T’au Empire vs Deathwatch | Warhammer 40,000 9th Ed Crusade Report

Whilst regrouping in the forests of Nemus, the T’au come under attack from a clandestine strike force of the Deathwatch, looking to take the head from the Ba’lith war machine – Cold Blade himself…
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The Army Lists are:
T’au of Ba’lith
++ Patrol Detachment 0CP (T’au Empire) [50 PL, 1,027pts] ++
+ HQ +
Cadre Fireblade
Commander in XV86 Coldstar Battlesuit: 4x Fusion blaster, Vectored manoeuvring thrusters, Warlord
+ Troops +
Strike Team 10x Fire Warrior w/ Pulse Rifle: 10x Photon grenades, 10x Pulse rifle Strike Team
10x Fire Warrior w/ Pulse Rifle: 10x Photon grenades, 10x Pulse rifle
+ Elites +
XV8 Crisis Bodyguards Crisis Bodyguard: Advanced targeting system,
2x Missile pod Crisis Bodyguard: Advanced targeting system, 2x Missile pod Crisis Bodyguard: Advanced targeting system, 2x Missile pod 2x MV4 Shield Drone: 2x Shield generator
XV95 Ghostkeel Battlesuit: 2x Fusion blaster, Fusion collider, 2x MV5 Stealth Drone, Shield generator, Velocity tracker
+ Fast Attack +
Pathfinder Team 5x Pathfinder: 5x Markerlight, 5x Photon grenades, 5x Pulse carbine
Pathfinder Team 5x Pathfinder: 5x Markerlight, 5x Photon grenades, 5x Pulse carbine
+ Dedicated Transport +
TY7 Devilfish: Burst cannon 2x MV1 Gun Drone
++ Total: [50 PL, 1,027pts] ++
Strike Force Galatine
+ HQ +
Captain: 1. Vigilance Incarnate, Banebolts of Eryxia, Jump Pack, Relic blade, Storm bolter, Stratagem: Hero of the Chapter
Captain in Terminator Armor: 2. Paragon of their Chapter, Adamantine Mantle, Storm shield, Thunder hammer, Warlord
+ Troops +
Proteus Kill Team
Deathwatch Terminator
Power fist and Storm bolter: Power fist
Deathwatch Terminator w/ Heavy Weapon: Power fist
Cyclone missile launcher and Storm bolter: Cyclone missile launcher
2x Deathwatch Veteran: Deathwatch Boltgun, Storm shield
2x Deathwatch Veteran w/ Heavy Weapon: Infernus Heavy Bolter
Watch Sergeant
eathwatch Boltgun and Power Sword: Power sword
Proteus Kill Team
Deathwatch Terminator
Power fist and Storm bolter: Power fist
Deathwatch Terminator w/ Heavy Weapon: Power fist
Cyclone missile launcher and Storm bolter: Cyclone missile launcher
4x Deathwatch Veteran
Deathwatch Boltgun and Power Sword: Power sword
2 Power Swords
Watch Sergeant
Deathwatch Boltgun and Power Sword: Power sword
+ Elites +
Redemptor Dreadnought: 2x Storm Bolters, Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon, Icarus Rocket Pod, Onslaught Gatling Cannon
Such a great battle! Love watching these Crusade reports. You guys are amazing!
Poor Beard 🙁
You guys should let him use a D20 or something when rolling for battle scars to make it more fair 😛
Another brilliant report! absolutely loving these crusade games!
Amazing fellas! Have some brownie points for being great…….but don’t spend them all at once.
I’m loving these Crusade reports. Battle T’au are the best T’au !!
I love watching these crusade games you guys! It makes me super excited to play our home crusade. Would love to see thoughts on some Word Bearers and Daemon summoning (not optimal but very fluffy fun)
Beard, with Deathwatch you don’t need rites of battle to reroll 1s to hit against Xenos. You get that from being Deathwatch and fighting xenos already.
Give beard new dice, those must be corrupted. Nobody roles three ones like that!
As a Tau player nothing makes me happier than seeing them stomp face but maaan, you gotta feel for Beard with those rolls.
Really enjoy the crusade games, your narrative and voice acting it top notch!
Though this game made me feel really bad for beard. I think he needs a new set of dice after all that.
Loved it! Poor Beard.
Would it be possible every few games for a brief talk on the upgrades you’ve been taking? How you feel it’s been tying into the narrative? Like Chef getting into why he went with an injury for his GSC Magus that he felt fit what happened in game? That was a really cool touch, and half of what makes this channel so great is how into the fluff and narrative you all are.
