Militarum Tempestus vs Adeptus Custodes 2000pts | Warhammer 40,000 9th Ed Tactical Report

Stig and Spider engage in a training excercise both on the battlefield and off in this alternative Tactica format!
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The Army Lists are:Â
Militarum Tempestus
++ Battalion Detachment ++
Regimental Doctrine: 133rd Lambdan Lions
+ HQ +
Tempestor Prime: Warlord- Leys to the Armoury, Relic : Refractor Field Generator, Tempestus Command Rod
Tempestor Prime: Progeny of Conflict- Grand Strategist, Imperial Commander’s Armoury- The Tactical Auto-Reliquary of Tyberius, Tempestus Command Rod
Primaris Psyker: Power- Psychic Barrier
+ Troops +
10x Militarum Tempestus Scions
Tempestor: Chainsword, Hot-shot Laspistol
5x Scion: Hot-shot Lasgun
4x Scion: Plasma Gun
10x Militarum Tempestus Scions
Tempestor: Chainsword, Hot-shot Laspistol
5x Scion: Hot-shot Lasgun
4x Scion: Plasma Gun
10x Militarum Tempestus Scions
Tempestor: Chainsword, Hot-shot Laspistol
5x Scion: Hot-shot Lasgun
4x Scion: Meltagun
10x Militarum Tempestus Scions
Tempestor: Chainsword, Hot-shot Laspistol
5x Scion: Hot-shot Lasgun
4x Scion: Meltagun
10x Militarum Tempestus Scions
Tempestor: Chainsword, Hot-shot Laspistol
5x Scion: Hot-shot Lasgun
4x Scion: Hot-shot Volley Gun
10x Militarum Tempestus Scions
Tempestor: Chainsword, Hot-shot Laspistol
5x Scion: Hot-shot Lasgun
4x Scion: Hot-shot Volley Gun
+ Elites +
4x Bullgryns
Bullgryn Bone ‘ead: Bullgryn Maul, Brute Shield
3x Bullgryn: Bullgryn Maul, Brute Shield
+ Flyer +
3x Valkyries
3x Valkyrie: 2x Multiple Rocket Pods, Lascannon, 2x Heavy Bolters
+ Dedicated Transport +
Taurox Prime: Taurox Missile Launcher, 2x Autocannons
Taurox Prime: Taurox Missile Launcher, 2x Autocannons
Taurox Prime: Taurox Missile Launcher, 2x Autocannons
++ Total: 1,997pts++
Adeptus Custodes
++ Vanguard Detachment ++
Shield Host: Shadowkeepers
+ HQ +
Captain-General Trajann Valoris: Warlord- Champion of the Imperium
Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike: Relic- Auric Aquilas, Captain-Commander- Unstoppable Destroyer, Ten Thousand Heroes- Superior Creation, Interceptor Lance, Hurricane Bolter, Misericordia
+ Troops +
3x Custodian Guard Squad
3x Custodian: Sentinel Blade, Storm Shield
+ Elites +
5x Allarus Custodians
5x Allarus Custodian: Castellan Axe, Misericordia, Ballistus Grenade Launcher
Contemptor-Achillus Dreadnought: Eternal Penitent, Achillus Dreadspear, 2x Twin Adrathic Destructor
Vexilus Praetor: Castellan Axe, Misericordia, Vexilla Magnifica
+ Fast Attack +
4x Vertus Praetors [20 PL, 392pts]
4x Vertus Praetor: Interceptor Lance, Misericordia, Salvo Launcher
Vertus Praetors [20 PL, 392pts]
4x Vertus Praetor: Hurricane Bolter, Interceptor Lance, Misericordia
++ Total: 1,999pts ++
@Lawrence and team, I personally love this mentorship approach. Learning a bunch!
Can units without FLY keyword charge a Valkyrie in Hover-mode per the jan21 FAQ?
I may or may not have watched this one five times already 😅
i wonder why the Bullgryn are AP 1 in the first round and in the second AP 2 😛
stig should have used the moment shackles to reroll trajans save.
