Adepta Sororitas vs Black Legion 2000pts | Warhammer 40,000 9th Ed Battle Report

Is Chef pure enough to lead the Sisters to glory in his first outing with them, or will Chaos give Beard the strength to take the Black Legion to victory?!
0:00 Start of Show
3:22 Adepta Sororitas List
16:46 Black Legion List
28:08 Start of Game
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The Army Lists are:
Adepta Sororitas
++ Battalion Detachment ++
Order Conviction: Order: Bloody Rose
+ No Force Org Slot +
Ephrael Stern and Kyganil of the Bloody Tears
Repentia Superior
+ HQ +
Canoness: Warlord- Beacon of Faith, Relic- Mantle of Ophelia, Chainsword, Condemnor Boltgun
Canoness: Open the Reliquaries- Beneficence, Heroine in the Making- Blazing Ire, Brazier of Holy Fire, Condemnor Boltgun
Canoness: Open the Reliquaries- Litanies of Faith, Power Sword, Plasma Pistol, Rod of Office
+ Troops +
10x Battle Sister Squad
Sister Superior: Chainsword, Boltgun, Bolt Pistol
Battle Sister: Boltgun, Simulacrum Imperialis
Battle Sister: Heavy Bolter, Bolt Pistol
7x Battle Sister: Boltgun, Bolt Pistol
10x Battle Sister Squad
Sister Superior: Chainsword, Boltgun, Bolt Pistol
Battle Sister: Boltgun, Simulacrum Imperialis
Battle Sister: Multi Melta, Bolt Pistol
7x Battle Sister: Boltgun, Bolt Pistol
10x Battle Sister Squad
Sister Superior: Chainsword, Boltgun, Bolt Pistol
Battle Sister: Boltgun, Simulacrum Imperialis
Battle Sister: Multi Melta, Bolt Pistol
Battle Sister: Flamer, Bolt Pistol
6x Battle Sister: Boltgun, Bolt Pistol
+ Elites +
Imagifier: Open the Relicquaries- Book of St. Lucius, Venerated Saint- Tale of the Stoic and Tale of the Warrior
5x Sisters Repentia
5x Sisters Repentia
+ Fast Attack +
5x Seraphim Squad
Seraphim Superior: Power Sword, Plasma Pistol
4x Seraphim: 2x Bolt Pistols
+ Heavy Support +
Exorcist: Exorcist Missile Launcher, Heavy Bolter, Hunter-killer Missile
Exorcist: Exorcist Missile Launcher, Heavy Bolter, Hunter-killer Missile
Retributor Squad: 2x Armourium Cherub
Retributor Superior: Chainsword, Boltgun, Bolt Pistol
4x Retributor: Multi-melta
+ Dedicated Transport +
Immolator: Immolation Flamer, Heavy Bolter, Hunter-killer Missile
Immolator: Immolation Flamer, Heavy Bolter
Immolator: Immolation Flamer, Heavy Bolter
++ Total: 2,000pts ++
Black Legion
++ Battalion Detachment ++
+ HQ +
Abaddon the Despoiler: Warlord- First Amongst Traitors
Haarken Worldclaimer
Lord Discordant on Helstalker: Baleflamer, Techno-virus Injector
+ Troops +
5x Chaos Space Marines
Aspiring Champion: Boltgun, Bolt Pistol
4x Chaos Marines: Boltgun, Bolt Pistol
10x Chaos Space Marines
Aspiring Champion: Boltgun, Bolt Pistol
7x Chaos Marines: Boltgun, Bolt Pistol
2x Chaos Marines: Plasma Gun, Bolt Pistol
10x Chaos Space Marines
Aspiring Champion: Boltgun, Bolt Pistol
7x Chaos Marines: Boltgun, Bolt Pistol
2x Chaos Marines: Plasma Gun, Bolt Pistol
+ Fast Attack +
9x Raptors
Raptor Champion: Power Fist, Bolt Pistol
6x Raptor: Chainsword, Bolt Pistol
2x Raptor: Meltagun
+ Heavy Support +
Havocs: Mark of Slaanesh
Aspiring Champion: Chainsword
4x Havocs: Lascannon
Havocs: Mark of Slaanesh
Aspiring Champion: Chainsword, Flamer
4x Havocs: Autocannon
Hellforged Leviathan Dreadnought: Hellforged Siege Drill, Butcher Cannon Array, 2x Hellflamer, Meltagun
+ Dedicated Transport +
Chaos Rhino: Combi-bolter, Havoc Launcher
Chaos Rhino: Combi-bolter, Havoc Launcher
Chaos Rhino: Combi-bolter, Havoc Launcher
++ Total: 1,996pts ++
Great battle report guys.