Thanks for all the hard work you mega bosses!
Ghostkeels are probably one of my absolute favourite miniatures in 40K. Great report guys, very much enjoyed that!
Fantastic stuff! I’m just getting back into my own Deathwatch and this is just the ticket!
For the watch!
Fantastic work chaps 👌
I really enjoy these crusade reports. The games have been very exciting and fun to watch so far. And I don’t know if you taillor the armies to make the games more balanced but I think that you this also a strong feature in these crusade reports. The games are close and some are real nailbiters. Keep going and thank you! Cheers
Erasmus Cain! So tough you have to kill him 3 times!
Fun report! Gotta hand it to Sanga for his great Voice Over’s!
Thank you guys for yet another really entertaining game in this crusade!
I like to think that Erasmus Cain’s hubris clouded his judgment – he felt surprise was wiser… (guess the quote).
I really loved Sanga’s voice over again, and Beard’s voice for Gorm was awesome!
Ufffff! Long time viewer, but first time commentator. I felt really compelled to say that those post-game casualty rolls hurt my heart Beard
However… thank you TT crew for creating amazing narratives and inspiring me to get back into the hobby!! Painted up my first model the other day 🙂
Absolutely loved this report. The Ghostkeel is my favorite model in the whole game and I’m so glad he did work.
The Deathwatch are here! Oh, and now they’re gone.
(Michael Palin voice)
Deathwatch? I’ve watched it, and it was a lot of death.
What size table are you playing on? 44×60? It looks a lot less cramped than incursion size games usually do
All the Tau wanted was a little place for everybody to live their best life and have a good old time.
I’m wondering why freeview videos are uploaded to the app as YouTube videos? Its too bad we can’t download them or play them in the background like with on-demand stuff. I also find the video interrupts randomly and the video quality sometimes drops off. Is there any way to upload Freeview videos to the app the same way as on-demand while still making them available to non subscribers?
This series is fantastic. Definitely your best content so far! (Ghostmaker was pretty great too)
That ghostkeel was a beast. Really like him as an addition. I’d say your one disgraced squad certainly pulled their weight Bone. Maybe enough to remove their disgrace. That anti-markerlight stratagem is super good against Tau.
Loving the narrative battle reports. Tau’va Bone!
Beards terminators have 3+ armour and 1 wound, isnt it crazy how such things could be missed.
Bone was clear no minuses, only 1 failed save and magically 3W termie is dead…
Glad to see another faction added to the Crusade.
Poor Beard. I feel for ya, bud. Better luck next time.
Loving the crusade reports. They are so much fun to watch!
I love these Crusade reports, they’re so so good! But Beard… Beard Beard Beard… you’ve got Xenos Hunters, you reroll 1s to hit in melee. And Black Shields are WS 2+.
That was epic!!! I love the intro to the mission by Mr Edwards and the voice acting of Mr Scandi Viking Beard
Im loving the improvements to the crusade format keep it up
Absolutely love seeing the Deathwatch come out to play. This crusade is turning out to be quite the epic
Erasmus Cain = Cadmus Bain reincarnate!?!?
Good lord, I feel for Beard, his dice really aren’t playing ball!
Great work guys, always looking forward to your notification popping up!
A true treat for a Saturday morning, thanks guys
Love these! Would be great to have an explanation in the round up at the end of what each battle scar/battle trait does for those who aren’t familiar. Just a line underneath the battle scar saying this gives minus 1 to hit or something.
Loves Sanga’s voice overs!
Best way to start into Christmas Holidays! Thanks for this awesome Crusade Report. The immersion is great, with your superb voice acting. I was an the edge of my seat. Keep going the good work on!
Guys I know some of you come from a dramatics background and I just want to compliment you on the voice acting that accompanies your narrative/campaign battle reports. Sanga in particular has a real talent for setting the scene and stirring up the blood before a shot has been fired in anger!
Keep up the great work gents, it is very much appreciated!
Deathwatch Crusade! Oh HELLO! Saturday morning just got interesting! The thing is lads, Fried Bacon, Finding £5 in an old pocket, The cold side of a pillow, The smell of a swimming pool, Clean fresh sheets, Putting socks on out of the dryer, Sandwiches – these are some of life’s miracles and you guys at TTT make my list. God I love this channel. Side note: you’ve pretty much ruined most other channels for me by having such superb quality and bang for your buck. You get it a lot, but here’s another one, Well Done and Thank you for… Read more »
Another Crusade report is the best Saturday morning!