Black Legion vs Farsight Enclaves 1500pts | Warhammer 40,000 8th Ed Battle Report

Avatar Spider June 20, 202017  52 17 Likes

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Spider takes the helm of the Black Legion, whilst Bone heads up the T’au Empire!

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The Army Lists are: 

Black Legion

++ Battalion Detachment ++

Legion: Black Legion

+ HQ +

Lord Discordant on Helstalker: Autocannon
Helstalker: Techno-virus Injector

Master of Possession: Powers- Cursed Earth, Force stave, Infernal Power

+ Troops +

6x Chaos Space Marines
Aspiring Champion: Boltgun. Bolt Pistol
4x Marines: Boltgun. Bolt Pistol
Marine: Plasma Gun

6x Chaos Space Marines
Aspiring Champion: Boltgun. Bolt Pistol
4x Marines: Boltgun. Bolt Pistol
Marine: Plasma Gun

6x Chaos Space Marines
Aspiring Champion: Boltgun. Bolt Pistol
4x Marines: Boltgun. Bolt Pistol
Marine: Plasma Gun

+ Elites +

6x Chaos Terminators
Chaos Terminator Champion: Chainfist, Combi-bolter
Terminator: Chainfist, Combi-bolter
2x Terminator: Power Sword, Combi-bolter
2x Terminator: Power Axe, Combi-bolter

+ Heavy Support +

Havocs: Mark of Slaanesh
Aspiring Champion: Chainsword, Bolt Pistol
4x Havoc: Lascannon

+ Dedicated Transport +

Chaos Rhino: Combi-bolter

++ Spearhead Detachment ++

Legion: Black Legion

+ HQ +

Chaos Lord: Warlord- Black-clad Brute, Relic- Ghorisvex’s Teeth, Chainsword, Jump Pack, Mark of Khorne

Sorcerer with Jump Pack: Force Sword, Bolt Pistol, Powers- Prescience, Warptime

+ Heavy Support +

Forgefiend: 2x Hades Autocannons, Daemon Jaws

Forgefiend: 2x Hades Autocannons, Daemon Jaws

Forgefiend: 2x Hades Autocannons, Daemon Jaws

++ Total: 1,499pts ++

T’au Empire

++ Battalion Detachment ++

Sept Tenet: Farsight Enclaves

+ HQ +

Commander in XV85 Enforcer Battlesuit: Warlord- Through Unity Devastation, 3x Cyclic Ion Blaster, Advanced Targeting System

Commander in XV85 Enforcer Battlesuit: 3x Cyclic Ion Blaster, Advanced Targeting System

Cadre Fireblade: Markerlight, Puretide Engram Neurochip

+ Troops +

7x Strike Team
Fire Warrior Shas’ui: Pulse Rifle
6x Fire Warrior: Pulse Rifle

6x Strike Team
Fire Warrior Shas’ui: Pulse Rifle
5x Fire Warrior: Pulse Rifle

6x Strike Team
Fire Warrior Shas’ui: Pulse Rifle
5x Fire Warrior: Pulse Rifle

+ Fast Attack +

6x MV7 Marker Drone

6x MV7 Marker Drone

++ Vanguard Detachment ++

Sept Tenet: Farsight Enclaves

+ HQ +

Commander in XV85 Enforcer Battlesuit: 3x Missile Pod, Drone Controller

+ Elites +

Firesight Marksman

Firesight Marksman

Firesight Marksman

6x XV8 Crisis Battlesuits: Prototype Weapon Systems- Gatling Burst Cannon, Veteran Cadre
Crisis Shas’vre: 2x Gatling Burst Cannon, Advanced Targeting System
Crisis Shas’ui: 2x Gatling Burst Cannon, Advanced Targeting System, XV8-02 Crisis Iridium Battlesuit
4x Crisis Shas’vre: 2x Gatling Burst Cannon, Advanced Targeting System
6x MV4 Shield Drone

++ Air Wing Detachment ++

Sept Tenet: Farsight Enclaves

+ Flyer +

AX39 Sun Shark Bomber: Missile Pod, Markerlight, 2x Seeker Missile
2x MV17 Interceptor Drone

AX39 Sun Shark Bomber: Missile Pod, Markerlight, 2x Seeker Missile
2x MV17 Interceptor Drone

AX39 Sun Shark Bomber: Missile Pod, Markerlight, 2x Seeker Missile
2x MV17 Interceptor Drone

++ Total: 1,498pts ++

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Jeffrey Isaak
Jeffrey Isaak
3 years ago

Love tau

Brett Strickland
Brett Strickland
4 years ago

Hey guys, Can you link where you got the crashed cruiser? I thought I found the people that make it and may have given them money already and would feel so much better about it if was the same people you got yours from. Also love you guys. I really appreciate the amount and level of content you put out. It is difficult to find someone to play one game a month here so I again really appreciate the two of you playing back to back games for us.