The best bit was the double exploding immolators. Perhaps tzeentch ( definitely chef’s god of choice with all the trickery and planning) punishing him for playing the sisters.
Brilliant game, thanks guys 🙂
Really loved the double one ;D sorry Beard!
Really enjoyed the extended post game chat. I appreciate that you don’t always have time but it was really interesting. On occasion it does feel a bit like “That’s the end of the game guys, so long and thanks for all the shoes”
Question: Retributor Superior can take a weapon from the ranged weapon list instead of a boltgun. As the Arden Blade is listed there can the superior take it? second it does say there is a limit to one so can I have multiple? There has to be a restriction somewhere I guess.
Why no Over Watch? I know you have to spend a command point to use them, but there were a couple of instances I thought were crucial to the game, such as the seraphim dropping down around the Havoc marines. It could have made a difference.
Beard, just when you were getting traction they snaffle your ladies (which is not as nice as it sounds). Can’t wait to unleash my ladies. What are your thoughts on running the same army as different orders? Does playing wysiwyg include order uniforms?
You have to laugh at the chain reaction explode…. really funny. Thought Beard was going to wet himself.
You had a chance here to tell the tale of young Abdomen and the passionate ladies… Yet you did not. Disappointing ?
My favorite part was the extensive use of terrain, which is now rightfully in the role of a 3rd player, static but interactive.
Awesome game guys! As a Sisters player, I have some recommendations.
Always put inferno pistols on Serephim. It makes them a legit threat to anything on the board and totally worth the points.
Save your Miracle Dice for your last roll in a series of rolls. Only use MD when it will make a difference. Save 2 MD to guarantee a charge.
For stratagems, one lets you increase a die roll by giving up MD. For 2 CP you can bring a character back.
Excellent game guys, plenty of passion 🙂 and explosions. You did seem to forget the havocs attacking back at the sepharim, the first time they charged, which may have made a difference at the time, if not in the games final result.
I had to pause the video to compose myself after Beard rolled a double one right as he declared he was over charging. Pure gold!
Loved the game and the multi-explosions-madness. I’d love too see it in one of my games (…if possible it should happen to the other player, but I have a bad premonition…). @Chef: I think you handled the sisters quite well, and I always appreciate the effort you put in being precise with the rules. It’s true that Bloody Rose in viable as a stand alone, but I will stick with Valorous Heart with an outrider of flying murderous Roses cause I simply love the resilience of the infantry that way: my girls are though as nails, and they’ll laugh with… Read more »
Couple of things I want to suggest and hope for in the future. I like the recap Chef did here but would it be possible to do like a legit sit-down recap with both players that looks at their POV on what went well and didn’t go well, turning points, thought processes etc. that occurred. It was mostly just Chef and I kind of want to hears Beard’s thoughts. I think Beard missed a bunch of Hateful Assault procs during the game but without counting out attack totals it is hard to know. When is Stig coming back with the… Read more »
Explosion bringing more explosion: that was perfect.
Your combined ability to throw dice off the board is very impressive spider has trained you well.
Is it just me or is the shiny new camera not really beneficial for the overall viewing pleasure. The camera constantly tries to focus on different objects in the foreground and background. Fast pans make the picture very blurry. Maybe it’s just the manner of handling? Either that or I’ll need some new optobionics.
Omg that multi-explosion! This is why I love 9th ed 40k :D.
Can the Marines, traitors and loyalists both, please take a break soon? Its a bit much.
Great Batrep! The only thing that would have made it better would have been nigel bigtoof commanded by the one and only BBone. The most favourite of the the TT cast as voted by the internet.*
*no such vote occurred, but i assume it would vote for bbone if it had occured.
Fantastic game! fwiw I’ve run Ephrael a lot and she is a beast. My most recent game against necrons she chewed through a 20 warrior blob by herself over the course of 2 turns they kept reanimating and then failing morale so narratively speaking she scared them away.
Chef, very good tactics with the sisters but just terrible rolling and a poor choice of secondaries unfortunately. Both the final melta on the Leviathan and the exorcist shot at Abbadon had me at the edge of my seat.