Spider you couldn’t have done your ogryn objective stealing anyhow. the ogyrn closest to his characters would have to pile closer to them, not closer to the dread.
Lawrence, you are not the villain in my eyes, you are the hero. However I am probably the villain in my group of players.
Love the in-depth tactica and explanations; really hope you carry on doing them!

in the last 6 months or so, I’ve really been enjoying table top titans on YouTube. It’s really broadened the warhammer i can enjoy, and i think actually highlighted a standard of play niche that I hadn’t realised I’d love to see on the channel here 🙂
I think the approach taken in this video, absolutely scratches that itch. I love it when you get a chance to play Lawrence. Thanks to you and the team for everything you do! x
I think this one was better than the last, as Lawrence now basicly just told his opponent what not to do, to avoid simple mistakes, instead of like in the last battle telling him what to do and by that basicly playing himself.
I know you can’t do it right now, but the absolute best Tactica is still when Lawrence played an equally good guest. That was Primarch vs Primarch, and Primarch vs a coached Captain can never replace that.
i love those kind of tactica! more please 🙂
This is great. Really enjoying it when you talk through the decision thought process – seems exactly what a tactica should be about!
Really great for players like me who’ve only been playing around a year!
Good work, fellas.
I love the format and the extended coaching!
Great battle. Nice play. Regarding the after game discussion regarding custodes units: i’m with Lawrence. No Jetbikes is no good option and/or very situational. I play Drukhari and one of my biggest issues with Custodes are definitly the jetbikes cause of the “speed vs. speed” thing. You would lose a big amount of movement if you leave them on Terra and losing a lot of pressure on your opponent, too. From my Drukhari point of view: if you leave them totally at home (means not a single unit of ~4+ of them) you give the board control more or less… Read more »
🙂 aw Lawrence is so sweet.
Lawrence you are my hero!!!!!😄
Fantastic, I love the coaching element. I not an experienced player so seeing thr thought process out loud and in-situ really helps me understand.
Also, Mr Laurence: when it comes to reckless dice rolling you do not have a leg to stand on. I am pretty sure some of your dice are lost forever in the warp 🤣
This new Tactica format is gold. Not only is it insanely useful, but no one else is really doing content like this.
Amazing tatica!
I’m starting to think the true villain of table top tactics is that one 14 year old in the youtube comments that is clearly getting under Lawrence’s skin.
Great game.
Lawrence’s coaching is like VAR – there to spot clear and obvious errors. I feel like Lawrence should probably make the referee’s VAR hand signal when pointing them out.
Stig, my advice on your list would be this – Trajan is a force multiplier for a more static/castle part of a list ie calladius tanks, telemons, sagittarum, allarus. As you are going heavy into bikes you’d be better served by taking a second captain on a bike. As it was you were hamstrung first turn holding them all together to LOS the characters. So 400 pts doing naff all. Trajan can’t keep up with them so you’re either not getting the re rolls or you are limiting your mobility. Personally I think you’d be better served dropping a squad… Read more »
Lawrence is a nice boy
Perfect! I made this exact suggestion to the coaching a while back when Bones daemon character (was it Syll’Esske?) was sniped out by bad positioning. It left a sour gotcha taste to the battle report and showed the large difference in player level.
This is much better learning experience and lets us see the best outing of each list. Overall a lot more fun to watch.
Keep up the great work.
I really enjoy this style of Tactica. Still very competitive, but in a collaborative and helpful way. Great stuff!
Love this new Tactica format for sure. I am new to the hobby and love to see the extra tips. I think it would be cool to see it incorporated in the normal batreps too. Keep it up guys! It is obvious to see how much work you all put in!
Love the “intervention” format- keep it up!
