The Blood Temple: Chapter 19 | Dungeons & Dragons Cast of Players

We’re back to finish the quest! Time stood still within the Blood Temple but now the journey continues, as the heroes seek to finish what they started and chase down the foul sorcerer Horaxis!
⚔️ Joining the adventure late? Start your journey from the beginning! Chapter 1 here!
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LMAO, I just started to watch this series. It is phenomenal! I am so glad I started a week ago. Near the end of Episode 18, Bone said, we will be back very soon.
I do not miss seeing the dice rolls. It seemed like a lot of editing work for a small gain for the audience. Good move.
Yesssss!!! Just rewatched the first half. Production quality keeps getting better and better
So happy you guys are back Yessssssssss! PS dont be mean to Sanga, we are all dorky geeks and his explanations are bloody great!
I love that hakotay who is barely hanging on with 1hp leaps from one cart to the next and just puts a beatdown on the magic man. God I’ve missed this.
Oh wow. When I saw this pop up on the feed I just grinned from ear to ear. You guys just pull it out of the bag every time. Great characters all, wrapped inside Bone’s epic story. Weekend perfection, thanks gents! 🥳🥳
That moment you realize while watching the trailer for a childhood cartoon reboot about a MAN, where HE fights a Skull faced enemy and you realize both The Sangas Cast of Players characters are either a weakling with a dual personality or a barbarian… . 😳😉
I am overjoyed!
O my word you don’t know how much I missed this series, I felt like it was gone for a decade.
So happy its back!
In the absence of Cast of players I have looked for D&D content elsewhere, but nothing I have found creates the vibe and sets the mood such as your fantastic group of bosses. Thanks a plenty.
Awesome stuff guys. Glad to see you all back together!
Yay, its back! Finally some D&D content again! Its been too long.
So good to have this back in my life!
Thank you TT, you absolute bosses! 👊🏼
I wasn’t sure if Patrick Rothfuss or the B-Bone would finish his story first. Can’t wait!
So epic!!!! The plot that Bone has built up is just so well executed and all of your character development is just awesome. Glad this content is back.
It’s been like waiting for George RR Martin to finish those damn books!! 🤣 So happy it’s back, the intro music gets me every time.
I’m so happy to be able to have this play, do some painting and just relax. Good to see you all back together for some DnD guys. Thank you.
Was a banger mates! I missed my mornings watching this series with a cup of coffee. Umbabi spoke! Thank you dudes. As always well done Bone.
Really glad to see this back.
It will be bittersweet when it is over though as I imagine this series will outlive all of Bones remaining game footage.
That was so much fun to watch. So glad to finally see what fate awaits our group of heroes. This has made what has frankly been a monumentally crap couple of weeks much more bearable. Roll on next episode!
I thought we got the conclusion awhile ago, Everyone died “The End” 🤣
Cant Even trust a Dungeon Master anymore, what has this world come to 😁
I’m so happy, haven’t watched yet, that will probably change. But God I am hyped right now!
So nice to see you all together again! It reminded me of the first reharsal with my bandmates after one year apart due to Covid… The energy and enjoyment you showed in this episode was great!
Hello Sanga – you are actually real again. How does it feel?
Good job on painting all those minis too.
Yes yes yes yes!!! Welcome back Cast of Players. Didn’t realise how much I missed this. Hope there is beer/ale in those tankards too.
Praise Bohanah (sp?) !!!
I can finally stop posting in every other upload 🙂
Ohhhh mama! The intro looks amazing, can’t wait to watch after work!
Yes!!!!!!! It has returned!!!!!!
Yay!, you know before watching blood temple, i had no interest in d&d at all. But ive been looking forward to this for ages
Yes!!! Its finally back! Awesome guys thank you!
A. M. A. Z. I. N. G.
Soooo excited to see how this concludes!