Lodge Warrior Member
4 years ago

As my friend Justin Wilson will declare: More Black Legion games!

Jonathan Ramshart Kahlke
Jonathan Ramshart Kahlke
4 years ago

The first Twilight movie came out in 2008, Bone. You were in your mid-twenties – hardly a young teen. (Edit: didn’t see the Grotty comment :/)
Thanks for the good work, and please make Myconoid, ie. a plant, character for the next Cast of Players iteration.

Last edited 4 years ago by Jonathan
4 years ago

Great game gentlemen, and great to see Farsight get another good run out, really intersting to see them in action! Buttttt… that felt like it was won/lost in the listbuilding!

Alex Andersson
Lodge Member
Alex Andersson
4 years ago

Great batrep guys, keep up the grand work! <3

Dylan Keller
Lodge Member
4 years ago

O its a short battle report bone must have stayed on topic during the lists

Lodge Member
4 years ago

Speaking of good horror films, have you seen Underwater?!? Spider – I think you especially would enjoy it! Awesome Lovecraftian-horror movie ?

Lodge Member
4 years ago

While Bone did try to make it balanced, it was not. T’au commanders are still insane and CSM are just a rubbish parody of their Imperial counterpart.

Lodge Member
4 years ago

Just imagine Event Horizon is indeed set in 40k setting…What if they took a trip to the warp without Gellar fields… Considering time is non-linear in the warp they got pretty lucky to not encounter some CSM who would have taken an extreme interest in pre-emperor Terra…

Last edited 4 years ago by Viktor
Lodge Warrior Member
4 years ago

Stop it Bone! You’re making me want Crisis suits… Many many Crisis suits ?

Great game guys ?

Lodge Member
4 years ago

Nice game lads. Thanks.

Mark Orosz
4 years ago

Congratulations Bone you had a really good game there. I am glad you are playing the mobile Tau. Your marker light support seemed really good.Those marker drones were really able to stick around for a long time until they decided to get in front of the commanders. Love the Tau lists you are making! The only interesting note was that Lawrence was, very cleverly, able to move slightly out of the path of the bombers. I wonder if there was a way to set up the danger bombing zones in such a way as to punish Lawrence for moving out… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Mark Orosz
Andy Sampsonmunday
Andy Sampsonmunday
4 years ago

libera te tutemet! Also heard before Barbatos makes an entrance.

4 years ago

I honestly dont really get smoldering either, more like sultry.

Laura Forbes
Laura Forbes
4 years ago

B-Bone, you did a great job remembering all the things! <3 And such smolder!

Ben H
Lifetime Member
Ben H
4 years ago

Really enjoy these reports and it’s so nice seeing T’au back on the table. A question for Mr Bone(if he can answer) – with the changes to CP and detachments, can I take an all battlesuit/vehicle (well, and drones) army now without completely shafting myself? I’ve wanted to run a list around a Stormsurge for ages and need an excuse to buy the model (and the aftermarket 3d printed arms).

Last edited 4 years ago by Ben H
Tilmann Quast
Tilmann Quast
4 years ago

Great game! Thank you very much! 🙂

Jakob Sundelin
Jakob Sundelin
4 years ago

I just wanted to say that I log on here almost every day in hopes to find another battlereport. I’m so greatful for your hard work. Especially during these times.
Thank you! ♥

4 years ago

Bone: Interview With A Vampire?

Ralle Reloaded
4 years ago

Ooh you guys are just killing me with those little chats…..There’s literally (is that spelled corrrectly? Looks so wrong…) no better way for me to start the day then sitting in front of my computer, having a little breakfast, big mug of coffee and watch your bat reps….Perfection, I say!! Very very cool bat rep aswell, but really I didn’t expect anything else 😉
Edit: I really do miss the rest of the team, though! Hopefully that crap is over the very next day!! 🙁

Last edited 4 years ago by Ralle Reloaded
Lodge Member
4 years ago

Great bat rep! Can’t wait for some War of Spider Deathguard games! ?

Andrew Johnson
Lodge Member
4 years ago

B-Bone Soldering… I was instantly transported Jumanji and Dwayne Johnson’s smolder. Very comparable!
You guys have me rolling!

Paul Morcant
Paul Morcant
4 years ago

Reaallly nice Batrep so far! I love the work those planes do!
I am at the sequence where barbatos charges the crisis bomb, question:
don’t you have the reroll 1 to wound/to hit due to being farsight?

4 years ago

They said it was war and destruction, but I was tricked, it was all bout the Greater Good. Which was fine.

Ben Price
4 years ago

Great to see a Tau win! Keep up the good work guys, as always very much appreciating the work you’re putting in. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for well deserved break for you both soon.

Col Tyborc
4 years ago

Any plans for playing The Eight? I would really love to see them in batrep.

