villagers back to their homes in Rading… Will Rading still be a home to take them to?

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9 months ago

Watching this while I wait for the next episode of season 2 to drop. A few gratuitous observations: 1. Chef has gone from strength to strength as DM. His ability to set a scene is really impressive. I feel that these earlier NPCs are actually better than season 2’s – from voice acting to characterisation. 2. Amusing as it is, I think the big violent attack descriptions prior to the dice rolls tend to slow things down. It seems less of a thing in season 2, possibly because it was Bone’s specialty. 3. Some lovely interactions – and Bone sounds… Read more »

Ian Abel
Ian Abel
10 months ago

The d4 isn’t loaded, Chef just has Bard touch the dice! Love your D&D campaign, plays off well against 40k — a different kind of narrative play 😀

Christian Schnieder
Christian Schnieder
7 years ago

xD Bone, when you described what happened to the Ogre, and Chef added the blood fountain to the picture, I thought for a moment you would conclude with ‘and then he explodes!’ I was laughing so hard. But then again, I basically do in every single video that you are in. Brilliant comedy! Just brilliant! Keep it up, I am slowly catching up to the latest episodes.

Jamie Swift Drake
Jamie Swift Drake
7 years ago

Ben B – are you playing a Swashbuckling Rogue?! (The DEX + CHA to initiative gave it away).

How’re you finding the character? I’ve just started playing one (level 1), so haven’t got to any of the cool Swashbuckling features at level 3 yet!

Aaron Berezowski
Aaron Berezowski
7 years ago

great job guys

7 years ago

Loved the new the characters in this, really compelling and interesting. 🙂 Especially the doctor and the captain!

7 years ago

awesome stuff guys, always a highlight for me when I see a new D&D vid out.
Whenever you say “Rading” I hear “Reading” — but Reading is far less interesting

Johan Cervin
Johan Cervin
7 years ago

Great job as always 😀 !

Martin Lindby
Martin Lindby
7 years ago

Epic stuff yet again 🙂 Well done gents. Such a pleasure to watch.

Cameron Bowler
Cameron Bowler
7 years ago

Gotta agree with the consensus here…. these episodes just keep getting better ! Thats saying a lot, since it started great too. i had no idea how D&D worked until these episodes & really enjoy the chef’s brief explanations on the various things that come up. All in all, this adds some great variety to mix in with the Warhammer, much appreciated good sir’s !

Jamie Birse
Jamie Birse
7 years ago

Wait so Chef is the one that didn’t go to drama school? I love everyone’s characters but he does so many so well! I loved the woman in the medicine tent.

Paul Holroyd
Paul Holroyd
7 years ago

This just keeps getting better and better! Episode 8 please!

John Glass
John Glass
7 years ago

Ah, well worth the wait gents, great stuff for a Friday evening. Really like the way that the descriptions of the killing blows are getting more and more vivid and gore filled with each new Chapter: all bodes well for future episodes.

And now on with Chapter 8, happy days indeed.

7 years ago

Love it! Although the fight with ogres did go a little too easy :)))

7 years ago

Another great episode guys. Love the action movie descriptions, as well as the graphic moments of gore. Keep it up!

Chris Frosin ?
7 years ago

Best DnD show I’ve watched/heared. Brilliant 🙂 Keep it up guys!!

Tony Molinari
Tony Molinari
7 years ago

Amazing stuff as usual, my favorite D&D show on the net! Cheers!

7 years ago

Also very much appreciating the Heroquest DM screen ^_^

7 years ago

Loving the Bone channeling Vega from the SF2 anime ^_^

Darren McKernan
7 years ago

Me: Gets irrationally angry when there is not a new video every day.
Also Me: Gets irrationally angry when there are two videos in one day and I can’t watch them both at the same time.

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