Farewell Mr Bone | Tabletop Tactics Backstage

Avatar The Chef April 21, 2021108  555 108 Likes

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It’s with heavy heart we say goodbye to Bone as he moves on to an all new adventure soon. Him and Spider sit down to give an update around the future.

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Jared Bonter
3 years ago

I’ve been watching all the old Vox casts with you guys building the studio etc. Its really quite sad that BBone is leaving, feel like I am watching old home videos of someone after they are gone

3 years ago

B-bone is one of my absolute favorites and his antics have made me laugh so many times. You will be missed good sir. Best of luck in your future endeavors!

Danni Jensen
Danni Jensen
3 years ago

NO!!!!!! Bone <3 hobe to se you again 🙂 good wind to you from Denmark matty 😀

Rob M
Crew Member
3 years ago

Sad to see you go but good luck with everything in the future!

Lodge Member
3 years ago

Its going to be so weird watching battle reports in 25 years time, 5 years after b-bone decides to come back after getting tired of presenting “insert show title here”.

3 years ago

It’s such a weird feeling. We’ve never met, you don’t even know who I am.. but it still feels like saying farewell to a close friend. Just know that you have touched many lives in this crazy adventure Mr Bone (and the same extends to the full team, but this is Bone’s farewell). You have been an entertainer, a friend and a light in the night during dark times for this random stranger, half the world away from family and friends. This thing you do.. it’s important. Not the games, or list analysis or any one show. This thing, where… Read more »

Jacob Mazer
Jacob Mazer
3 years ago

You know, I put off watching this video because I didn’t want to believe the title was literal. I had almost managed to convince myself you were just doing something silly with an old James Bond movie line. . . then I watched the video. Now. . . I’m not going to give in to despair. I am going to be professional about this, and say, that, Bone, you were always my favorite war-gamer on this show (tied with Beard), and while I am going to miss you terribly, I will always remember the good times, and all the wonderfully… Read more »

Jerome Dechelotte
Jerome Dechelotte
3 years ago

Noooooooooo :(:(:(:(

Thomas Dolinar
Thomas Dolinar
3 years ago

You were the reason for me to start watching Batreps at all, and for many “fights” with my wife! She just finds it kind of hard to sleep with you escalating in Dolby Surround, and who the eff gave that lunatic the chainaxe in the last Kharn game?? Had to sleep on the couch after that, but damn it was worth it! 😀 Though you dont know me, do me some favours: 1. Never, ever go quiet, stay loud and freaky! 2. That idea of a yearly Bone-Special? Consider it at least 😉 3. Grow back that mustache! Best of… Read more »

Emil Pitts
Emil Pitts
3 years ago

Best of luck with your new adventure Bone. Thank you for all the enjoyment you’ve given us over the years. My kids hate when I put ‘boring warhammer’ videos on but they put up with them when your on as ‘bone is silly’. And you are.

3 years ago

Really a shame. I wish you all the best!

3 years ago

I love you guys and hate to see you go Bone. Lawrence, since I joined the channel to make sure you were all taken care of financially.. please use a portion of my membership to purchase Bone a garden.. or at least a new plant for his new home in London. Chef, please make sure Bone eats well. Beard, please call Bone once a month a wish him a good ‘Bedallion’. Sanga, please buy Bone crisps and a beer.
Best of luck to you Bone <3

George Fava
Lodge Warrior Member
3 years ago

Bittersweet indeed.
I’m going to truly miss you Ben. Your personality and the energy you bring to everything you film is going to be sorely missed. I’ve been watching you on this channel for about 3 years and it feels like you really get to know someone that way. The classic Spider/Bone matchup is one I always enjoy. I look forward to seeing what you do next in life and wish you nothing but the best on your journey!

3 years ago

Aw shucks Ben, you’ll be missed loads! Good luck in London!
… Does this mean I’ll be breaking copyright violations by keeping a picture of you crouching in a shrubbery as my profile pick?

Casper Rasmussen
Casper Rasmussen
3 years ago

Fine, go ahead, leave, see if I care…….😭
on a more serious note, good luck with with your future belly rubbing plans

Sonny Govus
Lodge Warrior Member
Sonny Govus
3 years ago

I know I’ve never met you but I feel like I’m losing a mate! I have been watching you guys since early 2017 (after getting back into 40k in a big way) and over that time I got my dream job, brought a house and had a baby. All in Canada away from my native England. You and the gang always made me feel less homesick and feel like I was with my old muckers back home, especially during covid! You have provided so much joy and although I think you are all great Bone you are my favourite. I… Read more »

3 years ago

Wish you all the best Bone! You have put a smile on my face so many times. Godspeed!

3 years ago

Not sure what I can say that hasn’t already been said. So, I will just add another voice to so many others and thank you for sharing your talents, your humor, and superb gamesmanship over these years. You are one of a kind and will be missed! Before you leave, though…will Bane and Celestine get hitched in a narrative game???

Josh Poole
Josh Poole
3 years ago

For what it’s worth Mr. Bone, you’ve brought me a lot of joy and I have genuinely looked forward to the content you have created and what you help create at Tabletop Tactics. Especially in the past year. It has also helped me have a sense of normalcy during my most recent deployment. Always great fun to watch you and the team. Best of luck

cc snags
cc snags
3 years ago

Cheers. Bone is a treasure.
Personal/professional relationships are tricky. It seems you two got it figured out.