As somebody very new to the hobby (I have not yet managed to play a game myself) I like the format in the latest Tactica. I have been watching your videos on YT for most of the year and just started watching on website. I watch these to understand how to play the game better having Lawrence explain the situation is great as it gives me ideas on what I may need think about come game time. I like how you have a place for both narrative and/or not optimal lists as well as a more competitive lists/games. People play… Read more »
Thanks for another great report guys!
I definitely like the format. I feel like it gives the ‘best’ or highest level game possible by not allowing play mistakes to go through.
I think this format of Tactica is Awesome!! I find it much more informative than a true cut-throat tournament style game. If people want those types and I completely understand, call them Tournament Reports and then really have a go at each other, but this style of discussion and coaching is great.
Where’s the download option?
I really like this form of Tactica. I find it quite educational. I don’t always have the most competitive mind when I play, so I find the coaching really helpful.
Mr Spider, you are an excellent player, and you have crazy good luck, but you just don’t have the heart of a villain. Chef on the other hand… 😉
Think it’s that Lawrence is the only good guy and everybody else are the villains!!!!! Mind reverse 🙄😮😯😲😱🤯
I like Lawrence helping. Stig a few things. You need to be very efficient with custodes. Two of the 1 CP strategems used in the first turn weren’t efficient and didn’t offer much at all. Extra attacks and reduce strength, not efficient when those two CPs could have been used for transhuman if the orgyns charged. You were lucky not to lose the whole squad on that charge. There was no benefit to charging the banner into the orgyns, messed up you positioning and you were lucky to keep him alive at a cost. When you did charge him however… Read more »
Just wanted to chime in on the new tactica format. I love when Spider intervenes. I feel like a learn more when it is done this way.
Also, I think it was in an earlier episode when spider came in and helped Bone. When the other cast members play Tacticas I would love to see Spider in the coach role in those games too.
Really enjoy the coaching aspect and seeing what is going through your guys heads when you are making the decisions. Also looking forward to seeing how everyone plays after a couple of months like this to see if the spider has truly worked his words of advice into everyone. Also looking forward to seeing Stig’s Telemon when he comes to channel, maybe a rematch to see if the scions can take down the big boy?
Love the coaching! I’m back in the game after 15 years out and it’s all different! Great to stand on the shoulders of giants.
Really enjoying the active coaching, I think it’s good to highlight questions that I need to think about asking myself when I’m playing the game myself.
Lawrence, have you thought of dropping the taurox and running two units of bullgryns and an extra Valkyrie?
I really like the new coaching tactical format! I also really like stig v spider games these are sweet. I would really enjoy a drukari v ad mech tactical in the future. I like lamden lions but for the mortal would stratagem a fr sr hot shot lasgun is almost as effective as a reroll 1s volley gun once you account for the -1 to hit for moving and its 5 points cheaper.
When was the last time Lawrence lost a game? I honestly can’t remember watching a battle rep with him losing. I think it’s astonishing as the whole team are really decent players.
I personally like the new coaching format a lot as it gives more insight to the game and the interactions between the armies/units.
🙂 Aww didums Lawrence.
I’m all for the coaching as well, using the Vexilla and Bikes for example you had already discussed intent so that could be forgiven to the filming structure as well.
My vote goes for continuing with the advice format, it’ll be good after doing a few more like this to see whether some of the gang have held on to your tips..
Love the coaching. It really helps, me at least, with the finer intricacies of the game
Always in for the coaching aspect in a game 😀
Yes I definitely like this style of tactica. I found it very helpful and it didn’t distract from the actual battle/game. Still found it very entertaining. I just want to say thank you for all the content as a lot of us can’t play at the moment for obvious reasons. It’s the only way I can currently get my ‘hobby fix’. I would love to see a few more Astra Militarum (guard) bat reps using custom regiment traits ( might I suggest disciplined shooters and lords approval) or if still possible orbs vs orks for a good old ‘Crumpin of… Read more »
ah didums Lawrence 🙂
I wonder how different the game would have been having the terminators out turn 1. I feel like with how expensive/resilient they are having more pressure would help. Completely understand keeping them in reserve.