Astra Militarum vs Genestealer Cults 2000pts | Warhammer 40,000 Battle Report

The Imperial Guard seek to crush the dissident uprising of the Cults, but who will emerge victorious on the Day of Ascension?!
00:00 Intro
01:42 Genestealer Cults List
06:46 Astra Militarum List
09:57 Mission
11:03 Game Start
12:48 Game
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The Army Lists are:
Astra Militarum
Genestealer Cults
++ Hidden from prying eyes like the cults themselves ++
(has nothing to do with both lists being lost in the ether…)
I know I’m late but Master Mechanic works only on ranged and Leman was dead first turn.
Yes guard you teach them GSC what is what Sam xenos get back in your hole lol xD
So happy to see more GSC content
Great game! Heidegger deserves his own spin-off show, or at least his own phase? Even managed a cheeky ref to Zangief too, which is nice!
Couldn’t Nork have tried to absorb the 3 mortal wounds inflicted by the sniper shot (those that killed the astropath)? There’s no restrictions on old bodyguard carving out mortal wounds or requiring an attack to have been made. Mortal wounds are inflicted one at a time, so you roll individually and see. Nork tries to take 2 and the astropath takes one, with both staying alive on one wound
Hey there gents! That was a really fun batrep to watch!! That being said, as a huge Genestealer Cults fan, it’s hard to accept that they won’t be getting a new codex anytime soon 😔 Chef! Please tell me you know what is to come and that is GSC players need only to wait for the next codex to fix the army’s problems!!!
Really good close game, Bone and Chef. That Guard list wouldn’t have worked against almost any other faction in the game, but against the GSC with some good play from Beard they did really well.
Well done Beard.
Great game as always guys!
Super cool batrep. Love the fun with inquisitor Highdagger(?) and Kel along with the other characters. Super fun.
The GSC having some tough luck but some miraculous accidents too is what made this so enjoyable for me.
Love the new edit with the future self appearance. Also great a great game, closer than I thought it would be! Thanks as always guys!
Where can we buy these cool dice trays ?! 🙂
Great duel guys! Is a Cast of Players coming back ?
For Chef’s birthday they should let him play a game as GSC, but he gets unlimited command points because it’s his special day. Phenomenal game gentlemen, thanks for the great work you do entertaining us.
Chef – there seems to be no difference between SD and HD on my phone. Is this to be expected? What resolution is the HD filming at?
Many thanks in advance.
The banter in this episode was hilarious. Usually from something Highdegger was doing.
Really like the pop up talking head explanation at the end. Best way to handle it well done.
Chef, thanks for doing the GSC, I know it can be painful right now. What do you feel is maybe the biggest obstacle the GSC needs to overcome? It feels like GSC does a good job of having units for one thing without competing against another unit that does something the same or better.
It’s always awesome when a game goes the distance and comes down to the wire. There were some real magic moments in there as well; the whole Astropath business for one. Good game fellas.
Chef, to me, seems like he has some pretty arbitrary rules on cocked dice. The dice roll on 1:59:00 vs 20:06 are seemingly identical. No shade, just an observation. Maybe time for some more stringent rules for cocked dice to be put in place?
Always a fun time with the gsc. You’re getting better at remembering the labyrinth of rules layering they have.
You ought to try hive cult fire trucks and laser cars backed up by jackal alphusssss and a primus giving you reroll 1s to wound. 10d6 flamers out of every transport lets you clear those screens and take like 4 wounds off a leman russ.
I appreciate your split fire reasoning at around 1hr3m. I’m not a super experienced player and I find you guys split fire all the time in these batreps and often I’m unsure behind the reason. Stuff like this (and especially the walk throughs in the league reports, which are amazing) helps me as a viewer also get better as a player. Awesome stuff.
“when the student is ready, the master appears.”
Inquisitor Heidegger
Let the magic happen! For the emperor!
Clearly the issue here was that Mediumdegger came along, not Lowdegger
Beard, remember that the bullgryns can throw granades and that you can use the grenadiers stratagem for some nastyness
I really like Sanga’s voice over on the intros, particularly how he can pronounce the word “cumulative”. *cough* Chef *cough*
Guard vs Space hulk blips
I’m still painting my cult, they maybe bad I always have fun…..if I wanted to be a power gamer I’d play dark elder……
El Beardo confirmed?!?
No idea why you are mentioning that to Beard though as he has never met El Beardo.
This was really close, is good to see two of the less successful codices go head to head. I can’t wait for genestealer cult to get a new codex.
While it was chalked up as a win for IG it would have been easy for the cult to do the third scrambler so a moral victory for them.
Who watch watching Starship Troopers then? ☺️🤣
Whoa 2 and half hours of yes please awesome
Nice to see the GSC after so long! It’s a warm up in preparation for the League? I hope they’ll get a good rework in the (future) codex, I always liked their miners theme.
The awesome berets on the Ogryns are sculpted or you found them on some kits I am not awere of?
Thank you for the battle report!
Rockgrinder has an massive 4 barrel flamer on top – 2 shots… G – loGik!
A strong choice
Yessss…. The cult! Been hanging our for one with these guys back on the table. Can’t make wait to watch! Thanks ladz!
Would love to hear an in depth on what you think GSC need in 9th to be competitive in 9th.
You’ve made me very happy- long live the cult!
routing for the genestealer cult, lets goooo!