3 years ago

🙁 Sad but the best to you Bone!!!

3 years ago

Best of luck Bone! The Khan phase won’t be quite the same without you but wish you all the best.

Lodge Warrior Member
3 years ago

Good luck on your future endeavors B-Bone, you will be missed.

Tom Shaw
Tom Shaw
3 years ago

Just had a chance to watch. Good luck, Bone. Thanks for being part of my introduction to the hobby.

Iain MacLeod
Iain MacLeod
3 years ago

All the best for the future Bone. You have been awesome entertainment and I have much appreciated it. You’ll always have a place in front of a camera entertaining people! Thanks for all the fish…

3 years ago

Ahh, feel like I’m losing a friend :'(

Lodge Member
3 years ago

Bone’s been head hunted by the Garden Gnome community in London.
Everyone knows it’s impossible to compete with those big city garden jobs!

Jokes aside. Bone, you’ve been a great part of the crew, always bringing great entertainment value. May your journey be an amazing one from here on out.

James Johnston
James Johnston
3 years ago

Thanks for all your hard work Bone. I really enjoyed seeing you in battle reports! All the best in for what you have planned next!

Lodge Member
3 years ago

I reckon you guys should give James from Hampshire Hammers a trial run. He really stood out when he came on as a guest a couple of years ago. Great chemistry with you guys. Banter for days.

Thijs Schrijnemakers
3 years ago

Shame, a deep shame, but like Lawrence said, best wishes!

Angus Chalmers
Angus Chalmers
3 years ago

A true born entertainer. You will be deeply missed.

Christopher Jon Ansara
Christopher Jon Ansara
3 years ago

Kinda wish I lived in the UK now instead of Korea >

3 years ago

I too am quite sad too hear of this cesura for the channel. I do hope Bejamin has considered his decision to the point of being sure and true to himself. I also hope this has nothing to do with fatigue. The best wishes from me for all people affected by this

Ghislain Vallieres
Lodge Member
Ghislain Vallieres
3 years ago

Live ur dream! B-Bone

3 years ago

Going to miss the Kharn and random funky madness you brought to the channel. All the best in your future adventures.

Daniel Bromley
3 years ago

I am so sad that your leaving Bone your one of the reasons I joined Tabletope Tactics. But I wish you all the best for your future.

3 years ago

Farewell Bone, you will be missed! All the best for the future and don’t be a stranger!

3 years ago

Mr Bone, with you gone I shall have no choice but to root solely for the spider now. You will be missed bro.

david tipton
david tipton
3 years ago

good luck bone and thanks i remember last year the first bat rep i saw you playing white scars with lawrence and the worldeaters on youtube during the lockdown and what a great atmosphere you guys created it was enchanting so i had to sign up for on demand and never looked back, i would definitly say you helped alot of people during the these difficult times and i would like say thankyou again see ya soon when you come back for a surprise game.The tallarn tyranid game was the funniest game ever good luck

Mark Merfield
3 years ago

Sorry to see you go, we’ll miss your yah yah yah yah flamboyant outbursts. Always makes my day!
And if you are in SE London then I recommend South East London Wargamers (SELWG) as a great friendly club that plays multiple gaming formats!

3 years ago

Thanks a lot Ben! I’ve really enjoyed all the content you have helped make, especially the cast of players. You really have a talent for writing. I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors!

Ezra Bristow-Smith
Ezra Bristow-Smith
3 years ago

Go well you beautiful man, and take a piece of my heart with you.

Robert Penson
Robert Penson
3 years ago

Best of luck Bone, its be a pleasure to watch your slow metamorphosis from plant to beekeeper.

Robert Staniforth
Robert Staniforth
3 years ago

Really sad to hear this but all the best on your future endeavours. I can honestly say that you going more and more insane over the course of the lockdown help me get through it and helped respark my interest in a hobby I had been bullied out of a long time ago. I’m sure you’ll have great success in whatever your plans are👍👍👍

Ben Hagens
Ben Hagens
3 years ago

My first post, only been a subscriber for a few months, but all the best, Ben! I was at a crossroads myself just over four years ago and took a plunge, and whilst where I was at beforehand was great, I’m now doing things and meeting people and seeing places I never thought I would. My advice to anyone – we’re only here once, make the most of everything, and do well by yourself without being selfish.

Now somebody find a Tempormortis and keep him here for a bit longer!

Lodge Warrior Member
3 years ago

I am legit gutted! Gonna miss you so much! Who is going to give me ques for making random songs now?? O.o
Love you loads mate! Have fun and we’ll always welcome you back! *hugz* xxx

3 years ago

Bone, you and the TTT crew are the main reason I got back to the hobby few years ago. I have had so many laughs and overall an incredible time watching you guys. Thank you for great entertainment and Godspeed mate!

Lodge Member
3 years ago

May your bag be ever full of bees good sir. It has been a pleasure watching you and now I look forward to seeing you grow further on your social media pages. 3 HUZZAH’s for the B Bone.

3 years ago

Good luck Mr. Bone. Your bat-reps have been an essential part of my lock-down coping strategy and ****ing funny to boot. You’ll be much missed.

Samuel Green
Samuel Green
3 years ago

Welcome to London!!! If you’re ever in Croydon (it’s affordable, up and coming… haters gonna hate!) there’s a beer waiting for you if you choose to accept it… don’t even have to play 40k!