Psychic Awakening – Faith & Fury | Warhammer 40,000 Faction Focus
Spider November 20, 201914

We were lucky enough to receive a review copy of the all new Psychic Awakening! Spider, Bone and Chef sit down to talk about this new supplement for Warhammer 40,000.
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Thanks for the review
The noise marine upgrades do work with the new kits, am building an EC army with Slaanesh daemons atm. Big 20 man noise blob with 2 blast masters and sonic blasters. so stoked for this
What is the point of these books if its not going to help other Armies? sorry if that’s blunt but as a space marine player I don’t need more things, I have enough. My Crimson Fists since the main codex and IF codex have so many rules and cool models, others need buffs. PA might have buffs for SM but I am not getting the book as I don’t need more rules ? lets help others out
Long time III Legion player here And yes the finecast sonic weapons fit the new SM bodies.
8th Edition is becoming a bit of a mess. I am quite downhearted with it all to be honest!
Host Raptorial is for jump pack models only, deamon prince will never benefit from +2 to charge
Great analysis. I have to think Chaos and DG/TS are getting new codexes soon. The power disparity between vanilla SM and all chaos factions is so wide at this point that even GW has to see it. I have played 40k since rogue trader and can’t remember the two armies being this far apart in power.
Great review, particular for us infiltrating Waste caste envoys 🙂
Can’t believe Imperial marines got the biggest buff.
Can’t wait to see the sisters in action, roughly when will the battle report be out to view ?
That disembark idea for world eaters would be a dream come true.
Lawrence track down that army! 20 noise marines with +2 move from elixirs advancing up the board with a demon prince, warp time to really get them in the lines, prescience + warp sight plea + veterans means even after advancing they throw out the 60 S5 D2 shots hitting on 2’s rerolling 1’s wounding marines on 2s then cacophony to double tap (i believe sonic weapons are Assault?) . Throw on the slaanesh priest prayer to allow them advance and charge, use the strat for that auto 6 on the charge. Prescience still in play, veterans always an option… Read more »
I’m just gonna go ahead and say it, I dont think they playtest these supplements externally. The quality of them is just that much lower and theres consistently so many missed oppertunities.
Totally unrelated to this video guys, and you may well be aware of it, but just saw a video post from Mini Wargamming where Vimeo hit them with a 1700% price hike as they are using too much bandwidth. Something to be aware of as ye continue to grow
To be a bit of a party pooper; I don’t actually like the World Eater relic that gives em +1 attack within range. Because at that point it’s a bit superfluous imo. You’re already have a bajillion attacks that some more is unlikely to matter. It’s a bit like the old argument of whether Chainaxe+chainsword zerker loadout is better than chainaxe + pistol (I don’t think it is within world eaters; possibly so for things like Alpha Legion Berzerkers though). I do however love Red Butchers though. I don’t like how it’s only once per battle though. I feel the… Read more »
Am I the only one wondering what the actually point of this series is for, apart from just releasing some books to sell?? The first one was massively underwhelming, and the next 2 don’t look much different. Yes, they have some new rules for each army, that should just be in the codexes, feels very bitty……… But from a fluff, narrative perspective, the series is called Psychic Awakening! I just can’t see what the point of this big sprawling narrative is…. I know we are early in the series, but it just seems very unfocused at the moment. Hopefully the… Read more »
Annnnnd the power creep goes on and on, i dont know what i should say about that xD GW can’t write fair rules obv. I miss the time when they made models and then rules for them instead of writing rules to sell things.
I think its a real pity there seems to have been a world wide expectation that chaos would be ‘fixed’ by these books – it was never the aim of these books – they are just giving all armies some cool stuff – chaos et al need a codex to be fixed (if they really need it). Finding the stuff in this book *awesome* (other than the + to hit techmarine thing – though my guess is the meta evolves away from vehicles, so maybe one day wont be too bad lol). Everything else is pretty awesome. Think not enough… Read more »
After watching this i can only agree that chaos must be getting a new codex soon, this is so lack luster in comparison to the marines and even the eldar supplement from not to long ago.
To answer the question about the noise marine upgrade pack, it still works on the new marines. Games Workshop previewed it in a kitbash series around release of the new models. But hey it is still resin and looks so so.
1:09:25 – This is THE solution for World Eaters. Have a bloomin’ word with GW
Six months ago: “Space Marines are in a really bad way. They need a total rewrite!”
I apologies if I have missed something with this as I have not got either imperial fists book or obviously this yet.. Is there anything that specifically states that black templars as a imperial fist successor chapter cant use the imp fist successor chapter rules? Or more specifically anything that prevents them using BOTH that book as well as the new stuff in this book???