Cara Newby
Cara Newby
4 years ago

awesome game as always guys, really fun and for once I think bones luck turned supporting his tactics well for once! well done Bone. Commiserations Lawrence, was a fun game. Also for 9th edition I am going to be starting a pure Coven based Drukhari army would love to hear your thoughts or suggestions Lawrence 🙂 if you have time.

4 years ago

Props for “Death to the False Empire”. Nice.

Lodge Member
4 years ago

Where do you get the space ship scenery guys? Seen it on another channel as well (think it was MWG).
Great game once again guys, would have gone mad by now during lockdown with out you two gooses…
Stay cool guys!
EDIT: Also, great to see Spider finally get “Boned”!

Last edited 4 years ago by Mozno1
David Gwynn
Lodge Member
David Gwynn
4 years ago

Me and my brother got caught out in the twilight trap, we wondered why there were so many teenage girls in the cinema. Genuinely thought it would be like Blade

Adrian Stray
Adrian Stray
4 years ago

Just wanted to point out that when Bone resolves his overwatch with his commanders he forgot about the farsight sept’s new ability. The chargers are within 12″ so he effectively had one markerlight on them.

david tipton
david tipton
4 years ago

definitly get where bone is coming from with this style of tau army rather then the riptides.This version of tau is way better yeah get the second crisis suit bomb be even better then

Lodge Member
4 years ago

just wondered if you guys could do a death guard vs tau? they recently clashed in the lore, might be cool.

Gerald Cloud
4 years ago

Great bat rep dudes!

Tinfoil hat on* Are you guys playing with the 9th edition battlefield size already? Eyeballing it with some of the overhead shots based off of the width of one of the admec terrain pieces, it looks as if the board is only 5 feet wide. Also the crashed ship looks bigger than normal when on the board.

Kevin Likins
Lodge Member
4 years ago

Bone, when your crisis suits were overwatching, in Lawrence’s turn 2, they still had the experimental weapon that means sixes become 2 hits. I’m pretty sure that still applies in overwatch which means those terminators would have had twice as many hits on them. Also, farsight enclaves re-roll ones to wound against enemies within 6. You forgot that a bunch of times against the disco lord and other units that were within 6 of your crisis suits.

Brian Ellis
Brian Ellis
4 years ago

If you want to see Bone look brooding, just roll a handful of FNPs where if you pass 3 of them, your alpha unit will survive with 1 wound.

Nathan Whitchurch
Lifetime Member
4 years ago

I went and watched the first one myself as well on a date. Not a good film for many reasons. Also it came out in 2008 just as a heads up. Also Lost Boys was amazing. Was the first movie I got to watch alone in the theater, though my father had to buy the ticket for me as I wasn’t old enough. Event Horizon was fantastic. It is first contact with the warp by it. Chronicle was one that I also really enjoyed, and while not super successful, is a really solid film. It was the big breakout… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Nathan Whitchurch
Skyler Sugimoto
Lodge Member
Skyler Sugimoto
4 years ago

My buddies and I just introduced our friend to Event Horizon the other night, always a classic. The screenwriter, Philip Eisner, has actually acknowledged that the 40K universe was a big inspiration for the plot of Event Horizon!
Great game by the way, I always enjoy seeing Bone get to use his Tau especially in non-castle lists. Thanks for churning out the entertainment!

4 years ago

Where do T’au get their weaponry?
They go down Tau-n

Warsmith Magoo
Warsmith Magoo
4 years ago

You guys should really do a podcast about films and educate Beard on the greatness of movies!

4 years ago

Any idea when the WotS Death Guard game will drop? The new stuff is pretty spicy!

Parker Nelson
Parker Nelson
4 years ago

Great game! Just wanted to take a moment to say thank you for your hard work and perseverance during these emotionally turbulent times. As a person who has lost a couple loved ones over these past months due to this damm virus, seeing genuine friendship between everyone helps bring some enjoyment back into life. Really quite therapeutic. Your consistency for achieving higher quality content is quite staggering tbh and the long hours of investment shines through your beautifully produced product. Having you cool peanuts in the community, is in my opinion, a part of what makes 40k so special. Apologies… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Parker Nelson
4 years ago

Come for the 40K, stay for the discussion of great films. Event Horizon is a classic, agree that it could easily be describing the warp. Chronicle is great too, Dane Dehaan also went on to be in a few other hollywood films, he was Harry Osborne in the Amazing Spiderman films and he was in the recent adaptation of Valerian (which wasn’t great, but he was pretty good in)

Lodge Member
4 years ago

Ah, the smiles are back on the lads faces!!

Lodge Member
4 years ago

So… if twilight was a romance film with vampires, but not a Vampire film. Was Die Hard an action film set at Christmas and not a Christmas film? Bone? Care to weigh in?

Matt Barsby
Matt Barsby
4 years ago

Awesome! Saturday morning viewing sorted! Any chance of a war of the spider batrep at some point? Custodes vs Death Guard? Keep up the good work my dudes.

Last edited 4 years ago by Matt Barsby