A double “budalleon” of shooty Alpha Legion and Choppy Emperor’s Children sounds crispy.
Spider, you might be right about this book needing to be treated as a stop-gap for Chaos SM… but man, Vigilus Ablaze was supposed to be just a stop-gap, also. It’s just odd to me that GW’s taking this kind of release attitude towards Heretic Astartes this past year. To release Vigilus Ablaze (and Chaos Codex “2.0”) with a couple new models, then later that same year release Faith & Fury to include Chaos boost, yet neither of them resolve the issues plaguing CSM armies on the tabletop seems very bizarre. And, to salt the wounds, now I need three… Read more »
when chef mentioned Emperor’s Children having the buff per unit shooting at a target with sonic weapons, it reminded me of constructive sound wave interference patterns! THE SCIENCE CHECKS OUT!!!!! GW IF YOUR LISTENING GET ON THIS!!! also Phoenix termies THANKS
It’s a funny one. As the only loyalist in my gaming group of chaos and a few xenos friends, I’m real happy now… but it does feel strange getting hate from other players now for having a good book. Especially since for the past, what? Two and a half years of 8th edition my base loyalist marines have been shall we say, rather garbage, when Chaos was doing much better at the time. I definitely see some of the disparities (chaos badly needs some points drops and better legion tactics for one), and if you look at high level play… Read more »
The SM players at my local have become the sad kid sitting on the swing by himself because nobody else on the playground will play with him anymore. He’s a really nice kid, but his mommy and daddy buy him all the cool toys so the other kids are jealous and pretend he doesn’t exist 🙂
Could we see players running squads of Incursor Black Templars? for the same points as 10 Crusaders, you can get 7 Incursors. Crusaders do get 31 attacks on the charge and the Incursors would only get 22, but they get a DTTFE, so possibly another 4 on average bumping them up to 26 attacks on the charge, double wounds, Concealed Positions for getting into combat quicker, and they have those tasty Occulus Carbines as well… very interesting!
Really need a Chef Hot Take of this.
Enjoying the review! Just a note: I don’t think you can have Ferrios and another Master of the Forge, cause I believe he already holds the title… though I might be wrong on that.
Watching Chef’s reaction, as I’m sitting here cackling since my Iron Hands gonna get a 45 point aura for +1 to hit, was priceless. It basically confirms my earlier thought, either play space marines, don’t go to tournaments, or get used to losing.
I have an Emperor’s Children Army. I have a 10 man Combi Plasma Terminator Bomb. Now when I deepstrike them and shoot twice with a Sorcerer who is putting prescience and a 5+ feel no pain on them I can also make them Toughness 5 with Drugs and practically guarantee a charge with Honour the Prince…
My Thunderhammer JumpLord can also now have a 12″ range super Doomsiren…. so he just became Eidolon :O
I’m so f$%^ing Happy 😀
I have been struggling to make a good Black Templar CQ list and I think there are some synergies there with the new rules. Would be great to see either a batrep or a tactica with them.
With the amount of rules and content they have granted the regular space marines, they are setting the bar awfully high for the non-codex chapters, such as GK, SW, DA, BA… I would expect thick supplements/redone codices in order to grant the benefits to non-codex chapters that rival what codex space marine chapters have gotten. unfortunately for SW and BA, as they are assault based armies, their greatest chance is for a redesign of the game, as 8th edition is dominated by gunline armies now and that’ll likely never change. and even getting into combat now is extremely difficult considering… Read more »
Here’s to voting that Bone starts Night Lords instead of another Death Guard army 😀 Slaneesh armies are something I have NEVER seen, either in 40k or Fantasy.
Also, REALLY can’t wait for the Sisters battle rep! I was fortunate enough to get one of the army boxes, and currently building a cathedral building for them to defend (Serious question to everyone who want’s to help – is a 20″ by 15″ building piece too big for a 40K game?)!
I got this ugly feeling GK will be getting a similar treatment. New Stratagems, new warlord traits and maybe a new psychic power or two and then that’s it.
Real shame, these supplements are just hold overs until a new codex comes around which is frustrating when at a *low* level trying to compete with friends or enjoy not super competitive games. Competitive well… we know the gaps grow bigger.
Unless it changed from the community article GW put out then u cant have 2 masters of the forge from the same chapter. So no taking Feirros and an upgraded techmarine.
I would be more than happy to listen to chef go off on one about this book for 2-3 hours. I mean who wasn’t waiting for their SM apothecary to get new rules buff!?!
Little bit disappointed with The Black Templar rules, I think that they and the Imperial Fists need some love.